







               ---From Annie老师







The outline of the story is the growth of the girl Tara. It tells the story of her growing up in a savage Mormon family in Iowa, and later ran away to receive education and obtain "salvation".

Education means gaining different perspectives and understanding different people, experiences, and histories. Accept education, but do not let your education become arrogant. Education is the expansion of ideas, the deepening of empathy and the broadening of horizons. It should not make your prejudices more stubborn, if people are educated, they should become less certain, not more certain. They should listen more and talk less, be passionate about differences, and love ideas that are different from them.

– Tara Westover

Recommended Reasons:

“Educated” is an enthusiastic book, the heroine’s youth struggle history is a model for us to learn, from her we can see the profound impact of education on human development.


The difficulty of this book is more suitable for eleventh grade students to read, allowing them to increase their English reading while learning the author’s extraordinary courage, uncompromising, not giving up love. In the difficult life journey of exploring the unknown, strive for openness and unlimited possibilities for yourself.

好书荐读No.2:《The House on Mango Street》

                                   --From Annie老师


《芒果街上的小屋》(The House on Mango Street)是美国作家桑德拉·希斯内罗丝(Sandra Cisneros)创作的长篇小说。该书共由44个相对独立的短篇构成,所有故事发生在一条叫芒果街的芝加哥小街上。故事讲述了居住在拉美贫民社区芒果街上的女孩埃斯佩朗莎,生就对他人痛苦的具有同情心和对美的感受力,她用清澈的明眸打量周围的世界,用美丽稚嫩的语言讲述成长、讲述沧桑、讲述生命的美好、讲述年轻的热望和梦想。她梦想着有一所属于她自己的房子,梦想着在写作中追寻自我,获得自由和帮助别人的能力,早日远离贫困,飞出芒果街。



 《The House on Mango Street》


The heroine Esperanza moved from Mexico to Mango Street in the Latin City of Chicago, where she had a new residence, but it was still not her ideal home. She started to make new friends and meet different people living in this community. These people and these things have different degrees of influence on the growth of the little girl, or changed her view of the opposite sex, or strengthened her desire for the future.

Recommended Reasons:

The difficulty of this book is more suitable for 9th and 10th grade students. It is one of the most famous contemporary American growth classics. The language in this book is concise to the extreme, and pure to the extreme. It is also one of the classrooms reading books in schools in the United States, and TOEFL/IELTS test source.

好书荐读No.3:《Cambridge Factual Readers》

                               --From Journey老师


剑桥官方出品的《剑桥英语百科分级阅读》(Cambridge Factual Readers),是一套适合用来提高孩子应试能力的Non-fiction分级读物,其内容、主题,都是和考试挂钩的硬核科普内容,每册读物的设计都能帮孩子高效建立阅读理解做题技巧,而且还配有原声音频、名师编撰的阅读指导,方便孩子把好内容转换成生产力。






3)与学生日常生活相关的创造性内容,例如:What 's the Right Job for You?


5)系统的阅读练习 (阅读前、阅读中、阅读后),检查学生对阅读语境的理解。学生可以利用它们来引导学生整理文章中的关键信息和逻辑。

Reasons for Recommendation:

1.You select one nonfiction short story book that you are interested with following theme topics.

【1) People and Self ; 2)People and Society;  3) People and Nature】

2.You can select the book based on your language proficiency according to European Language Framework (A1-C2).

3.Creative contents related student’s daily life, e.g. What’s the Right Job for You? Head or Hands. Roller Coaster Designer.

4.Focus on the development of English foundational abilities and reading skills following the Theory of Bloom’s Taxonomy to cultivate those skills from cognitive perspective.

5.Reading systematic exercises (pre-reading, during reading and post-reading) to check their understandings on the reading contexts. Students can make good use of them as the guidance to sort out the key information and logics in reading passage.

好书荐读No.4:《Ender's Game》

                --From Katelyn老师


《安德的游戏》(Ender's Game)是美国著名科幻小说作家奥森·斯科特·卡德(Orson Scott Card)发表于1985年的科幻小说作品,该书荣获星云奖及雨果奖,包揽了世界科幻文学的奖项。该书充满了智慧的战略布署,它通过生动的情节对战争、对种族的存亡,对个体与集体命运,对自由与独裁进行了思考。发人深省,毫不晦涩。



《安德的游戏》是一部优秀科幻小说。文章的写作技巧丰富,生动描述了故事中的事件、人物以及他们之间的互动。它用浅显直白的语言精彩地为我们演绎了一个男孩成长为一个真正的男子汉的全部过程,是一部激励青少年的励志小说。语言难度适中,适合9, 10年级的读者。

《Ender's Game》


 The world has been attacked by aliens and humans were so scared, they decided to track down and wipe the aliens out. But they realized adult reflexes were too slow and their decisions weren’t ruthless enough. So they created a battle school to find the smartest, most ruthless and most strategic of kids, and so they found Ender. To train him, they used games simulating battles they were actually having in space and they were amazed at the choices he made. Through video games, they were able to make Ender into a perfect military leader. However, he is made to believe that he is playing computer simulated war games; he is, in fact, engaged in something far more desperate.

Reasons for recommendation:

Ender’s Game is the mark of an excellent sci-fi read. The writing is technically competent: things, events, people, and their interactions are all well visualized. The plot flows relatively well, with changes in perspective being managed and clear. More importantly, the language it use is relatively plain and at a moderate difficulty, which suits Level 2 readers from 9th and 10th grade.

好书荐读No.5:《The Little Prince》

                       --From Sophia老师


《小王子》(The Little Prince)是法国作家安托万·德·圣·埃克苏佩里于1942年写成的著名儿童文学短篇小说。本书的主人公是来自外星球的小王子。书中以一位飞行员的口吻,讲述了小王子从自己星球出发前往地球的过程中,所经历的各种历险。这是一本值得仔细阅读并去体会的净化心灵的书,是一本写给成年人的关于生命与生活,爱与责任的童话。



 《The Little Prince》



"The Little Prince" is a book with a clear mind that is worth reading and experiencing in a lifetime. It is a fairy tale about life and life, love and responsibility for adults.


"The Little Prince" is a famous children's literary short story written by French writer Antoine de Saint-Exupéry in 1942. The protagonist of this book is a little prince from an alien planet. The book uses a pilot as the storyteller, telling the various adventures that the little prince went through when he set off from his own planet to the earth.

Reasons for recommendation:

This book is amazing because it reminds each of us can always maintain our lovely innocence, and discover the truth, kindness and beauty of this world. This is the biggest inspiration from this book. Let’s explore it!


       --From Mr. Ripp老师






《Coraline》 by Neil Gaiman



A young girl has moved into a new house in the outskirts of the city with her loving yet disconnected parents. She is forced to preoccupy herself throughout her summer vacation by roaming the grounds of the property and meeting the other unusual tenants who live there. This is until she finds a doorway to another world just like hers, except her parents are loving and affectionate, and her neighbors are whimsical and fun. However, the other world holds a deep and dark secret for any child who comes upon it and chooses to stay. Will Coraline uncover the mystery before it is too late?

Reasons for recommendation:

This book is recommended for beginners and weaker students and the plot is easy to follow, the characters are dynamic, and the dialogue is more simplistic than most books for teenagers.

好书荐读No.7:《The Hunger Games》

                       --From Mr. Ripp老师


《饥饿游戏》(The Hunger Games)是苏珊·柯林斯创作的科幻青春系列小说,由《饥饿游戏》、《饥饿游戏2:燃烧的女孩》、《饥饿游戏3:嘲笑鸟》组成。该作品讲述了北美洲在一场大战后被摧毁,在美国原来的废墟上,人们建立了新的家园,但新政权规定:管辖下的12个地区每年都必须进攻少年男女,参加一档电视直播节目“饥饿游戏”,凯特尼斯在游戏中生死搏杀的故事。




《The Hunger Games》 

by Susanne Collins



In a dystopian future, The United States of America exists as an authoritarian state with twelve districts controlled by a central operating city. The states are divided into twelve districts, and every year the citizens of each district must sacrifice two of their children as tributes to compete in death arenas for the entertainment of the capital and as punishment for attempting to revolt against the capital seven decades prior. In the first book a young girl by the name of Katniss Everdeen volunteers to compete in the games to protect her ten-year-old sister from being killed. Now she must train, make allies, and garner favor from the capital citizens to win the tournament and return home to her family and friends.

Reasons for recommendation:

The characters, themes, and dialogue are geared towards teens with an intermediate to proficient level of English. The address of materialism, obsession with social media, reality TV, and the values of protecting one’s family, plus the notion of violence and romance cater to a wide range of tastes within our high school reading groups.

好书荐读No.8:《Lord of the Flies》

                    --From Mr. Ripp老师


《蝇王》(Lord of the Flies) 是英国作家、诺贝尔文学奖获得者威廉·戈尔丁的代表作,是一本重要的哲理小说,借小孩的天真来探讨人性的恶这一严肃主题。故事发生于想象中的第三次世界大战,一群六岁至十二岁的儿童在撤退途中因飞机失事被困在一座荒岛上,起先尚能和睦相处,后来由于恶的本性的膨胀起来,便互相残杀,发生悲剧性的结果。作者将抽象的哲理命题具体化,让读者通过阅读引人入胜的故事和激动人心的争斗场面来加以体悟,人物、场景、故事、意象等都深具象征意义。




《Lord of the Flies》


A group of young boys crash land on a deserted island while flying through a storm in the Caribbean. They are prep school children and are taught to be proper, polite, and respectful. This gradually breaks down as they wait to be rescued and slowly break down into a society of wild animals with a lust for blood and murder.

Reasons for recommendation:

It is an excellent analysis of the human condition, and how the worst circumstances truly test what it means to be civilized, and what can lead one to lose their civilization. It is an excellent book to help students practice analysis at the weaker to intermediate levels as the themes are immediately identifiable. I used it for a ninth-grade class which had lower to intermediate English abilities and they were able to follow along quite easily. It’s also one of the required reading texts for US based high schools and would be good for prereading.

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