

The Importance of Reading 阅读是一个潜意识的学习过程



To celebrate the joy of reading, LEH Foshan held its annual Book Week from 28 February to 4th March, an activity-packed week filled with a wide variety of events where classes came down to join in book related activities such as the book dating game where they promote their favourite book, modeling characters from descriptive passages, a selection of quizzes and both pupils and staff were invited to dress up as a character from a book. Book Week was an awesome opportunity for students to enhance their creativity and literacy levels, but most of all, it reminded everyone of the importance of reading.


Here at LEH, we are very lucky to have Mrs Ruth Farnsworth, our librarian. She can recommend and guide your children to books that they will enjoy reading. Please enjoy this week’s Spotlight on Education provided by Mrs Farnworth – The Importance of Reading.

我们学校非常幸运地聘请到了专业的图书管理员Mrs Ruth Farnsworth,她总能根据孩子们的个性特点,推荐不同的书籍,让每位孩子都爱上阅读。请您阅读本期的教育焦点 —《阅读的重要性》,感谢Mrs Farnsworth撰文。

Spotlight of Education 教育聚焦

The Importance of Reading


Mrs Ruth Farnsworth



These days we are easily distracted by T.V. gaming and social media during our spare time and quite often forget that we can easily relax with a good book. There can be nothing better than being drawn into an exciting story with a gripping or interesting plot that captures the imagination.


We should not forget how important reading can be and how it can play a role in learning during our leisure time and not think of it as tedious or something we are forced to do. Young people are more likely to read if they see adults around them reading. As a parent or carer, you play an important part in encouraging your child to read from early an age, reading with them or finding time to read as a family, take them to a library, ask them about what they are reading and show an interest.


Within books we experience detailed descriptions of people and places the perfect way to visit an unknown country in your mind, be drawn into a fantasy or place of adventure. Subconsciously as we read, we learn, we see new words and build on our vocabulary, improving spelling and grammar at the same time, experience different styles of writing, the formation of paragraphs and chapters, without the structure and discipline of a classroom environment.


The benefit of a book is you can read and learn at your own pace, go back and re read chapters you are not sure about, or you didn’t quite understand. Fictional books can be thought provoking, we can analyse characters, think about motives and consider emotions, all of which are reflected in everyday life.


One of the primary benefits of reading books is the ability to develop critical thinking skills. For example, figuring out how a story is going to end, what elements are there in a story to make this or that conclusion. If a book is non-fiction, you may sometimes ask yourself if the author is right, is there further information. Critical thinking skills are crucial when it comes to making important day to day decisions. Reading requires an individual to think and process information in a way that watching television can’t.


There are times in the day when we need to put work to one side, forget emails, looking at WeChat and other social media and de-stress. Reading is a perfect solution as our minds focus on the content of the book and this helps with the ability to concentrate on only one thing and not be distracted by events around us.


We need to encourage young people to read more socially which will help if they have a voice and a choice in their book selection rather than parents or carers pushing classics or other highbrow literature that we think our children should read, quite often when we haven’t read the books ourselves to form opinions. However, there are many classics that have stood the test of time, shouldn’t be ignored and are loved by many readers today.


The choice of reading material is endless, from action and adventure, fantasy or sci-fi through to non-fiction and exploring factual information of interest. Reading material is easily accessible from local libraries and school libraries where there is always help and advice, through to family, friends and the internet, where you can also find recommendations, book lists and new publication. There are no excuses for not reading.


Book List Recommended 

by Maths Department


It’s book week and in the mathematics department we recognise how important it is for children to learn mathematics and understand mathematical concepts. Some students are gifted and can pick up on maths and math concepts quite easily. Other students, including the verbally gifted may have a harder time. Fiction books based on maths are perfect for both kinds of students. They will enjoy the stories, wordplay, and riddles, and since the maths concepts are presented in story form, they can find it easier to understand the concepts.


Book List Recommended 

by Science Department


And while maths may play a crucial role in the plots of these books, science has a whole literary genre named after it! Science fiction covers a whole range of themes: classics like Frankenstein, War of the Worlds, Journey to the Centre of the Earth and The Time Machine; the vastness of the Dune series (and what a great film the first half of the titular book turned out to be); answers to the deepest questions (’42’) in The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy and the Holistic Detective Agency; Isaac Asimov and Iain M. Banks’ imagined worlds and hundreds of other authors who create new worlds, new technologies, new species and new adventures for their characters. What they write about in the fictional future may come true! Or, if time travel is possible, may already have done so…

尽管数学作为主题贯穿了以上书籍,但我们可有科学虚构这整整一个专门的书籍类别呢!这些小说拥有一系列的丰富主题,包括《科学怪人》、《世界大战》、《地心之旅》和《时间机器》等经典作品;《沙丘》系列(前半部分还被拍成了一部非常棒的电影);《银河系漫游指南》以及《全能侦探社》里对宇宙最艰深问题的解答;以及包括Isaac Asimov和Iain M. Banks在内的许多作家为他们笔下的角色创造出的全新世界、科技、物种和冒险,或许有朝一日他们对未来的幻想都有可能成真!又或许,如果时间旅行真的存在的话,他们是否有可能是从未来穿越而来的人呢……

Special Thanks 特别鸣谢

Special thanks to Mrs Ruth Farnsworth for her effort in organising and running the activities on World Book Day.

感谢我们经验丰富的图书管理员Ruth Farnsworth女士在世界图书日组织了一系列阅读活动。

Mrs Ruth Farnsworth



Mrs Ruth Farnsworth joins LEH Foshan as the school librarian. She has had experience in various departments within public libraries before moving to manage the library in a large secondary school in Lancashire for the last ten years. She has developed reading schemes, supported literacy and promoted reading throughout the school with various activities and reading clubs.

Ruth Farnsworth女士以图书管理员一职加入佛山霍利斯。过去十年,Farnsworth女士曾在英国兰开夏郡的一所中学负责图书管理,在公共图书馆也有丰富的工作经历。在学校里,她开展过丰富的阅读项目、帮助学生提高读写能力,并通过不同的活动和阅读俱乐部让学生们爱上阅读。

How to make students fall in love with reading and cultivate it as a life-long habit? 


Ms Rebecca Ngakane

Head of English 


Students need to be allowed to explore many different texts and topics, in order to find something that truly engages their imagination. This may be a best-selling fiction novel or a little-known biography about an inventor or sportsperson or mathematician; regardless of the topic or genre, students will not fall in love with reading if they are only asked to read for academic purposes, so it is the job of all adults to ensure that we are encouraging curiosity and providing access to as wide a range of reading resources as possible.


At LEH Foshan, we have begun our library by purchasing 3,000 brand new texts. Each year, after consultation with the students, we will grow our library until the heart of our school is a place that everyone has invested in. 











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