
星光闪耀 共赴美好|金生幼儿园第四届毕业盛典








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Time flies by, as winter becomes spring and spring becomes summer. Looking back at the past four years, the children's growth seems to be a colorful poem, recording their transformation from learning to speak to giving speeches. Four years ago, the children stepped into this paradise full of laughter with curiosity and apprehension about kindergarten life; today, they are able to face life's little moments with confidence and courage and walk towards the next stage of their growth with a firm step. Today is a special day for teachers, students, parents, relatives and friends to gather together to hold the first graduation ceremony in the life of the K3 children of King’s Kindergarten.

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Dear children, you are about to graduate to more and more marvelous places. Every time you progress, you bring us surprises and make us feel immensely proud. Your past Kindergarten life was rich and colorful; you have become comprehensive lifelong learners during the journey, willing to cooperate and become diligent thinkers. ...... You have written your own story of time with your tender hands.

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Not only are there lovely children who spend time at King’s, but there are also parents who are full of energy in the learning community. While they were overjoyed and proud of their children's growth, their hearts were also filled with emotion and gratitude. At this solemn moment, the parent representatives sent their sincere blessings with affectionate words: encouraging the graduates to dream and move forward; wishing King’s to be better and better!

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Wonderful things are always best handed down through perseverance. Siblings from PN to K2-A level groups, with endless love and deep blessings for their brothers and sisters, presented them with special graduation gifts: warm and touching words of blessing and a dance of little stars prepared with all their hearts.

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全体毕业生选择通过共同演绎Dr Seuss的经典绘本《Oh, the Places You'll Go!》来作为毕业汇报。这个绘本讲述的是马上要开始新生活的人们所要面临的情况,他们可能会遭遇失败或忍受孤独,但是未来仍然充满无限可能,就像全体即将开始小学生活的K3小朋友那样。

All the graduates chose to present the classic Dr Seuss picture book 'Oh, the Places You'll Go!' as their graduation presentation. This picture book is about the situations faced by those who are about to start a new life. They may fail or suffer from loneliness, but the future is still full of possibilities, just like all the K3 children who are about to start their elementary school life. 

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Through their creativity and imagination, with pure hearts and sincere feelings, they present us with a picture book world full of dreams, hopes and emotions.

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Look, the children on the stage.

They're either explorers full of longing.

Their eyes are sparkling with 

curiosity and longing for the unknown;

Or they are little warriors 

who never back down from a challenge.

Their hearts are burning with conviction;

Or they are the ones with dreams.

With every action and every expression

explains the love and pursuit of dreams.

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Dear children, congratulations on your graduation! When you gently close the door of this school, which is full of laughter and joy, the best memories of your childhood will be preserved here forever. Here, you have learned to understand and accept multiculturalism, cultivated international sentiment and initially mastered cross-cultural communication skills; here, you have sown dreams and watered hopes; here, you have gained knowledge, friendship and accumulated the power to grow....... Now, you will embark on a new journey to pursue your own stars! 

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Bless you, my dearest children! Kindergarten graduation is just the starting point of life's journey, and the excitement of the next station is waiting for you. May your life journey be wonderful because of your continuous exploration and efforts, and may you always harbor dreams and write your own brilliant chapters!

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