
Speak out loud! 华外少年说 | CEP小学二年级英语TED演讲






激情四溢 狂放不羁


新声初露 尽显风采






Student Style


二年级(1)班 陈威穆 Raymond Chan

  • 英皇钢琴5级

  • 剑桥英语KET考试优秀

  • TOEFL Junior Standard Test—Progressing

  • 2023-2024学年第一学期“华外少先队之星”

  • 2023年华外第六届数学计算比赛二等奖

  • 2023年“未来外交官”青少年演讲与思辨外文素养活动,广东省决赛一等奖

  • 2023年“未来外交官”青少年演讲与思辨外文素养活动,全国总决赛铜奖

  • 2023年第二十一届“梦想之星”青少年英语风采展示活动,广东赛区决赛一年级组金奖

  • 2023年第二十二届“梦想之星”青少年英语风采展示活动,广东赛区决赛二年级组金奖

  • 2024年第二十二届“梦想之星”青少年英语风采展示活动,全国总决赛二年级组金奖

  • 第十一届施坦威全国青少年钢琴比赛 暨 第87届施坦威国际青少年钢琴比赛,中国区比赛-广州赛区-业余A1组-三等奖


The Healthy Eating Pyramid is a simple visual guide to the types and proportion of foods that we should eat every day for good health. There are totally four levels of the pyramid.
It is suggested that people should follow this pyramid to take in food on each single day.

Raymond 和大家探讨了均衡饮食对人们的重要性,健康饮食金字塔便是均衡饮食的蓝图。健康饮食金字塔是一个简单的视觉指南,告诉我们为了身体健康,我们每天应该吃的食物的种类和比例。金字塔总共有四层,每层包含了不同种类的食物和建议进食的份量的比例,建议人们按照这个金字塔每天摄入食物,可以更好的利用食物来保健身体健康。

二年级(2)班 李祉萱 Olivia

  • 2022-2023学年 荣获华外 少先队之星

  • 2023年 荣获华外CEP“语言文化节”阅读竞赛活动二等奖

  • 2023年 荣获华外“第六届数学计算比赛”三等奖

  • 2023-2024学年 荣获华外 全面发展之星

  • 2024年 中国舞4级考试获得通过


Here! Cat and Squirrel are climbing a tree. Cat is not feeling well, so he is a bit slow. But he does his best.
This sport meeting is so much fun. The animals are very happy!
From the story, I know that everyone is good at something. We should use our talents and never give up.


二年级(3)班应俊霆 Jestin

  • 2022-2023年 荣获华外:英语之星、全面发展之星

  • 2023-2024年 荣获第六届数学计算比赛一等奖、思维数学解题比赛一等奖、荣获华外 学习之星


Spring is colorful and beautiful, there are flowers everywhere.The birds come back and sing happily. Everything comes back to life again. People would like to go to the village to enjoy the beauty of nature. Spring stands for hope and progress. I love spring!


二年级(4)班 郑蓝淇 Lancy

  • 2018-2022年幼儿园期间多次参与湖南卫视、优酷等平台的综艺节目录制,曾参与的节目有《疯狂的麦咭》《飞行幼乐园》《这就是灌篮》等。

  • 2019年9月参与世界男篮锦标赛-广州赛区担任中国男篮的篮球宝贝。

  • 2022年1月荣获第九届广东省少年儿童声乐器舞蹈大赛舞蹈类学前组一等奖。

  • 2022年1月参加“新时代小主人2022年春节文艺晚会”被评为“优秀演员”。

  • 2022年2月参与幸福中国·2022年广东七彩童年虎跃龙腾少儿迎新晚会荣获“优秀小演员”。

  • 2022年5月:越秀区中小学(幼儿园)健美操、啦啦操锦标赛获幼儿园组轻器械健身操第一名。

  • 2022年“越秀爱正浓 唱响新时代”越秀区合唱比赛一等奖。

  • 2023年黄浦区中小学生游泳比赛女子小学丙组50米蛙泳第6名。

  • 2024年度(第七届)“未来外交官”青少年演讲与思辨外文素养活动广州市一等奖、广东省一等奖,全国总决赛金奖


It is everyone's duty to protect the environment.The earth is our home and we have the duty to take care of it.However, our beloved Earth is under threat. Environmental problems are becoming more and more serious nowadays. Sometimes, when I go for a walk in the nearby park, I see some garbage being randomly thrown on the ground.I immediately pick it up and classify it into the correct litter bins.At that moment, I realize that my little action does contribute to the arduous process.Besides, we sow saplings and plant them into giant trees. Hopefully, they can absorb carbon dioxide and bring more oxygen to the planet.Many a little makes a mickle. Let’s work together and protect our beautiful homeland.


二年级(5)班 陈名扬 Mia

  • 2022~2023学年 荣获华外 全面发展之星

  • 2023~2024学年 荣获华外 学习之星。

  • 2023年度学校运动会获年级组 女子立定跳远 女子 50米 第一名


I'm Chen Mingyang from Class Five, Grade Two.

It' s my pleasure to be here and talk something about protecting our earth . All of us have the same home . It 's the earth . As you know , the earth provides us with everything we need to live . But it' s getting ill because of pollutions, climate change and deforestation.

We need help it through actionimmediately.

We can use less plastic , recycle wastes , walk instead of driving or planting trees .

All the above actions can reduce carbon emissions efficiently .

We can also call our friends and family to take action together . Remember , every little action counts . Let's work together to protect our beautiful blue planet -- the Earth !

Let 's act together to create a better future ! Thank you all !


二年级(6)班 李信霆Jacky

  • 2022~2023学年 荣获华外 全面发展之星

  • 2023~2024学年 荣获华外 学习之星。

  • 2023年度学校运动会获年级组 女子立定跳远 女子 50米 第一名

  • 2023-2024华外同文外国语学校“英语之星”

  • 第十八届ABC全国青少年英语口语展示活动  广东省决选  金奖

  • 第十七届ABC全国青少年英语口语展示活动 广东省决选  银奖


Super magical invisible cloak Hi,everyone!My name is Jacky.I'm in Class 6,Grade 2. Today ,I want to present my super magical invisible cloak,or sneaker or a shirt. Firstly,this invention can help police quickly catch bad guys.The bad guys has made trouble,I want to invent this because there are lots of bad guys doing bad things.Make people‘s lives hard,And bad guys even kidnap people.So,They can make you invisible in danger.This means the bad guys can't see you and won't bother you or kidnap you. Think of some chase of a bad guy,you are very scared and nervous,right?Thieves and robbers are some of the bad guys we know.The police can wear a super magical invisible cloak.And will be invisible.They will quickly and easily catch bad guys running around.Wouldn't that be good?They can also make you invisible when you are in danger.You can walk outside.Now the bad guys can't catch good people.If someone is kidnapped,your family will be heart broken.Now,everyone will feel safe and no one will be sad!There’s one other thing as we can do.If you can wear the invisibility cloak into work.Robbers won't see you.He won't be able to shine.So,you will feel save in your creation. My invention can help is quickly catch bad guy.Everyone will be safer than before.I really want to invent this,because one the television:A lot of bad guys make trouble and hurt people.This makes your family sad,so I want to help a role.Thank you!


二年级(7)班 赵思娅 Siya

  • Honor Award 2022, Future Talent Academy

  • 1st in Spelling Bee Competition 2023, Future Talent Academy.


Siya presents how as the urban environment improves, more and more wild animals are settling in cities.
A series of problemss arose about how humans and wild animals can coexist harmoniously in cities, and Siya gave some suggestions of her own.


二年级8班 吴瑞婷 April

  • 奥赛之星舞蹈比赛,荣获“微笑之星”

  • 班级“英语之星”

华外少年April 说:
Christmas teaches us about giving and caring for others. We give gifts to show love, spend time with family, and help those who need it. It's not just about getting presents, it's about giving and spreading joy.

April 和大家分享了自己的圣诞快乐时光。圣诞节教会我们给予和关心他人。我们给礼物用来表达爱,与家人共度时光,帮助那些需要帮助的人。这不仅仅是关于收到礼物,而是关于给予和传播快乐。


“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”——未来属于那些相信梦想之美的人。









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