★ 支持公益,我们一直在路上
we have done lot of things to support the charity
Creating convenient and rich reading spaces in order to improve the learning ability and the cultural level of the children who live in the remote area. The funds raised from this event will be used to help rural primary and secondary schools to renovate and upgrade their libraries; purchase additional desks, chairs, buy different kinds of books; install laptops, ipads, projectors and many others.
Giving a piece of love will raise a piece of hope. This event is only free for our students. Parents need to buy tickets to attend the event, and the price is 10 RMB per ticket. In addition, we will really appreciate that if you buy more tickets for any amount to support the charity.
We will place the QR code for purchasing tickets at the entrance of the event on that day (12.21).
交通指引 Traffic Guide
✦ 活动当天,参加本次活动的学生均不设校车接送,走读生请由家长自行接回。
✦ On the day of the event, there will be no school buses picking up students who participate in this event, so the day students should be picked up by their own parents.
✦ 由于学校没有设置停车场,请自驾前来参与活动的家长将车辆停到学校附近停车场,再根据相应导航步行前往学校,谢谢您的配合!
✦ As there is no car park at the school, please park your car at the car park near the school and walk to the school following the corresponding navigation!
全国500所国际学校大全 / 3分钟匹配5-8所 / 1年名校升学备考托管服务