





'Stories are the wings that help people to soar.'


International Children's Book Day has been celebrated every April 2 since 1967 to inspire a love of reading and to call attention to children's books. The theme of this year is 'Stories are the wings that help people to soar'.

你是否还记得第一次打开一本书就为其深深着迷的样子?或许是因为那段文字把你带入一个全新的世界,或许是那个故事让你一直意犹未尽,也或许是那位主人公引人注目……在那个场景中,读者与文字同呼吸,共感知。阅读可以锻炼脑力,让大脑保持活跃,如文学家罗尔德·达尔(Roald Dahl)所说:“如果想在现实中取得进展,你必须阅读大量的书籍。”在本期文章中,TWIS英语教师根据不同的年龄段和年级组别为大家推荐适合的英文入门或进阶阅读书目。开卷有益,图书拥有无边的魔力,用阅读来唤起你那全新的想象力吧!

Do you remember the first time you opened a book and it truly grabbed your attention? Perhaps that text took you away to a whole new world. Maybe that story whisked you off on a never-ending story. Certainly, the protagonist had your attention. You were hooked! You find yourself nose-deep in the book, living and feeling the words! Breathing in a rollercoaster ride or feeling the love from the rows and rows of the word beneath. Books exercise brains, and to quote Roald Dahl, “If you are going to get anywhere in life you have to read a lot of books.” In this article, TWIS English teachers recommend some introductory and advanced reading books in English according to various levels of ability across age and year. It is worth noting that opening new books may not prove too challenging, however, it can always awaken a part of a new imagination.


Books at this level should be packed full of sight words, color and invention. A trio of examples shall follow. The Reverend W. Awdry wrote Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends. His 26 stories were aimed at his child Christopher. It must have worked because later on, the son followed the father, adding a further collection to the series! Eric Carle was a colorful writer, creating a list of books as long as our arms and legs.  The Very Hungry Caterpillar is an iconic place to start reading his works: “One sunny Sunday, the caterpillar was hatched out of a tiny egg. He was very hungry.” Janet and Allan Ahlberg are no strangers to children’s fiction. This married couple worked together for over two decades - Funny Bones,  Mr. Biff the Boxer, and Kicking a Ball


Oh, magic hour, when a child first knows she can read printed words!

– 贝蒂·史密斯 Betty Smith


At these ages, students are now working out how to segment words using phonics and recognizing an increasing number of sight words. They’re differentiating homonyms whilst learning to love books. Read daily and often with your kids now and they should develop at their fastest! 

「 延伸阅读 Further Reading 」

书名 Book: All Join In;

 作者 Author: Quentin Blake.

书名 Book: Peace at Last;

 作者 Author: Jill Murphy.

书名 Book: The Runaway Wok;

 作者 Author: Ying Chang Compestine.

书名 Book: Mr. Wolf’s Pancakes;

 作者 Author: Jan Fearnley.

书名 Book: Oi Frog!;

 作者 Author: Kes Gray & Jim Field.

书名 Book: Guess How Much I Love You?;

 作者 Author: Sam McBratney.



Having explored word and sentence patterns, students can now probe wordplay, deeper descriptions and expand their vocabulary. Students should now feel the text and look for its meaning.


The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.

– 苏斯博士 Dr. Seuss 


Flat Stanley, penned by Jeff Brown, tells the story of a boy squashed by a bulletin board. His newfound flatness allows him to slip under doors like a piece of mail. He can even fly like a kite! This story series has been around for more than fifty years. The author's six original stories have inspired a catalogue of stories by other authors. There is also the Flat Stanley Project which brings together an awful lot of people around the world. Jackie Chan approves of it. 

「 延伸阅读 Further Reading 」

书名 Book: Asterix the Gaul Series;

 作者 Author:  René Goscinny & Albert Uderzo .

书名 Book: The Nothing to See Here Hotel;

 作者 Author: Steven Butler.

书名 Book: The Bee is not Afraid of Me ;

 作者 Author: Fran Long & Isabel Galleymore.

书名 Book: Dr. Seuss's classics;

 作者 Author: Dr. Seuss.

书名 Book: Where The Wild Things Are;

 作者 Author: Maurice Sendak.

书名 Book: Charlotte’s Web;

 作者 Author: E.B. White.



Reading is essential for those who seek to rise above the ordinary.

– 吉姆·罗恩 Jim Rohn 


After developing imagination and experiencing adventure, books tend to favor realistic fiction and serious topics for older students. At this age, books open doors to many new worlds and offer insights into many other cultures. Encyclopedia-style texts lure in the curious and student inquirers. Hard-hitting and dark stories sit between classics and familiar friends of the literature world. 

中学生可选择阅读的书目十分广泛,例如写出政治、难民、种族歧视和偏见问题的《坐在教室最后一排的男孩》(Onjali Rauf著);以瑰丽的想像和精深的语言,建立了一个英语世界的全新神话体系的《霍比特人》(J.R.R. Tolkien著);英国奇幻小说《地板下的小矮人》(Mary Norton著)等。

MYP students are recommended to read The Boy At the Back of The Class by Onjali Rauf, which writes about politics, refugees, racial discrimination and prejudice; The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien, which builds a whole new mythological system for the English-speaking world with magnificent imagery and sophisticated language; and The Borrowers  by Mary Norton, and so on.


The reading of all good books is like a conversation with the finest (people) of the past centuries. 

– 笛卡尔 Descartes 

最近,TWIS的英语语言与文学班级学习了《仙境之桥》,其作者是出生于中国的凯瑟琳·佩特森(Katherine Paterson),这部小说后来被迪士尼改编成电影。然而,很少学生喜欢电影胜过书籍本身。图书经常被改编为电影、电视剧或者舞台剧,如果你也对这类作品感兴趣,可以参考以下延伸阅读书单。

Recently the English Language and Literature class tackled Bridge to Terabithia by China-born Katherine Paterson. This novel became a Disney adaptation. Few students favored the movie over the book. Books have often been adapted for the silver screen, the television, or the stage. A great checklist to read and then watch can include the following.

「 延伸阅读 Further Reading 」

书名 Book: The Outsiders;

 作者 Author: S.E. Hinton.

书名 Book:  The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time;

 作者 Author: Mark Haddon.

书名 Book: Watership Down;

 作者 Author: Richard Adams.

书名 Book: The Woman in Black;

 作者 Author: Susan Hill.

书名 Book: The Hound of the Baskervilles;

 作者 Author: Arthur Conan Doyle.

书名 Book: The Giver;

 作者 Author: Lois Lowry.




At this age level, the vocabulary is expanding with new words dropping down like rain. Students are better armed to understand these abstract, technical phrases and terms. Using their decoding techniques and comprehension skills, they can swiftly move through the lengthy text.

The classic The Time Machine by H.G. Wells, Khaled Hosseini's The Kite Runner and Maus by Art Spiegelman are fine examples of texts that would sit well on a student's bookshelf. Students who have seen movies such as Dune and Jurassic Park, should at this point, now be lifting the text that inspired these movies. The respected authors Frank Herbert and Michael Crichton have sizable and diverse reading catalogs suitable for those knowledgeable and open-minded IB learners. 


A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies... The man who never reads lives only one.

– 乔治·马丁 George R.R. Martin 

「 延伸阅读 Further Reading 」

书名 Book: This Book is Cruelty-Free;

 作者 Author: Linda Newbery.

书名 Book:  Paddy Clarke Ha, Ha, Ha;

 作者 Author: Roddy Doyle.

书名 Book: Long Walk to Freedom;

 作者 Author: Nelson Mandela.





Consult your librarian or find a suitable booklist, 

then check off or list how many books you have read!

Enjoy your reading!



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特别鸣谢  Special Thanks to

Mr. John










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