01-02 08:38发布于广东
The New Year is full of hope and expectation, and we cordially invite you to join our first Open Day in 2025.
The day of the Open Day will be a normal school day, and you will have the opportunity to enter the campus and experience the international IB learning atmosphere, allowing you to gain a deeper understanding of the unique educational philosophy and teaching methods.
We look forward to welcoming you to our first Open Day in the New Year!
Registration 报名方式
Event Details 活动详情
Date & Time 日期时间
Wednesday 15, January
Participants 参与对象
Prospective children and parents of EY1 to Y5 (2-11 years old)
Schedule 流程
Venue 地点
ISA Tianhe International School South Gate
Highlights 活动亮点
Curriculum Introduction
In the curriculum introduction, we will take you through the unique curriculum of ISA Tianhe, and the programmes on each year level. As an international school, we respect the individuality and diversity of students, and provide a strong inquiry-based curriculum for students.
Communication with Education Expert
On the Open Day, the ISA Tianhe leadership team will introduce our diversified and characteristic curriculum and share their education experience with you.
IB Campus Tour
On the Open Day, you will have a school tour with the school team, listen to presentations, visit the campus designed for curriculum and instruction, and experience the unique IB international school campus and warm atmosphere community.
ISA Tianhe
As the first school of ISA International Education Group, ISA Tianhe International School of Guangzhou (ISA Tianhe) is located in the Zhujiang New Town of Guangzhou, providing IB education for students from early years to primary (2-11 years old). The multi-cultural atmosphere and innovative curriculum system has enrolled children from Consulates, Chambers of Commerce and executives from some of the world’s top 500 companies, enrolling children from over 30 countries.
In 2020, ISA Tianhe School was selected as one of the top ten "2020 New InSight Schools". In 2021, ISA Tianhe School was awarded as one of the “Hurun Education Top 20 International Schools in China”. In 2023 Kinglead China International School Innovative Competitiveness Rankings. In 2024, ISA Tianhe International School has officially become a member of the Council of International Schools (CIS)!
作为爱莎国际教育集团旗下的第一所学校,广州天河爱莎外籍人员子女学校(简称:爱莎天河学校)坐落于广州CBD-珠江新城,为幼儿园及小学阶段(2-11岁)的学生提供优质的IB国际文凭教育。爱莎天河学校创新的课程体系和优越的地理位置吸引了来自超过30个国家的领馆、商会和世界五百强企业高管子女入读,构成了一个多元文化融合的爱莎社区。凭借着厚实的办学实力,学校获得了众多家长及业内媒体、专家及机构的认可。2020年,学校被评为全国十大 “2020新锐国际学校” 之一;2021年,荣获 2021胡润百学·中国外籍人员子女学校20强;2024年爱莎天河学校正式成为国际学校联盟委员会的一员。
School Visiting Protocols 访校准则
ISA Tianhe is a strictly non-smoking school (smoking is also not allowed outside the school gates)
Food is not consumed within the teaching areas.
For safety reasons, visitors cannot carry hot drinks such as tea or coffee in classrooms, corridors or play spaces.
All mobile phones must be turned off or be on silent when in classrooms.
Parking 停车需知
Please note that the north gate is closed, so please enter the Redtory through the south gate (the entrance on Linjiang Dadao). Please park your car in the designated parking areas and walk to ISA Tianhe.
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