

校长专访|“加入青苗是我20年中国教育生涯的高点!”BIBS UES Pri






继上篇顺义校区新任初高中校长Dawid Bochen先生专访之后,今天,我们将带您走近青苗上东校区新任校长Michael Donaldson先生。

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Editor’s Note】: 2020-2021, BIBS welcomes a new group of brilliant, professional and highly qualified educators to our teacher’s team. Their experience and expertise will become a huge plus to our continued education commitment. From this year we will introduce this outstanding BIBS school management team with a series of principal’s interview.


Following the interview of BIBS Shunyi MSHS Principal Mr. Dawid Bochen, today let’s meet the new BIBS UES Principal Mr. Michael Donaldson.

Michael Donaldson先生


UES Campus Principal


Mr. Donaldson holds degrees from the University of Saskatchewan and the University of Calgary in the field of education in Canada. Before coming to China, Mr. Donaldson was a teacher and a principal in British Columbia. While in China, Mr. Donaldson has been an international school principal or headmaster in Qingdao, Nanjing, Shanghai, Chengdu and Beijing, serving mainly Chinese students and their families.

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Beijing Chengdu to UES in Beijing, what’s BIBS in your eyes over the years?


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My arrival at BIBS is I think a culmination of my 20 years of experience in China.   Getting to know what Chinese parents want for their children and indeed seeing the growing importance of China in the world has helped me understand what kind of schools are best for children and young adults.  BIBS is well positioned to provide flexibility for parents as they decide what pathway their children will follow in the future.  The global pandemic we are in the midst of only underlines more clearly that we all need to be flexible and be ready to change our pathways to reach our lifelong goals. Beanstalk provides this opportunity for both parents and their children.  I’m both fortunate and proud to be working at BIBS!


What’s the biggest difference between Chinese and western education? How do you integrate them as a principal?



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Well, just like everything else in China education has evolved rapidly in China during my 20 years.  When I first arrived in China most of my focus was on helping move education from a knowledge or information distribution model to a thinking and inquiry model.  Initially it was not a perfect fit with Chinese education standards but I believe now that the philosophy of most Chinese people is a good fit with the thinking and inquiry model.  This is obviously a challenge with the large population and large class sizes but because China has always been a very literate society, it can definitely be accomplished.

I think the biggest difference between western and Chinese education is that in China parents are much more involved, and this does not stop at any point during a child’s education pre-college career. Parents demand to be kept involved and informed about their child’s progress, and where possible they wish to be able to support their child. This presents challenges but mostly opportunities for the schools and if schools can meet this challenge students will be more successful, and the schools of course will grow and thrive.


As an educator, what does education mean to you? What is your philosophy of education?


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My philosophy of education is based around our current reality as well as future needs for humanity.  What I mean is that we need to help our students understand that learning is a lifelong endeavor and that we all need to take responsibility for our entire world, not just our own country or city.  In short, we all need to learn to love one another, care for and support one another during all kinds of situations. this philosophy represents a challenge for the field of education as well as other areas of our societies.


How do you like the UES teachers so far? What’s your plan and objective?

这段时间我看到了青苗上东校区教师团队的强大。学校的领导团队专业、富有经验以及团队精神。中方校长Jane Zhang确保我们的中文教育质量,新加入的PYP协调员将会帮助家长更好的了解IB课程体系。

我们的首要目标是尽快提升校区IB PYP教学质量,并进一步整合中文课程。其次我们还将加强家校沟通,帮助家长更好的了解孩子们在校的学习生活。此外,我们还将继续确保校园轻松、愉悦的学习氛围。我们将和PTA成员持续讨论上述目标并循序渐进地制定详细的工作计划。

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These past weeks have shown me that we do have a strong base for our team here at UES. First of all, we have an excellent leadership team that includes professional educators as well as experienced operation personnel. Our goal is to ensure that we work together, both educators and operations team leaders.  The addition of an experienced Chinese principal, Jane Zhang, also ensures that the quality of our Chinese program will be stronger and stronger. A new and experienced PYP coordinator is committed to helping our parents become more familiar and comfortable with the IB program is also a key to future success.

Our goals are to quickly raise the quality of our IB PYP Program and further integrate Chinese curriculum, language and culture within it.  Our second goal would be to ensure and improve the communication between the school and our parent community so that parents have a clear understanding of their own child’s progress as well as a clear understanding of the program itself.   A third and very important goal would be to see that the school enrollment grows and that our campus is full of happy learners.  We certainly need our families to be proud and happy about what’s happening in the school so that they share their feelings with their friends and that is the best way to ensure our success.  We will revisit these goals with our staff and with our very supportive PTA and implement specific strategies to meet these goals.



















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