
竞赛喜报|惠立小学部学子在AMC 8美国数学竞赛中再获佳绩!

03-17 08:22发布于浙江


近日,今年的AMC 8赛果正式公布。杭州惠立学校小学部学子在全国上千所国际化学校和重点高中的近2万名学生参赛中脱颖而出,取得了优异的成绩,其中——






美国数学竞赛(AMC)由美国数学协会举办(MAA),起源于 1950 年,目前每年全球超过 6000 所学校的 30 万名同学参加,是全球最有影响力的青少年数学竞赛之一。











小学部 数学教研组长





分层教学,精准辅导: 根据学生的数学基础和学习能力,设置了AMC8、JMC等数学竞赛SA,制定针对性的教学计划,确保每位学生都能在自身水平上获得提升。

课间指导,鼓励探究: 鼓励学生利用课间对竞赛难题进行探究,答疑解惑,并根据学生的学习进度和薄弱环节,及时调整学习策略。

个性化学习资源库: 收集整理历年竞赛真题、模拟试题、优秀解题思路等,建立丰富的学习资源库,方便学生自主学习和查漏补缺。



“数学墙”展示,榜样力量无穷: 在教学楼走廊设置“数学墙”,展示优秀学生作品、竞赛获奖信息、数学家故事等,营造浓厚的数学学习氛围,激励学生不断进取。



模拟竞赛,实战演练: 定期组织模拟竞赛,模拟真实竞赛环境和流程,帮助学生熟悉竞赛规则,锻炼心理素质,提升解题速度和准确率。



家长课堂,传授经验: 老师开设工作坊,沟通竞赛机制和准备要求,帮助家长更好地理解和支持孩子的竞赛之路。定期与家长沟通学生的学习情况和竞赛准备进度,及时反馈问题,共同商讨解决方案。






SEAMO国际数学竞赛中,47名学生参赛,斩获 1金、3银、6铜。

澳大利亚AMC数学竞赛中,59名学生参赛,获得 3个二等奖、25个三等奖、21个数学技能奖。

Maths League美国数学大联盟中,45名学生参赛,19人获成就奖(中国前50%),18人获荣誉奖(中国前25%),5人获卓越荣誉奖(中国前8%)。


International Competition: 

Pupils from Hiba Primary 

Excel in the AMC 8 Mathematics Contest 

The results of this year's AMC 8 have recently been unveiled, and pupils from Hiba Academy Hangzhou Primary School have shone brightly among nearly 20,000 participants from over a thousand international schools and leading high schools nationwide, securing outstanding achievements. Notable accomplishments include: 

Snow, a grade 4 pupil, achieved a perfect score, earning the Perfect Score and the Honour Roll of Distinction, alongside the Achievement Roll.

Sky and Marcus, also in grade 4, delivered outstanding performances, securing the Honour Roll of Distinction and the Honour Roll respectively, as well as the Achievement Roll.

Kimi, Ben, Ricky, Oliver and Aaron, all in grade 5, demonstrated exceptional talent, each receiving the Achievement Roll.

These remarkable achievements highlight the passion and dedication of Hiba pupils, as well as the meticulous guidance and unwavering support of our maths teachers. Congratulations to all the award winners, and a heartfelt thank you to our teachers for their tireless efforts. 

American Mathematics Competitions (AMC)

The American Mathematics Competition (AMC) has been organised by the Mathematical Association of America (MAA) since 1950. Over 300,000 participants from 6,000 schools worldwide register for these competitions every year. It is one of the most authoritative youth maths competitions in the world.  

The AMC series includes AMC8, AMC10/12, AIME, and USAMO/USAJMO. Among these, the AMC8 is aimed at pupils in grade 8 and below, including upper primary pupils. It offers pupils the opportunity to develop analytical thinking and apply classroom skills to solve real-world problems. 

For parents and pupils who are not familiar with how prestigious and valuable the AMC is, here is a sample of data for your information:   

✅77% of pupils admitted to the world's Top 10 universities participated in the AMC competition, the percentage is 80% for Top 20 universities and 74% for the world's Top 50 universities. 

✅100% of pupils admitted to the Top 10 U.S. undergraduate institutions participated in the AMC competition, and the percentage is 60% for the Top 20 institutions. 

It is evident that AMC exam experiences and results have become crucial credentials for showcasing pupils' academic capabilities, particularly in scientific thinking and aptitude. In today's world, where both hard skills and soft skills are highly cherished, strong competition results undoubtedly serve as a key factor for admissions officers to swiftly discern the distinctions in candidates' strengths, complementing a solid foundation of academic grades and standardised test scores. 

Fiona Qiu

Head of Primary Mathematics


This remarkable achievement not only recognises the pupils' diligent efforts but also reflects the years of dedicated work and tailored teaching approaches by the Hiba Primary Mathematics teaching team. 

Tailored Teaching to Create 

Personalised Learning Plans

Level-Based Instruction and Targeted Support: Based on pupils' mathematical foundations and learning abilities, specialised programmes such as AMC8 and JMC competition training are designed. Customised teaching plans ensure each pupil progresses at their own level. 

Breaktime Guidance and Encouraging Inquiry: Pupils are encouraged to explore challenging problems during breaks. Teachers provide individualised Q&A support and adjust learning strategies according to pupils' progress and weaknesses. 

Personalised Learning Resource Hub: A rich repository of past competition papers, mock exams and exemplary problem-solving strategies is curated to facilitate self-study and help pupils address knowledge gaps. 

Igniting Interest and Fostering a 

Dynamic Learning Environment

"Math Wall" Displays for Inspiration: A "Math Wall" in the school corridors showcases outstanding pupil work, competition awards and stories of renowned mathematicians. This creates an inspiring atmosphere that motivates pupils to strive for excellence. 

Emphasising Practice to

Strengthen Problem-Solving Skills

Mock Competitions for Real-World Preparation: Regular simulated competitions replicate actual contest environments and procedures, helping pupils adapt to rules, build mental resilience and improve problem-solving speed and accuracy. 

Home-School Collaboration

to Support Pupil Growth

Parent Workshops for Shared Expertise: Teachers host workshops to explain competition mechanisms and preparation strategies, empowering parents to better support their children. Regular updates on pupil progress and competition readiness ensure open communication and collaborative problem-solving. 

Here are the highlights of Hiba primary pupils' achievements in mathematics competitions during the 2024-2025 academic year (as of March 12): 

AMC8: 3 pupils earned the Distinction Honour Roll (Global Top 5%), and 8 pupils received the Achievement Roll (Elementary School Division). 

CML Mathematics Competition: 25 pupils participated, securing 1 Perfect Score, 3 Gold, 2 Silver, and 10 Honourable Mentions (National Excellence Award). 

SEAMO International Mathematics Competition: 47 pupils participated, achieving 1 Gold, 3 Silver, and 6 Bronze. 

Australian AMC: 59 pupils competed, winning 3 Distinctions (Second Prize), 25 Credits (Third Prize), and 21 Proficiency Awards (Mathematical Skills Award). 

Maths League American Mathematics Competition: 45 pupils participated, with 19 receiving Certificates of Achievement (Top 50% in China), 18 attaining Honour Roll Certificates (Top 25% in China), and 5 earning Honour Roll of Distinction Certificates (Top 8% in China). 






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