

Immersion 课堂|Differentiation:Unique And Excellent




Unique Excellent

We differentiate instruction in many ways across all subjects.

In first grade, we are focused on differentiation

Differentiation means using a variety of teaching styles and practices to meet the needs of each student. 

We differentiate instruction in many ways across all subjects, but it is most obvious in our small group instruction.    

This year, students are receiving both whole group and small group instruction in English Language Arts (ELA) and Chinese Language Arts (CLA).

In ELA, students have small group instruction three times per week. 

Students are grouped in groups of 2-5 based on their English language acquisition, and each week, they have a lesson with each ELA teacher as well as work independently. 

When students meet with teachers, Martha Wells and Jennifer Leach, students work on English speaking, listening, reading and writing, by practicing blending, segmenting, letter names and sounds, sight words, decodable words, reading comprehension, fluency, and spelling

When students work independently, students practice grammar skills, word work, and independent reading. 

Sometimes, students’ independent work is virtual via Seesaw Class or RAZ-Kids. Students’ independent work varies in complexity based on their learning needs

In CLA, students receive small group instruction twice per week. 

Students are grouped in groups of 3-4 based on their Chinese language acquisition.

When students meet with their homeroom teacher, students work on Chinese reading and writing, by practicing reading aloud, writing Chinese Characters, reading comprehension, and fluency

When students work independently, students practice Chinese characters, word work, and independent reading.

Because of our commitment to differentiation in Humanities, we are seeing student progress each week. 

We cannot wait to see how students continue to grow this year in first grade. 



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