06-17 08:54发布于广东
How can we empower our children to confidently navigate the transition from secondary to high school?
How can we ensure our children have a remarkable and fulfilling summer break?
2024 ISA Liwan High School Transition Camp
- Details 详情信息 -
Date&Time 时间
Aug 11 - Aug 23
8月11日 - 8月23日
Participants 参加学生
Open for registration to all students
who are entering 9th and 10th grades (International)
Location 地点
ISA Liwan Campus 爱莎荔湾校园
In ISA, we provide students with a micro-society and a holistic international education system. Students' campus life will encompass various aspects such as diverse learning, socializing, hobbies, sports and fitness, as well as daily essentials.
2024 ISA Liwan High School Transition Camp
2024 爱莎荔湾国际高中衔接营
General Arrangement
Aug 11 Open Ceremony
8月11日 (开营)
At 4:00 PM, students will participate in a grand opening ceremony. During this joyful moment, new students will get to know each other and form bonds of friendship.
Aug 12-16 Campus Learning Activities
A series of campus learning activities will be launched, gradually immersing students in diverse international curriculum. They will interact with experienced teachers, engage in group discussions, and participate in team projects, collectively exploring knowledge.
Aug 17-18 Camp Activity
Camp activities will allow students to enjoy pleasure of the hug nature. The 2-day outdoor adventures will be an unforgettable experience for them, where students will challenge themselves, enhance their teamwork skills, and develop courage and leadership. They will partake in team-building exercises, outdoor exploration, and challenging projects, while forming connections with like-minded peers, creating lasting memories together.
Aug 19-22 Campus Learning Activities
Upon returning to the campus, students will continue participating in campus learning activities to reinforce their skills in international studies. They will engage in experiments, research projects, group discussions, and cultural exchange activities. It aims to foster students’ interdisciplinary thinking and problem-solving abilities.
Aug 23 Closing Ceremony
On the last day of the transition camp, we will hold an exciting closing ceremony. Students will have the opportunity to showcase the knowledge and skills they have acquired during this period. At 12:00 PM, the transition camp will conclude, and students are ready to embark on a brand-new academic year.
Bell Schedule
Period 活动 | Time 时间 |
HR time 主班时间 | 8:00-8:25 |
Period 1&2 第1&2节 | 8:30-9:50 |
Break 课间休息 | 9:50-10:20 |
Period 3&4 第3&4节 | 10:20-11:40 |
Lunch 午餐 | 11:40-12:40 |
Period 5&6 第5&6节 | 12:40-14:00 |
Break 课间休息 | 14:00-14:15 |
Period 7&8 第7&8节 | 14:15-15:40 |
CCA 辅助课程 | 15:50-16:50 |
ECA 拓展课程 | 17:00-18:30 |
Dinner 晚餐 | 18:30-19:00 |
Evening Study 晚修 | 19:00-20:30 |
Academic Curriculum
Courses 学科 |
General English 通用英语 |
Speech and Debate 英语演讲与辩论 |
Academic Writing 英语学术写作 |
Chinese Literature 中文文学 |
Mathematics 数学 |
I & S 人文 |
Science 科学 |
Economics/BM 经济/商务 |
ATL 学习方法 |
University Guidance 升学指导 |
PE 体育 |
Drama 戏剧 |
ISA Liwan will offer the following courses for art students at the 2024 Transition Camp: Creative Collage, Narrative Collage, One-line Drawing, Composition, Linocuts, and Exlibris. 爱莎荔湾艺术中心将在2024衔接营为艺术生开展以下课程:创意拼贴、瓶贴叙事、线条之美、点线面创作、雕版刻画、藏书票创作等。 |
There will be plenty of time for fun too, with courses in Music, Drama, Japanese and Sports and for those of you who enjoy creativity. 衔接营的课程安排远不止于学术,还有多元兴趣课程等着大家! | |
Nightly Boarding Courses 每晚寄宿课程
In addition to above courses, ISA Liwan also offers a rich boarding program every evening for our resident students. These programs provide a variety of engaging and beneficial activities aimed at expanding students' knowledge and skills. Whether students are interested in arts, sports, science, or culture, there are suitable courses available for them to learn, explore, and grow together with like-minded peers. We strive to make our students' boarding experience enjoyable and meaningful, adding joy to their residential life.
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