

EYFS幼儿园 | 小探究,看大世界

07-18 08:19发布于福建


在厦门华锐莱普顿幼儿园的教学活动中,UOI(Unit of Inquiry)探究活动已经是核心组成部分,我们鼓励孩子在每一个探究单元中,围绕一个不同的超学科主题,通过提问、探究、行动和反思来更好地认识世界,结合多元文化培养孩子的国际化视野,为孩子的未来教育以及成为未来的世界公民做好准备。

In the teaching activities of Chiway Repton  Kindergarten Xiamen, UOI (Unit of Inquiry) inquiry activities have become a core component. We encourage children to better understand the world through questioning, inquiry, action and reflection around a different transdisciplinary theme in each inquiry unit, and cultivate children's international vision in combination with multiculturalism, so as to prepare for their future education and becoming future world citizens.


Let's take a look at what the children have gained and grown in the last inquiry unit!

Pre K - China

超学科主题:Sharing the Planet共享地球

UOI探究单元:All about animals关于动物的一切

中心思想:We share our environment with other living things. 我们与其他生物共享我们的环境。

在单元初期,为了激发Pre k年龄段孩子对自然世界的兴趣,老师们通过生动的动物图片和故事,引起孩子们对动物的好奇心,孩子们通过观察动物的外貌特征、行为和生存环境,激发探究欲望。

At the beginning of the unit, in order to stimulate the interest of Pre K children in the natural world, teachers used vivid animal pictures and stories to arouse children's curiosity about animals. Children observed the appearance, behavior and living environment of animals to stimulate their desire to explore.

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在收集和分析资料的阶段,Pre K的孩子们通过绘本故事来认识不同的动物和他们的习性。他们通过活动“动物的声音”更好地加深了对动物的认识,并且还能够模仿动物的声音。他们还制作了各种小动物的手工作品,例如给用粘土制作老虎的花纹,给小鸟贴上羽毛,用粘土和毛根做小刺猬,用不同的形状拼出小鸡,加深了对动物的认识。

In the stage of finding out and sorting out, Pre K children learned about different animals and their habits through picture book stories. They deepened their understanding of animals through the activity "Animal Sounds" and were able to imitate the sounds of animals. They also made various handicrafts of small animals, such as making tiger patterns with clay, attaching feathers to birds, making small hedgehogs with clay and hair roots, and making chicks with different shapes, which deepened their understanding of animals.

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In the going further stage, children listened to picture book stories such as "Ants and Watermelons" and "Tadpoles Looking for Their Mothers", which showed the living habits and changes of animals through the story plots. For example, in "Ants and Watermelons", children can learn the teamwork spirit and problem-solving wisdom of ants. In "The Tadpole Looking for its Mother", we can learn that the tadpole's growth process has undergone a metamorphosis from a tadpole to a frog, and also learned how to get along with the world around it. The children also transformed into little farmers, using rubber gloves to simulate milking cows, and learned that animals can provide us with some food and help.

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In this exploration unit, the children have a better understanding of animals, have a deep affection for animals, and enhance their awareness of caring for animals. The children's social skills, language skills and enthusiasm for exploration have also been greatly improved.

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K1 Rwandan&

K1 England 

超学科主题:Sharing the Planet共享地球

UOI探究单元:Living things生物

中心思想:Living things have different needs in order to grow and survive.生物为了生长和生存有不同的需求。


When the K1 children heardthe word "organism", they expressed their understanding of"organism" through language, knowing that organisms are livingthings, such as animals, plants, and humans, and they need to eat, drink water,and breathe. The teacher also evaluated the children's previous experiencethrough the "I know biology" questionnaire, and asked the childrenand parents to record the children's understanding of biology through paintingand other methods, and let the children express it through language.

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In the stage of finding out and sorting out, the children learned about the components and growth conditions of plants through activities such as planting and observing plants and experimenting with "color-changing flowers".

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By reading picture books such as "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" and "What It's Like to Grow Up", and through activities in different fields such as "Animal Babies Looking for Their Moms", the teachers helped the children discover that living things have their own life cycles, and that animals, insects, and humans all have their own growth sequences, and that living things will continue to grow and change over time.

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In the going further stage, the teacher also used two small experiments, moldy bread, touching gold powder and pepper powder, to let the children discover that bacteria is also part of biology, the mould will continue to grow and change over time, and the children also realized the importance of good hygiene habits such as washing hands well and food safety. The teacher also discussed with the children the living environment and conditions of different organisms, such as deserts, oceans, forests, prairies and polar regions, and made organisms and their living environments through group cooperation using materials such as clay.

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In the “making conclusion” stage, the teacher and the children discussed the impact of some human behaviors on organisms, and learned that protecting the organisms on the earth is everyone's responsibility. Each group worked together to create an art work "Earth Home".

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 After this exploration unit, the children also made their own "biological care plan" in the summer. Some children want to raise turtles, and some children want to grow plants. They record them in the form of paintings and communicate with their parents when they go home.

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K2 Madagascar

超学科主题:How the World Works世界如何运作

UOI探究单元:Different Materials Arounds Us我们周围的不同材料

中心思想:Materials around us have different properties and these properties can be manipulated for different purposes.我们周围的材料具有不同的属性,并且可以为了不同的目的而操纵这些属性。


In the introduction stage, the children learned about the different materials of objects in life through picture books. The children found five objects of different materials in the class, and everyone classified and discussed what materials they belonged to, which objects were of the same material, and which objects were of different materials.

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In the finding out stage, the children of K2 did a lot of magical science experiments. They had a preliminary understanding of the three forms of matter: gas, solid, and liquid. They knew that matter is made up of atoms, and they knew the atomic division states of different forms of matter, and used art materials such as clay to demonstrate. They also learned about Oobleck non-Newtonian fluids. The children worked in pairs to make non-Newtonian fluids using water and corn starch, and realized that the same object can have different forms of solid and liquid at the same time. They also conducted a small experiment of blowing up balloons with bottles, observing that the gas produced by the mixture of white vinegar and baking soda can blow up balloons, and concluded that the mixture of solid (baking soda) and liquid (white vinegar) may produce gas.

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In the stage of  sorting out, the children of K2 perceived different materials (metal, wood, plastic, glass, paper, fiber, etc.), found objects of corresponding materials in the class to match, and discussed with their partners more objects of corresponding materials in life and recorded them through painting.

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In the stage of going further, the children of K2 explored how humans change the use of materials. They wrapped corn kernels in kitchen paper, sprayed them with a proper amount of water using a spray bottle, and then put them in a plastic bag, observing the changes of the corn kernels every day. They also used air popcorn machines to make popcorn, and felt the "transformation" of corn kernels under various artificial conditions, and understood how humans affect the things around them. 

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They used paper strips, straws and tape to make simple straw aircraft, and felt how to change things into other things in a simple way. They also used resin and dried flowers to make dried flower coasters, and understood and felt that chemical reactions can change the properties of different materials, and that liquids can be turned into solids through resin reactions over a certain period of time.

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At the end of the exploration unit, the children of K2 started a study tour at the Xiamen Science and Technology Museum. By exploring the Xiamen Science and Technology Museum, the children have more curiosity and interest in exploring the world, feeling the wisdom and power of human beings, and letting the children learn and explore scientific and technological knowledge while having fun.

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