02-28 08:36发布于湖南
Central Changsha's only International Nursery in the Hexi
district located at the base of a mountain with a view of the lake
BeeMee Group Headquarters Dragon Spruce Education is a key strategic partner introduced from Chaoyang District, Beijing, for Changsha to realize an high-level internationalized kindergarten to high school K12 international school by Hunan Xiangjiang New District.
BeeMee Forest Nursery Academy, located at the heart of Changsha, Hunan, is uniquely situated within a central wetland park, surrounded by a large island lake and bordered by a university town. This academy offers a fully immersive English international forest childcare experience.
遵循英国EYFS早期教育框架和评估体系,采用IEYC国际早期教育课程,并历时4年自主研发了彼一米独有的国际化婴幼儿课程体系BeeMee Curriculum System (BCS)的全英国际化森林托育学院。
The first in Hunan to adhere to the UK's EYFS early education framework and assessment system, adopt the IEYC international early years curriculum, and independently develop over 4 years, BeeMee Forest Nursery Academy introduces the unique international infant curriculum system, the BeeMee Curriculum System (BCS), fully international and in English.
At BeeMee Forest Nursery Academy, the main international teachers are 100% native English speakers from the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand. All Chinese teachers are proficient in English, ensuring a fully immersive English-language environment for both learning and daily activities.
The all-English demonstration base in Hunan hosts the UK-China Forest School Training Centre, officially authorised by the UK's certification body, OCN.
The all-English Children's Kayaking Education and Practice Base is authorised by Leek Sports, which is approved by the Hunan Provincial Sports Bureau and registered by the Provincial Civil Affairs Department and the China Rowing Association as a professional water sports club. Additionally, it is designated as an "Education Practice Base" through a joint partnership with Hunan Normal University and the University of Central Lancashire, UK, under the British Foreign Office's Chevening Scholarship Program.
The all-English international ECSTEM Lab base in Hunan is authorised by the US California Institute of Technology Children's Center.
BeeMee Forest Nursery Academy is located in the West Lake Cultural Park in Yuelu District, Changsha. It faces the picturesque Xianjia Lake and backs onto Yuelu Mountain, creating a continuous scenic landscape of lake and mountain views. In front of the academy, there is an expansive lotus pond and an exclusive 1000-square-metre outdoor lawn. The area features wetlands, grassy slopes, flowers, and trees coexisting harmoniously, enriched with abundant historical and cultural resources, as well as the unique cultural landscape of Yuelu Mountain and the university cluster on the west bank of the Xiang River. Children at BeeMee can experience the beauty of nature, explore the world around them, and deeply appreciate cultural and artistic beauty, immersed in the rich historical and cultural atmosphere of the area.
硬件设施 Grounds and Facilities
园区建筑面积 Academy floor area: 360㎡
户外面积 Outdoorarea: 2,136㎡
园区总面积 Totalarea of Academy:2,496㎡
彼一米森林托育学院为婴幼儿成长提供了安全优质、适宜探索的环境,园内设有:支持婴幼儿身心健康的专属照料区、风靡全球的Messy play感官探索区、自然生态循环的浅水池、户外大型原生态游乐区、贯穿整个园区的户外感官果木栈道,使每一个孩子都能充分探索和高质量玩耍,让孩子充实快乐的度过属于他/她在彼一米宝贵的婴幼儿时光。
BeeMee provides a safe and high-quality environment for the growth of infants and toddlers, conducive to exploration. Within the nursery, there are various facilities, including a dedicated care area supporting the physical and mental health of infants and toddlers, a sensory exploration area inspired by the globally popular messy play concept, a natural ecosystem with a circulating pool, a large outdoor primitive ecological play area, and an outdoor sensory fruit tree walkway that spans the entire park. These features enable every child to fully explore and play at a high quality, ensuring that each child spends their precious time in BeeMee with joy and fulfillment.
学习设施 Educational Facilities
▲ 托育活动室 Childcare Activity Room
▲ 感统训练室 Sensory Integration Training Rroom
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休闲设施 Leisure Facilities
▲ 鸣鹭图书馆 Egret Song Library
▲ 空中休闲花园 Rooftop Leisure Garden
▲ 空中环形连廊 Circular Sky Corridor
▲ 室外浅水池 Outdoor Shallow Pool
▲ 户外山坡游乐场 Outdoor Hillside Playground
▲ 大型内湖专属水上基地、专属皮划艇码头
Lake Exclusive Water Base, Exclusive Kayaking Wharf
BeeMee's creation stems from the founder's love for her children and the desire to treat all children as her own. BeeMee's quality standard is to give your child the finest education and upbringing.
BeeMee is committed to providing Chinese families with the highest quality early years education from the UK. Families will gain successful educational experiences from around the world and educational practices that are tailored to Chinese families to provide a one-stop international early years education solution.
Discover The Better Self
BeeMee adheres to the "Discover The Better Self" motto and is committed to building an "Internet plus education" innovative model, which through big data, cloud computing and internet technology, provides future-oriented education. BeeMee Forest Academy will build a Life Education Practice Center based on the fundamental interests and needs of children, parents, and teachers: Learning, Raising and Teaching.
BeeMee aspires to create global citizens with innovation, critical thinking, perseverance, empathy and lifelong learning skills.
彼一米森林托育学院构建了独有的中西文化融合的国际化婴幼儿课程体系——彼一米课程体系BCS(BeeMee Curriculum System),在落实国家婴幼儿健康养育照护指南之上,遵循英国EYFS(Early Years Foundation Stage)早期教育基础阶段教育框架“以父母最好的选择、给婴幼儿最好的开始”为宗旨和教育理念,采用IEYC(International Early Year Curriculum)国际早期课程为基础课程,以PBL(Project-Based Learning)项目式教学方式展开教学,融入英国森林教育、国际社交礼仪、家庭教育、中国传统文化、自然拼读等元素;与世界顶尖大学、实验室、教育机构和专家合作开发特色课程,包含Messy play(脏玩游戏)、小小世界公民、高尔夫、短式网球、ECSTEM(早期科学、技术、工程、数学)、音乐、皮划艇等,将领先的教育经验因地制宜地落实到长沙,开创了湖南早期教育世界多元文化教育的全课程体系,致力于为1—3岁婴幼儿家庭提供体系完整、高品质的国际化托育课程和照护服务,为孩子的全面成长奠定坚实基础。
BeeMee Forest Nursery Academy has developed a unique international infant curriculum system that blends Chinese and Western cultures—the BeeMee Curriculum System (BCS). This system adheres to the national guidelines for infant health care and follows the UK's EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage) framework, with the philosophy of being "the best choice for parents, the best start for infants." The curriculum is based on the IEYC (International Early Years Curriculum) and employs Project-Based Learning (PBL) as its teaching method. It incorporates elements such as British forest education, international social etiquette, family education, Chinese traditional culture, and phonics. In collaboration with top universities, laboratories, educational institutions, and experts worldwide, BeeMee has developed specialised courses including messy play, little world citizens, golf, short tennis, ECSTEM, music, and kayaking. This curriculum brings world-leading educational practices to Changsha, pioneering a comprehensive early childhood education system with a multicultural approach in Hunan. BeeMee is dedicated to providing families with children aged 1-3 with a complete, high-quality international nursery curriculum and care services, laying a solid foundation for the holistic development of the children.
Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)
EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage) 早期教育基础阶段教育框架,是英国政府以“给父母最好的选择,给孩子最好的开始”为宗旨给0—6岁的儿童制定的学习和发展的标准。超过7000名各国专家学者和教师参与了制定,耗资1.5亿英镑,历时12年编纂完成。
EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage) is a set of learning and development standards for children aged 0-6, developed by the British Government with the aim of "Giving parents the best choice and the best start for their children." Over 7000 experts, scholars and teachers from various countries participated in the development, which cost 150 Million Pounds and took 12 years to compile.
EYFS integrates more than 20 advanced educational theories, research and practices, including those of Montessori, Reggio Emilia and Piaget. It is the statutory education standard of the British government and one of the most authoritative standards of early childhood education in the world.
EYFS respects the uniqueness of every child by building positive relationships and enabling environments. Effective learning features are used to support children's development in the seven major areas of learning through an open approach based on "observation-evaluation-planning."
EYFS Advantages of Personalized Education in China:
EYFS seven areas of learning and development put forward a more concrete and scientific reference standard.
EYFS provides a practical approach to personalised education.
EYFS is more inclusive of educational concepts and can better realise the implementation of personalised education in China.
IEYC (International Early Years Curriculum)
Each Unit of BeeMee's UK IEYC Early Years Curriculum for ages 1-3 has an exciting theme and developmental goals. Based on holistic inquiry and play-based teaching methods, children can experience multiculturalism and develop their artistic and reading skills, and prepare for their education in the future.
皮划艇 Kayaking
高尔夫 Golf
短式网球 Short Tennis
早期科学、技术、工程、数学 ECSTEM
音乐 Music
森林教育 Forest Education
国际象棋 Chess
照护体系 Baby Care
彼一米深知高质量的照护对婴幼儿早期大脑发育、情绪调节和学习至关重要,在学习了国内外先进的婴幼儿照护与养育方法后,我们坚定彼一米照护体系BBS(BeeMee Babycare System)能为长沙市更多1—3岁婴幼儿提供高质量的照护 , BBS在《3岁以下婴幼儿健康养育照护指南(试行)》的基础之上,融合Pikler养育理念,以“尊重”为基础的回应式照料方法,在日常照料中给予1—3岁婴幼儿全然的关注,并形成涵盖奶粉冲泡、睡眠照护、抚触被动操、陪餐进食、如厕训练等15大项200多条的精细化照护SOP,将国内外领先的照护经验因地制宜地落实到长沙,开创了湖南托育高标准的教育+照护的全教养体系,致力于培养身心健康,有幸福能力的孩子。
BeeMee recognises the crucial importance of high-quality care for the early brain development, emotional regulation, and learning of infants and toddlers. Drawing on advanced infant care and nurturing methods from both domestic and international sources, we are confident that our BeeMee Babycare System (BBS) can provide high-quality care for more 1-3-year-old infants and toddlers in Changsha. Building upon the "Guidelines for the Health, Care, and Nurturing of Children Under 3 Years Old (Trial)" and integrating the Pikler nurturing philosophy, BBS employs a responsive care approach based on "respect," offering complete attention to infants and toddlers in daily care. It encompasses over 15 major areas and more than 200 detailed care SOPs, including formula preparation, sleep care, tactile passive exercises, mealtime companionship, and toilet training. By adapting leading domestic and international care experiences to the local context of Changsha, we pioneer a high-standard education + care holistic system in Hunan, dedicated to nurturing physically and mentally healthy, capable, and happy children.
The academy is equipped with a dedicated nursery, providing facilities to heat breastmilk and prepare formula, as well as refrigerated storage. Diapers from brands such as Pampers, Babycare, and Beaba are available for children to use at no cost. Additionally, the nursery is stocked with imported skincare products and other baby essentials to ensure comprehensive care for your baby's delicate skin.
BeeMee adopts small class teaching, with class sizes not exceeding 18 children, offering an immersive all-English learning lifestyle where teaching and learning complement each other. All Chinese and international teachers at BeeMee hold teaching qualifications, with teaching abilities meeting the standards of the UK's EYFS early education framework and assessment system, as well as the requirements for teaching the IEYC international early years curriculum. They possess cutting-edge international education concepts and have a deep understanding and appreciation of the integration and differences between Chinese and Western cultures. They bring a wealth of international education experience and cross-cultural working experience. With a teacher-student ratio of 1:3.75/1:4.5, comprising one international classroom teacher, one Chinese classroom teacher, one Chinese assistant teacher, one life teacher / nursery teacher, and relevant specialist coaches, we ensure that each child receives comprehensive attention and care, being accompanied in all their learning activities and daily life throughout the day.
International Classroom Teacher
BeeMee has full-time class led by International Classroom Teachers. International Classroom Teachers come from only five countries with native English speakers in the Wnited States, the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada and New Zealand. They all hold work visas, 100% work with certificates and all have TESOL/TEFL international teacher qualification certificates; background checks, have rich international early education experience.
BeeMee Senior professional Chinese English bilingual Chinese teachers, with 100% bachelor's degree or above, all hold teacher qualification certificates. The majors are preschool education, English education, children's psychology, etc, at least three years of working experience in kindergarten, work closely with the foreign main class, share the learning responsibility of each child, promote the bilingual development of the child and provide family education support for parents.
Chinese Classroom Teacher
Chinese Assistant Teacher
Life Teacher / Nursery Teacher
BeeMee life teachers have professional nursing experience and can apply basic English to the day process. They are also experienced and hold the nursery / childcare teacher qualification certificate and need to master the physiological, psychological and nursing knowledge of infants and young children, infant nutrition, feeding knowledge, knowledge of common diseases and infectious diseases of infants and young children, etc. Cooperate with class teachers to take care of children's daily life comprehensively and meticulously, andpromote the harmonious development of children's body and mind from the three aspects of education, childcare and health care.
Academy Logistics Team
饮食服务 Catering Services
BeeMee places great emphasis on the safety of ingredients, the nutritional value of meals, and the deliciousness of dishes. A dedicated health doctor is assigned to guide and analyse children's nutritional meals and to develop meal plans. The restaurant customises three meals and two snacks per day for the children, offering both Western and Chinese cuisine. The menu is meticulously designed to meet the developmental needs and healthy caloric intake of the children, ensuring they receive all six essential nutrients daily.
The food supply of BeeMee comes from Metro, a wholesale and retail enterprise certified by HACCP and GFSI, and BeeMee's own ecological farms. Most of the food provided are imported well-known brands, with a traceability system to realise a whole process monitoring of supply. We adhere to the dual-supplier system to avoid any potential supply risks Meats, organic fruits. Organic vegetables, native chicken, duck, beef, and pork come from our oneself ShiKe Eco-Farm to ensure that the ingredients supplied each day are picked on the same day.
安防安全 Security and Safety
BeeMee implements a closed campus management system, with strict access control monitored by security personnel. Entry without an appointment is not permitted. The entire campus is under 24-hour high-definition surveillance, with over a hundred 2-megapixel starlight cameras installed indoors and outdoors, excluding bathrooms. In case of emergencies, the academy is equipped with one-touch alarm systems connected to higher authorities and an emergency response centre, ensuring real-time monitoring and prompt action.
医务保健 Medical Care
BeeMee is committed to creating a safe and orderly learning environment, adhering to high standards of hygiene and health care. The academy is equipped with independent medical care rooms, staffed by professional health care doctors. Facilities include private bathrooms with all-day hot water and an emergency response system for special situations. Each child has a personalised health record, with special arrangements for allergies and medical history, ensuring comprehensive monitoring and care.
BeeMee Forest Nursery Academy 2025 autumn admission applications are now officially open. We invite parents to schedule an admission consultation, in a partnership to build a better future for children!
开设班级 Classes Offered
Admissions: 1-3 Years Old Children
Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 8:00 AM-17:00 PM
Meal Arrangements: Three Meals and Two Snacks (Breakfast, Morning Tea, Lunch, Afternoon Tea, Dinner)
Semester Time: 5 Months/Semester
Tuition Fee: 82,500 Yuan/Semester
Meal Fee: 1,000 Yuan/Month
以上价格已包含每周一堂的英语戏剧、森林教育、ECSTEM(早期科学、技术、工程、数学)、Messay play(脏玩游戏)、皮划艇、短式网球、高尔夫、国际象棋等特色课程费用以及健康监测费用。
The above tuition fee includes the fee for all of our feature courses, such as English Drama, Forest Education, ECSTEM, Messay Play, Kayaking, Short Tennis, Golf, and Chess which are each held once a week.
An Assistant from the admissions department can help you to learn more about BeeMee and provide you with one-on-one consulting services.
全国500所国际学校大全 / 3分钟匹配5-8所 / 1年名校升学备考托管服务