国际文凭组织(IB)的探究课程强调以学生为中心的学习方法,鼓励孩子们通过提问、探索和反思来积极参与学习过程。在幼儿园阶段实行UOI(Unit of Inquiry)探究,不仅能够激发孩子们的好奇心和求知欲,还能帮助他们建立起解决问题和批判性思维的初步能力。
In today's rapidly changing world, education is no longer just about imparting knowledge, but also about fostering abilities. For children in the kindergarten stage, inquiry-based learning is particularly important as it provides them with a foundation to explore, discover, and understand the world. The International Baccalaureate (IB) inquiry curriculum emphasizes a student-centered approach to learning, encouraging children to actively participate in the learning process through questioning, exploration, and reflection. Implementing UOI (Unit of Inquiry) in the kindergarten stage not only stimulates children's curiosity and desire for knowledge but also helps them develop problem-solving and critical thinking skills.
Let's take a look at the exploration journey of the children from Chiway Repton Kindergarten Xiamen this month, and see what they have achieved and grown from.
K1 Australia班级近期开展了一项极具吸引力的探索活动,深入探讨了交通领域的奥秘。这次旅程开始于一个简单却发人深思的问题:“你每天是怎么来幼儿园的?”很快,小朋友们纷纷发言,在讨论中,我们发现每个人的出行方式根据需求会有所不同。
The K1 Australia class recently embarked on an exciting journey of discovery, exploring the fascinating world of transportation! Our adventure began with a simple question: "How do you get to school?" We quickly discovered that everyone travels in different ways and that people move around for many reasons.
对于K1 Australia班级来说,汽车是最普遍的交通工具,但我们也意识到,每辆汽车有着各自的特点。我们比较了出租车与私家车的区别,而Ellie老师的分享更是给这次活动增添了意外之喜——她分享了自己骑电动自行车上下班的经历。
Cars were the most popular mode of transport for our class, but we learned that not all cars are the same. We discussed the difference between taxis and the cars our families drive, and Teacher Ellie surprised us by sharing that she rides an e-bike to school!
Our exploration then took off as we investigated different vehicles that travel by land, air, and sea. We discovered how each type of vehicle works and what makes them unique. Our first stop was the sea, where we put our creative skills to the test by building boats out of different shapes of paper. We also drew pictures of all the amazing things we think travel on water.
Next, we took to the skies and explored airplanes and helicopters, learning about their special features and how they soar through the air. Finally, we zoomed back down to earth to investigate all sorts of land vehicles, from cars and buses to trains and bicycles. We even sorted pictures of vehicles onto a worksheet, deciding whether they travel on land, in the air, or on the water.
This exciting unit helped us understand our Lines of Inquiry and appreciate the many ways people and things move around the world. We learned that transportation is an important part of our lives, connecting us to each other and to the world.
在 K2 的探究式学习单元(UOI)中,孩子们围绕“社区是由拥有共同生活空间、特征和/或兴趣的人群组成和维护的”这一核心主题,展开了一场兼具趣味和深度的探究。
The K2 class embarked on a fascinating journey, exploring their community. With the central idea that "a community is formed and maintained by people who share commonalities in living space, characteristics, and/or interests," the children engaged in a rich and multifaceted inquiry.
Understanding Different Communities
The journey began with discussions about what constitutes a community. The children identified various types of communities – homes, cities, countries, and schools – and recognized the diverse people who contribute to their well-being.
By creating a Venn diagram, they compared and contrasted the people found in schools, cities, and homes, discovering both differences and connections. This multi-dimensional perspective laid the groundwork for deeper exploration.
Mapping Our Community
Next, the children explored places integral to their community, such as hospitals, supermarkets, and cinemas, recognizing how these places shape their daily lives. Working collaboratively, they designed their own community maps, demonstrating spatial awareness and strengthening teamwork and decision-making skills. As they discussed the placement of different locations, they considered functionality, relationships between places, and overall layout, gaining a deeper understanding of the form and function of communities.
Building Our Homes
Since the children were very interested in houses, the inquiry explored different types of homes in their community. In a creative twist, the children used marshmallows and pasta to construct various house designs, sparking their engineering thinking and creativity. This hands-on activity allowed them to experience the properties of materials and the importance of structural stability. They then designed their own houses and, using natural materials like stones, sticks, soil, and bark, collaborated to build diverse structures, further reinforcing their understanding of architectural styles and functions while promoting environmental awareness.
Community Helper
Next, the children explored how people in their community help everyone. They documented their understanding through drawings, compiling them into a class book. This process not only highlighted the human element within a community but also fostered a sense of social responsibility. By understanding the interconnectedness between community and its members, the children developed into thoughtful, caring, and open-minded learners.
K2 的 UOI 探究活动通过一系列精心设计的环节,引导孩子们从多个角度深入理解社区的概念、形式、功能和联系。在这个过程中,孩子们不仅获得了知识与技能的提升,更培养了积极的学习者品质,为他们的未来发展奠定了坚实的基础。
Through this carefully designed UOI, the K2 class gained a comprehensive understanding of communities – their concepts, forms, functions, and connections. This journey not only enhanced their knowledge and skills but also nurtured positive learning attributes, laying a solid foundation for their future development.
K3 Madagascar的孩子们开启了一段充满惊险与刺激的机器世界探险之旅!他们的旅程融合了丰富的实践活动、激动人心的发现以及合作学习,这一切都是为了点燃他们的好奇心并深化他们对事物运作原理的理解。
This month, the K3 Madagascar class embarked on a thrilling exploration of the world of machines! Their journey was filled with hands-on activities, exciting discoveries, and collaborative learning, all designed to spark their curiosity and deepen their understanding of how things work.
What is a Machine?
The children began by brainstorming familiar machines, from everyday objects like cars and robot vacuums to more fantastical contraptions from cartoons. They then delved into the fascinating world of simple machines, learning about levers, wheels and axles, inclined planes, wedges, screws, and pulleys. Through engaging experiments, they discovered how a lever can help lift a heavy box and how a pulley can make lifting easier.
Machine Hunt!
With clipboards in hand, the children became machine detectives, searching their classroom and playground for examples of simple machines. They found levers in scissors and toilet lids, wheels and axles in toy cars, and inclined planes on the slide. This real-world exploration helped them connect their learning to their surroundings and deepen their understanding of how simple machines are used in everyday objects.
Hands-on with Levers and Pulleys
The children then got hands-on, building their own levers and pulley systems using classroom materials. They experimented with different configurations, testing their creations and collaborating to find solutions. This activity not only reinforced their understanding of simple machines but also nurtured their problem-solving and teamwork skills.
Deconstructing and Reconstructing
For a special challenge, the children took apart and reassembled playground equipment like wheelbarrows, easels, slides, and seesaws. This activity allowed them to see how simple machines are combined to create complex objects. They worked collaboratively, using checklists to identify the different types of machines in each piece of equipment, demonstrating their growing analytical and observational skills.
Germs and Hygiene
The children also explored the microscopic world of germs, learning about the importance of handwashing. They conducted an experiment with slices of bread, observing the effects of dirty and clean hands on the growth of mold. This activity highlighted the importance of hygiene and sparked interesting discussions about decomposition and the role of microorganisms.
Through this diverse range of activities, the K3 class in Madagascar gained a rich understanding of machines and their impact on our world. They developed valuable skills in observation, experimentation, problem-solving, and collaboration, laying a strong foundation for future learning in science and technology.
本月K3 China的探究之旅主题聚焦于机器与科技,我们班的小朋友们通过探究式学习开启了一场关于机器的奇妙旅程。这是本单元前半部分的学习,主要分为三个阶段:激发兴趣、探索发现、整理归纳。
The K3 class in China has been busy exploring the fascinating world of machines! This unit, the first part of their "Machines and Technology" inquiry, focused on sparking curiosity and building a solid understanding of simple machines. The children embarked on this learning journey through three exciting phases: Tuning In, Finding Out, and Sorting Out.
Tuning In:
To begin, the children had lively discussions about what machines are and how they work. They shared examples of machines they encounter in their everyday lives, from bicycles and scissors to swings and even door handles! This sparked their curiosity and laid the groundwork for deeper exploration.
Finding Out:
Next, the children had a chance to experiment with simple machines like levers, wheels, and pulleys. Through exciting experiments and demonstrations, they discovered how these machines make work easier. They were amazed to see how a pulley could help them lift heavy objects and how a lever could magnify their strength! Books and videos further enriched their understanding of the functions and purposes of various machines.
Sorting Out:
In the final phase, the children organized what they had learned! They compared and contrasted different types of machines, creating diagrams and building models to demonstrate their understanding. This helped them solidify their learning and appreciate the diverse ways machines solve problems and improve our lives.
这种探究式学习方法不仅加深了K3 China班孩子们对简单机器的理解,还培养了他们的观察力、批判性思维、沟通和合作等技能。现在,他们已经具备了继续探索迷人机器和科技世界的条件!
This inquiry-based approach has not only given the K3 class a deeper understanding of simple machines but also developed essential skills like observation, critical thinking, communication, and collaboration. They are now well-equipped to continue their exploration of the exciting world of machines and technology!
通过在幼儿园阶段实施UOI(Unit of Inquiry)探究,我们为孩子们的未来学习和生活打下了坚实的基础。这种以探究为基础的学习方式,不仅促进了孩子们认知、社交和情感技能的发展,还帮助他们建立了终身学习的积极态度。随着孩子们逐渐成长,他们将能够更好地适应不断变化的世界,成为具有创新精神和全球视野的未来公民。因此,将UOI(Unit of Inquiry)探究融入幼儿园教育,是一项对未来充满希望的投资,它将为孩子们开启通往无限可能的大门。
By implementing UOI (Unit of Inquiry) in the kindergarten stage, we lay a solid foundation for children's future learning and life. This inquiry-based learning approach not only promotes the development of children's cognitive, social, and emotional skills but also helps them establish a positive attitude towards lifelong learning. As children grow, they will be better equipped to adapt to a constantly changing world and become future citizens with an innovative spirit and a global perspective. Therefore, integrating UOI (Unit of Inquiry) exploration into kindergarten education is a hopeful investment in the future, opening the door for children to endless possibilities.
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