
课程及教学总监Linda Lee:做孩子求知路上的引领者

02-25 08:23发布于广东


新学期伊始,资深课程及教学总监Linda Lee加入FCG大家庭。我们邀请您一起了解这位在国际教育学校拥有超24年教学经验的教育者。

At the beginning of the new semester, Ms Linda Lee has joined FCG as a Director of Curriculum and Instruction. We invite you to learn more about this preeminent educator with over 24 years of teaching experience in international schools.

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Ignite the spark of knowledge for students


In the eyes of the students, Linda is a patient and skillful learning guide. She understands interest is the best teacher for every child: "I introduce new lessons with various stories. For instance, I‘ve used the childhood anecdotes of the mathematician Gauss to lead my students to experience the wonder of summation, thus starting the study of arithmetic progression in a state of curiosity." As for the questions students ask, Linda never directly gives the answers: "I prefer to guide through ingenious questioning, helping students break down the problem, analyze the simplest known conditions, and then discover the connections between the information, guiding them step by step to clarify their thinking and find the solution by themselves."

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Education is supporting and leading


Linda knows the importance of teaching students by their aptitudes as a subject teacher: "Each student has their own unique learning pace and personality traits. What educators need to do is help students find their most suitable growth path." During the teaching process, she assesses and understands students' learning situations from multiple dimensions, such as classroom performance, homework completion, and exam results, and then formulates personalized learning plans for students of different levels.

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For students with strong learning abilities, I will provide more extended learning materials to encourage them to challenge more difficult problems; for students with weaker foundations, it is necessary to start from the basics and give them more tutoring and practice opportunities to consolidate their foundations gradually," 

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As a homeroom teacher, Linda is committed to nurturing her students with gentle care and providing them emotional support. "I pay close attention to whether my students encounter psychological barriers in their studies. Sometimes, a single exam failure can temporarily make them lose confidence in learning. Identifying such situations promptly and having heart-to-heart talks with them is necessary. I will start from their usual efforts and progress, affirm their efforts, and then analyze the reasons for an exam failure together to help them formulate improvement plans. Setbacks are just a part of the learning process. If they persist and master the correct methods, they will surely overcome any difficulties."

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Be a navigator in the field of international education


Linda likes to compare international education to a vast ocean full of endless possibilities and unknowns, and she is a skilled sailor who can flexibly respond to all dynamic changes. "International education policies may change according to educational cooperation, and the continuous development of technology, such as AI and VR, also provide more possibilities for the renewal of teaching methods. As a member of the education management team, I need to adjust the teaching plans and strategies for the entire team promptly following the adjustments of the curriculum and the updates of teaching assessment standards."

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"Just as sailors encounter the cultures, customs and people of various ports, I have been fortunate to gather with outstanding teachers and students from all over the world, sharing diverse cultural backgrounds.“ Linda is looking forward to her new journey at FCG, "I want to more actively absorb the educational advantages of different cultures and integrate them into teaching content and methods, creating a cross-cultural communication and learning environment for FCG students. "

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With a sincere heart for education, Linda will join forces with FCG community to provide students with outstanding education and paint a more brilliant future for FCG.

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