喜报| 我校学生荣获SPBCN国际英文拼词大会全国总决选小初组季军!
Spelling Bee作为一项全球英语类赛事中最的赛事,被誉为英语界的“奥林匹克”竞赛,迄今已有97年的历史。
我们是第一年参加Spelling Bee 的比赛。全国总决选的水平和激烈程度明显地比之前的广州城市赛还要高出许多。在这个情况下,峻亨能拿到小学初级组的全国季军,我们是很满意的!峻亨在比赛中都发挥得不错,最后还有机会晋级到全国Top 20的无组别比赛,跟哥哥姐姐们在众多观众前同台比拼,这些都是十分宝贵的经验。我们也很享受在杭州三天比赛的过程,对于孩子是一种难能可贵的磨练和美好的记忆。我们会继续参赛,继续学习!
Congratulations to ASJ G3 student, Justin for his excellent result in the 7th Season SPBCN National Finals! He is the 2nd Runner-up in the beginner group of SPBCN National Finals.
What is SPBCN?
Spelling Bee is a competition in which contestants are asked to spell a broad selection of words, usually with a varying degree of difficulty. To compete, contestants must memorize the spellings of words as written in dictionaries, and recite them accordingly.
SPBCN (Spelling Bee of China) is a non-profit organization and is China's largest self-motivating language learning competition. It was established to provide platform for Chinese students to harness their English language skills. With partners like NASCC (North America Spelling Champion Challenge) and GCSCC (Global Champions Spelling Competition of China), SPBCN winners have the chance to compete in various international competitions around the globe.
This was our first time participating in the Spelling Bee contest. Comparing to the Guangzhou City Final, the competition at the National Final was much more challenging and intense. At the end, we were ecstatic that Justin was able to win 3rd place nationally in the Primary School Beginner Group! After winning 3rd place in his group, Justin earned the qualification to take part in the Top 20 Open Competition where he had the opportunity to compete with higher-grade students on stage in front of a large audience! We very much enjoyed the 3-day competition event at Hangzhou; it was certainly an excellent and memorable learning experience overall, and we definitely will do the Bee again next year!
(Dad of Justin)
▲Justin was the 2nd Runner-up
Spelling bees provide students who have an interest in language to compete, perform and experience those valuable life lessons on their own terms. The benefits of spelling bees extend beyond language: Since children are required to spell words while on stage, students can develop self-confidence, communication and public speaking skills, and the ability to thrive under pressure.
Language is the carrier of culture. Through the school curriculum and inquiry courses of ASJ, ASJ students will extend their minds and reach out to the other aspects of language, such as literature and history, seeking the beauty and origin of the English language itself, and hopefully extend that passion to other languages as well.
Congratulations again to Justin! May you keep up your efforts and strive for excellence.