
Dr. Sarah|Overcoming Learning Barriers for Tailored Education



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On September 6th, our Coordinator of Student Support Services, Dr. Sarah, presented a profound and inspiring sharing on the theme of "Overcoming Learning Barriers." This training was not merely an exploration of educational philosophy but a vivid manifestation of CISK's commitment to high-quality teaching for every student.


Cherishing Differences,

Unleashing Potentials

Centering her discourse around the inclusive education philosophy of the International Baccalaureate (IB) organization, Dr. Sarah emphasized CISK's dedication to eliminating or reducing learning barriers, ensuring that every student can fully engage with and benefit from the IB curriculum. She meticulously dissected various dimensions of barriers, including special education, medical conditions, and mental health, using vivid examples to deepen teachers' understanding of their real-world impact on students' learning lives.


Precise Identification, 

Tailored Support

To more effectively assist students, Dr. Sarah proposed detailed identification processes and access arrangement strategies. She encouraged teachers to gather comprehensive student data through classroom observations, parental feedback, and professional assessments, aiming for a thorough understanding of their needs. Additionally, she underscored the significance of timely referrals to ensure students receive prompt professional support and services.


Bearing Responsibility, 

Educating with Love

Dr. Sarah's training instilled in every teacher a profound sense of our significant responsibility as providers of student support services. We are tasked not only with imparting knowledge but also with nurturing each student's mental health and holistic development. Her passion and professionalism resonated with every teacher present, further strengthening our resolve to create a superior learning environment for our students.


Professional Insight, 

In-Depth Exploration

A Message from Dr.Sarah

Sarah Salazar

Coordinator of Student Support Services

We are all unique beings and we have different interests, strengths, weaknesses, needs, and learning preferences. That uniqueness is what makes this world interesting. We all have something to contribute and we need guidance along the path to our destiny. However, when our needs or learning preferences, interfere with our ability to learn or function in the school environment, we need to put a comprehensive plan in place to remove or lessen the barrier to learning that the student might be experiencing. The goal is to create a learning environment that is conducive to all learners. It is not just about holding meetings or conducting testing, rather finding the abilities of each student and working in that area to overcome the weakness so they can thrive in school and beyond.

At our school, we do not diagnose. Rather, through observations, classroom work, academic assessments, collaboration and communication, we may discover that a student needs an additional level of support. At that time we may discuss our concerns and findings with the parents to seek further input or make recommendations. The parents are a crucial part of our educational team. Their insights into other aspects about the student is a valuable part of the process in finding the correct level of support needed. Each student is entitled to growth, at their own pace, in a safe and nurturing environment. Our job is to educate and assist the student on that personal journey. Sometimes additional testing and meetings are needed, but this is not something of which to be fearful - nor is it punitive. Rather, it is an opportunity to learn more about the student's needs and further personalize their education so they can reach their maximum potential.

Thank you for allowing us the opportunity to serve your students. We welcome all students and appreciate your collaboration with our educational efforts! 

Let us work hand in hand to contribute to the bright future of CISK students! At CISK, we are committed to providing each student with a personalized, high-quality educational experience, empowering them to excel in both their academic pursuits and personal lives!

9月6日,我校学生支持服务协调员Dr. Sarah以“克服学习障碍”为主题,带来了一场深刻而富有启发性的分享。此次培训不仅是对教育理念的深入探讨,更是CISK对每位学生高质量教学承诺的生动展现。



Dr. Sarah 围绕国际文凭组织(IB)的全纳教育理念,强调了CISK致力于消除或减少学习障碍,确保每位学生都能充分参与并受益于IB课程。她详细剖析了特殊教育、健康状况及心理健康等多维度障碍,通过生动案例加深教师对学习障碍实际影响的理解。



为更有效地帮助学生,Dr. Sarah提出了详尽的识别流程与接入安排策略。她鼓励教师通过课堂观察、家长反馈及专业评估,全面收集学生数据,以深入理解其需求。同时,她强调了及时转诊的重要性,确保学生尽快获得专业支持与服务。



Dr. Sarah的培训让每位教师深刻意识到,作为学生支持服务的提供者,我们肩负着重大责任。我们不仅要传授知识,更要关心每位学生的心理健康与全面发展。她的热情与专业精神感染了在场每一位教师,进一步坚定了我们为学生创造更好学习环境的决心。



来自Sarah 博士的一封信

Sarah Salazar














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