于1982 年重建成时尚现代化的校舍,学校共提供360 个学位给来自半山住宅区的学生入读。学校每位学生均主动寻求知识。
位置: 香港 中西区
全年學費約 12万
國際學校是指那些擁有相當比例的外國學生、而所實施的學制跟香港不同的學校。香港有大約 54 所國際學校,各自開辦不同國家及國際文憑組織(International Baccalaureate Organization)的課程。一部份國際學校為英基學校協會之屬校,其餘的由私立獨立的辦學團體所營運。
國際學校主要是為外籍人士子女,或移民外地迴流學生提供教育,但大部份也歡迎本地學生申請。近年不少望子成龍的香港家長,把子女送進國際學校就讀,希望他們有更高的英語水平,及避免香港本地教育的功課壓力,而且對將來前往外國升學亦較易適應。但是,國際學校一般只會銜接外國教育制度,不會保送學生參加香港的公開考試。值得一提,開辦 IB 課程的學校不一定是國際學校,而國際學校也不一定要開辦 IB 課程。
于1982 年重建成时尚现代化的校舍,学校共提供360 个学位给来自半山住宅区的学生入读。学校每位学生均主动寻求知识。
位置: 香港 中西区
全年學費約 12万
约有900 名学生,学校课程以英国国家课程(UK National Curriculum)为基础,并因应居于亚洲区儿童的需要而调整内容,融会多元文化,为他们提供优质,现代化及通识教育。
位置: 香港 南区
全年學費約 12万
The School is a co-educational primary school established by the English School Foundation. It provides places for 900 children aged 5 to 11 years. The School follows the British National Curriculum, which is adapted to suit the needs of Hong Kong international students. Putonghua is taught to all students as part of the overall curriculum. The curriculum is varied with an emphasis on the development of academic excellence, creativity and physical abilities.
位置: 香港 黄大仙区
全年學費約 12万
Sha Tin Junior School was established in 1988 by the English Schools Foundation and accepts students from ages 5 to 11. The school\\\\\\\'s programme is based on the Primary Years Programme of IBO. Its mission is to provide a secure and happy environment in which children can develop their academic, social and physical potential to the fullest. The school places great importance on respect and equality amongst all groups. It encourages children to develop a positive attitude towards all aspects of their lives including their physical health, mental well-being, self-esteem and spiritual awareness.
位置: 香港 沙田区
全年學費約 12万
香港西班牙学校是一所非营利学校,由 MASS 教育基金会贊助,致力于服务本地和国际社区,特别是西班牙语社区。学校建立在爱和奉献的基础上,致力于学生的福祉,将学生的成长与发展作为首要任务。学校鼓励学生在一个启发性和充满抱负的环境中学习和成长,使学生能够发展领导才能、沟通技巧、独立思考、创造力、社区精神和道德观念。
位置: 香港 大埔区
全年學費約 8-14万
宣道会刘平斋纪念国际学校提供的全人教育,可以透过四个\"H\" 来阐释。四个 \"H\" 是四个英文字词的起首,分别代表心灵、习惯、头脑和双手。 本校校徽描绘一棵栽在溪畔的树,同样,本校的教学亦以「心灵工作」为基础。
位置: 香港 九龙城区
全年學費約 12-15万
We are an International school in Hong Kong that has been educating children for 20 years. We provide a through train education from 15 months to 11 years old and are now serving 700 pupils with over 30 nationalities. We offer exciting learning experiences in our play centres, kindergartens and primary levels at five different campuses in Discovery Bay and Tung Chung, Hong Kong.
位置: 香港 离岛区
全年學費約 7-12万
香港蒙特梭利国际学校(IMS)于2002年成立,是香港第1所、也是全球第6所获IMS认可的蒙特梭利学校,为2至12岁的学生开设中英双语课程。意大利教育家玛丽亚.蒙特梭利(Maria Montessori)创立了蒙特梭利教学法,并获得了全球22,000所学校的认可,该教学法主要通过提供合适的环境、激发儿童的潜力和自我学习的能力,从而使学生能够全面发展。全校共有4间校舍,分别位于赤柱、天后宫、中半山和海怡半岛。
位置: 香港 离岛区
全年學費約 9-15万
位置: 香港 大埔区
全年學費約 8.1-14.1万港币
香港日本人学校(英文部)(Hongkong Japanese School (English Stream))是位处于香港新界大埔区的一所国际学校,距今已有23年的办学历史。学校为来自全球25个不同国家和地区的170多名学生,提供受多国认可的IB课程。在2018年香港年度10大最佳国际学校的评比中,香港日本人国际学校榜上有名。香港日本人国际学校不仅仅只是培养孩子的自信积极的生活态度,还为学生如何过好这一生做最充分的准备。
位置: 香港 大埔区
全年學費約 14.3万港币
Kingston International School is a private co-educational primary school affiliated with Kingston International Kindergarten. The school aims to provide a stimulating environment that nurtures the all-round development of the child. Classes are conducted bilingually in English and Putonghua. Kingston was one of the school in Hong Kong authorised to teach International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme.
位置: 香港 九龙城区
全年學費約 6-16万港币
Established in 1995, LIS is like no other school in Hong Kong. Nestled amidst the scenic splendour of South Lantau in three campuses, Mui Wo, Tong Fuk and Pui O. LIS operates 14 classes for a maximum intake of 290 pupils. The school boasts a unique balance between a Primary English education and the greenest environment of Hong Kong, in low rise buildings. At LIS, students will receive a well-rounded education of the highest standard. Students will flourish both socially and academically.
位置: 香港 离岛区
全年學費約 7-9万
International Primary Curriculum (IPC Early Years); English; Phonics; Mathematics; Mandarin; Music; Art; Physical Education; Christian Studies.。Small class sizes; Individual guidance; Wide variety of activities including field trips to Lion\\\\\\\'s Nature Education Center, local library and Sports day.
位置: 香港 大埔区
全年學費約 7-11万
The International Montessori School (IMS) is a non-profit, non-denominational, bilingual (English and Putonghua) school. The Montessori is an internationally recognised education method with a 100 year history of providing an unique and enriching education to children all over the world. The Montessori Primary Years Programme operates on the understanding that children discovering their place within a group and within society as a whole is an important challenge at this developmental stage. Much of the activity at the elementary levels takes place in small groups, with children sharing, collaborating and exploring hand-on materials together. Fundamental to the Montessori theory is the multi-age classroom, and the programme is divided into three multi-age groups: Toddler from 0-3 years old, Casa dei Bambini for 3 to 6 years old;Elementary I for 6 to 9 years old; and Elementary II for 9 to 12 years old.
位置: 香港 南区
全年學費約 3-19万
To provide quality elementary bilingual education for children, Think International School started its operation in 2003. Think International School (Boundary Street, Kowloon Tong) became an IB World School in 2013-2014. The School is authorized to teach the IB PYP program (International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme).
位置: 香港 九龙城区
全年學費約 8-14万港币
UMAH国际小学2002 年创立,由香港穆斯林联会赞助。作为一所国际学校,它迎合不同的民族、肤色和宗教信仰。教学的媒介是英语。在其范围内,它选择专门为学生提供中学预备训练,并在幼儿园和中学之间设置课程。
位置: 香港 元朗区
全年學費約 0.6万
位置: 香港 西贡区
全年學費約 10-12万港币/学期
香港启新书院(RCHK)由英基(ESF)于2006年成立,旨在满足香港本地和外籍社区的需求。 与其他ESF学校不同,启新书院不接受政府的年度补助金。由于学额不是“资助”的,RCHK的学费略高于其他ESF学校。 我们是一所英语作为教学语言的国际学校,并且是国际文凭(IB)的认证成员。
位置: 香港 沙田区
全年學費約 14.13-18.76万港币
International College Hong Kong是位于香港新界北部的一所国际中学。它的校园位于一个农村地区,在八哥湾的西北角和船湾郊野公园附近。与它的三所合作学校——康乐园国际学校、日本国际学校和金斯敦国际学校一起,它提供从幼儿园到13年级的全程教育。
位置: 香港 北区
全年學費約 17.78-19.74万港币
香港犹太教国际学校(Carmel School)创校于 1911 年,为来自不同地区的犹太裔学生,提供优质小班教学。学校有三个校区:学前教育部(Holly Rofé Early Learning Centre)位于香港半山逻便臣道,幼稚员及小学(Carmel Elementary and Pre-school)位于香港半山波老道,中学(Elsa High School)位于香港岛筲箕湾道。
位置: 香港 中西区
全年學費約 8-20万