
BKIK Costume Party | 百变之悦,冒险之旅



As autumn is now in full swing, we at BKIK shift from a traditional Chinese festival at the end of September (Lingnan) to that of an international one at the end of October.

Halloween is an event that is celebrated across the world and is one of the most internationally-minded festivals of the calendar year.


Its customs and practices have become part and parcel of many nations- it started in many Western countries such as America, Canada and England but has now travelled to the entire globe and we can see it being practiced in countries such as Japan, Korea, Vietnam and even China!

This is why Halloween is so special, it transcends borders and is a festival that continues to grow and expand to all corners of the globe!  



The Costume Party on Halloween is a way for us at BKIK to embrace the spirit of international mindedness, which is one of the main principles of IB, the religious elements have all but disappeared and now it’s been transformed into a day in which children (and adults) can use their imagination, creativity and ingenuity to either create their own costume or represent a character, hero, or animal that they hold dear to their hearts.



The learner profiles “Risk-Taker” and “Inquirer” are the two that stand out in relation to the activity. Students can explore unfamiliar and unknown environments in a safe setting and build their confidence to deal with real situations in the future.


The students can also ask questions about why a friend picked a certain costume and ask the question “May I have some Candy Please” saying the classic phrase “Trick-or-Treat!”.


BKIK’s annual Costume Party was a very successful event in which the students, teachers and parents all had a wonderful time. The spirit of collaboration, teamwork and warmth was felt by all.


Whether it be the traditional “Trick-or-Treat” activity done at the Bayview Apartment complex, or the “scary” rooms on the BKIK campus.  students felt the excitement through and through! 



We followed this with a group assembly to show our appreciation to the parent volunteers who took time out of their busy schedules to help support the students and staff. After many long years of restrictions due to the pandemic, it was nice to have a Costume Party together with the parents and caregivers!

To finish our morning, we had a closing ceremony in the MFR to recognize the efforts of the parents.  It was a wonderful way to conclude the morning portion of our event.



BKIK’s annual Costume Party was a monumental success for all parties involved and we couldn’t be prouder of how the faculty, families and students all came together in the IB spirit of collaboration and celebrated a truly international festival as one!


The children had a blast and their smiles and "poses" proved it! Some of them enjoyed showing their costumes to everyone and some of them found ways to share with their friends. We will encourage our students to be expressive and confident!





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