01-15 08:42发布于广东
Based on students’ exam schedules, the winter vacation for 2025 is divided into the following two categories:
1. 参加2025年1月A-Level考试季英国考试局全球统一考试的学生:
Students participating in the January 2025 A-Level global exams organized by the UK Examination Boards:
Vacation period
January 25 to February 15, 2025
From January 21 to January 24, students with exams need to return to school for self-study and participate in the global exams.
The school will set up a pre-exam lounge on the first-floor lecture hall and arrange subject-specific teachers for pre-exam guidance. Students are encouraged to plan their time wisely and prepare actively.
Other Students:
Vacation period
January 25 to February 15, 2025
All students and parents are requested to plan their holiday arrangements accordingly.
Students taking exams must follow the school’s arrangements for revising and preparing for exams.
Return to School Time
住宿生Boarding Students:
Must return to school before 4:00 PM on Sunday, February 16, 2025.
走读生Day Students:
Must arrive at school before 7:40 AM on Monday, February 17, 2025, for the opening ceremony.
To help students have a safe, fulfilling, and enjoyable winter vacation, the following requirements are proposed. We hope parents will cooperate and arrange their children’s holiday life and ensure safety monitoring during the holiday.
安全教育Safety Education:
· 交通安全:教育孩子遵守交通规则,不乘坐无牌无证车辆,不骑摩托车及电动自行车,注意出行安全。
· Traffic Safety: Educate children to follow traffic rules, avoid unlicensed vehicles, and refrain from riding motorcycles or electric bicycles. Ensure travel safety.
· 消防安全:提醒孩子注意用火、用电安全,正确使用电器设备,避免火灾事故发生。
· Fire Safety: Remind children to use fire and electrical appliances safely to prevent fire accidents.
· 网络安全:引导孩子合理使用网络,防止沉迷网络游戏,警惕电信网络诈骗,保护个人信息安全。
· Cyber Safety: Guide children to use the internet responsibly, avoid internet addiction, be alert to telecom scams, and protect personal information.
学习指导Study Guidance:
· 制定学习计划:鼓励孩子根据自身学习情况,制定合理的寒假学习计划,合理安排时间,保证学习的连贯性和有效性.
·Create a Study Plan: Encourage children to make a reasonable holiday study plan based on their learning situation, ensuring continuity and effectiveness.
· 复习巩固知识:督促孩子回顾本学期所学知识,总结难点和易错点进行针对性复习,查漏补缺,为下学期的学习打下坚实基础。
· Review and Consolidate Knowledge: Supervise children in reviewing this semester’s content, summarizing key points, and addressing weak areas for a solid foundation for next semester.
· 拓展阅读与实践:建议孩子利用假期时间,广泛阅读各类书籍,拓宽知识面,同时积极参与社会实践活动,培养综合素质。
· Expand Reading and Practice: Suggest that children read extensively and participate in social activities to develop comprehensive skills.
健康生活Healthy Lifestyle:
· 合理作息:引导孩子保持规律的作息时间,保证充足的睡眠,避免熬夜,保持良好的身体状态。
· Maintain a Regular Routine: Guide children to maintain a regular sleep schedule, avoid staying up late, and stay in good health.
· 健康饮食:注意饮食卫生,均衡营养,多吃蔬菜水果,少吃油腻、辛辣食物,培养健康的饮食习惯。
· Healthy Diet: Promote balanced nutrition, encourage more fruits and vegetables, and less greasy or spicy food for a healthy eating habit.
· 锻炼身体:鼓励孩子每天进行适量的体育锻炼,如跑步、游泳、打球等,增强体质,提高免疫力。
· Physical Exercise: Encourage daily physical activity such as running, swimming, or ball games to enhance fitness and immunity.
· 疾病预防:冬季流感等传染病多发,春节假期,人员流动和聚集性活动增多,请家长与孩子做好传染病预防工作。
· Disease Prevention: Remind parents and children to take preventive measures against flu and other infectious diseases during the holiday season.
Finally, we wish all students a joyful, healthy, safe, and colorful holiday, and a fruitful start to the new semester as they steadily progress towards higher goals!
Wishing all parents a Happy New Year and family happiness!
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