1月10日, 2025冬季校运会圆满落幕。广州斐特思学子们在开学日开启了一场“Aim High”的逐梦之旅,终以在运动场上挥洒的汗水为本学期画上一个完美的句号。
On 10th January, the 2025 Sports Day came to a successful conclusion. The FCG students embarked on an "Aim High" dream-chasing journey on the opening day of the term and ultimately drew a perfect ending to this semester with their excellent performance on the sports field.
体育精神 · 薪火相传
Carry Forward the Olympic Spirit
The four Houses, Qilin, Snow Leopard, Phoenix and Bixie marched in with high spirits. Four horses representing the four Houses, participated in the first event of Sports Day - the horse race.
中方总校长郑雷女士和外方总校长Jeroen Gakes先生为运动会致辞,激励同学们在竞技场上享受比赛的每一刻,公平公正,团结协作,拼搏向上。
The Heads of the College, Mr Jeroen Gakes and Ms Julie Zheng, encouraged students to enjoy every moment of the race and maintain a positive mindset to challenge themselves beyond victory and defeat.
With the roar of the propellers, a helicopter made a grand entrance, descending from the sky to cheer on the FCG athletes. Mr Wang, the chairman of the FCG Parents' Committee, passed the torch to the House Captain of the college, and the children lit the sacred flame themselves, passing on the Olympic spirit of "Faster, Higher, Stronger—Together" to every student.
Mr Wang then delivered a speech at the sports meeting, wishing that students could transcend national and ethnic boundaries while participating in sports competitions, and understand the precious spirit of mutual understanding, lasting friendship, unity, and fair competition.
赛场风采 · 成长蜕变
Splendid Moments
Sports Day is like a kaleidoscope, allowing every child to showcase themselves. Here, there was a collision of speed and passion. In the track events, the athletes were like arrows leaving the bowstring, dashing towards the finish line. There was also competition for strength and skill. In the field events, students challenged the limits of their bodies. In the parent-child activities, parents and children stood side by side, sharing family affection and warmth in joy, seamlessly connecting education between home and school.
In the eyes of early years and primary school children, Sports Day is a grand occasion. However, through their participation, they also experience personal growth. Some of them overcome inner fears and bravely stand on the starting line; others learn to cooperate with friends and understand the power of unity.
The senior school students demonstrated a more tenacious and mature side. In the relay race, they faced challenges such as the limits of physical strength, psychological pressure, and team integration. Yet, they never gave up and gained the courage to overcome difficulties.
In team-building games, students deeply realised the importance of teamwork. They encouraged and supported each other, striving for a common goal. These experiences taught them to listen to others' opinions and greatly enhanced their team spirit.
向着阳光 · 未来可期
Grow Towards the Sun
Sports not only enhance an individual's physical fitness but also serve as an important means of cultivating excellent qualities such as tenacity, confidence, and unity. All the qualities developed in competitive sports will become a powerful strength for children to face future challenges. The experiences accumulated at FCG will enable them to grow towards the sun constantly, like sturdy saplings.
