BIBS Kunming 2022-2023
After School Activities
The registration of 2022-23 Academic Year ASA in BIBS Kunming is starting! If you finish your registration this weekend, you can join the trial class next week! We value holistic education at BIBS Kunming which require students to focus on both academic and personal interests, pursuing self-competence development. We believe that professional plan and organization of ASA will stimulate students’ potential talent and create possibilities. So, what ASA will we offer at BIBS Kunming?
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Basketball has significant influence to Chinese children, this Chinee Basketball ASA aims to improve children’s body condition and help them to develop in all aspects. Meanwhile, children could have more chances to know more culture and story behind basketball.
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Project Speak & Shoot(情景式英语+专业篮球训练)创新教学方式,全英语授课环境,激活听说会话,让孩子能够进行自我观点的表达,培养英语语音整体感知能力和表达能力。课程内容为孩子提供专业的热身、肌肉拉伸、协调性训练、高水准的运球、传球、上篮、防守训练等一系列专业篮球训练和战术讲解。通过组织游戏和比赛,营造一个让孩子有归属感的团队,并且逐步融入集体,增加自信,培育领导能力。
Project Speak and Shoot (Environmental English Learning+Professional Basketball Training) is a new way of teaching. It uses full English teaching environment to stimulate children to express themselves via English and their English understanding ability. The content provide professional warm up, balance training, skills and other kind of training including strategy understanding. It will also provide a team like family to children via organizing game and competition, this could improve children’s confidence and leadership ability.
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Since 2017, Skateboard already became one of competition divs in the Olympics. This time, the BIBS Kunming hope to connect to the Olympics and set up the Skateboard ASA. The Skateboard ASA will train students to control the skateboard in easy and complicated situation to promote children’s concentration, willpower and other sports spirit.
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Currently the BIBS Kunming already established the baseball school team, and the BIBS Kunming is the first national baseball experiment school in Yunnan Province. People think baseball is “the combination of competition and wisdom”, it is a team sport which combine wisdom, competition, interesting and teamwork. We hope to provide suitable body training, skill training and culture communication to children.
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Through the process which communicating with the horse, children could practice their love, responsibility and respect to horses and nature, this is the core of the horse riding. In the training of the horse riding, the rider could feel that the relationship between them and horse is not the working partner, but they are respected, equal and encouraged friends. The Horse Riding ASA is a new try for the BIBS Kunming this year.
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Currently, the BIBS Kunming already established the golf school team. Golf is a noble, elegant and natural friendly sport, through the ASA, children from BIBS Kunming could abstract the spirit of Golf better. We improve students’ athletic performance via the practice in speed, balance and body control, etc. Meanwhile, we will help students to foster great sport hobby via teaching them the basic golf skills.
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The Arts ASA in BIBS Kunming use the foreign Arts teaching mode to help students to connect their study to future study overseas. We use interesting classroom to help students improve their drawing ability, thinking ability and creativity. We divide our ASA into 3 main parts:
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2.平面立体构成类课程。 课程以动手动脑的形式展开,旨在提升艺术创作兴趣的同时,锻炼学生的思考能力,动手能力,空间想象能力。手工模型课安排小组合作,旨在提高学生的团队协作能力。
1.Photography Program. We will teaching students from the beginning to understand the development of camera and photography. This course will use group discussion as the way of teaching to help students learn basic photography knowledge and skills and produce their own satisfied pictures.
2.Two-dimensional and Three-dimensional Building Program. This program will encourage students to practice more. This will help them to improve their practical ability, imagination and creative interests. This course will also use group work as the teaching method to foster their teamwork ability.
3.Arts Work Program. This course will teaching students basic drawing skills and theory, then will teach them more specific drawing knowledge and help children to have systematic understanding for the Arts.
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Bonjour还是Salut?C' est la vie 还是Jet’aime?法语已经悄悄走进我们的生活。目前全球有近3亿人使用法语,预计到2065年,地球上每10个人里,就有1个人会说法语。你想成为这个“十分之一”吗?青苗昆明校区课外课的法语课,涵盖了基础语言知识和丰富的文化体验,从“衣、食、住、行、学”等方面培养学生的实际语言应用能力。法语初级班的同学今年的目标是:用法语打招呼、介绍自己和家人、买东西、问路、聊聊天气和心情、说说愿望和打算……
Bonjour or Salut? C’est la vie or Je t’aime? French already became part of our life. Currently there are around 30 million people use French around the world. To the 2065, every 10 people in the world would have 1 person speak French. Do you want to be this person? The French course in BIBS Kunming is full of basic language knowledge and culture experience. It will give students language ability via several areas. The target for the new French class are: using French to say hi, introduce themselves and family, shopping, asking way, talking weather and mood, etc.
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Do you wanna be a maker? If the answer is yes, please keep reading here. Science Innovation is a way to keep looking for new things and keep practicing and sharing beautiful new life. In the easy way, people who enjoy science innovation is a new group of people to produce new products to the world. Come on and join us!
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Do you want a special pair of shoes? Do you want a special toy? Or do you have a machine model which exists in your head for a long time and waiting to be practiced? Come and join us. This course could teach you how to use computer and other tools to design and produce your model. This course use STEAM Teaching Method to stimulate the imagination, creativity and solving ability for students. Come and join us to explore the world of 3D Printing!
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Chinese Chess is the treasure of Chinese tradition. People seem it as the activity which has benefits to people’s intelligence, thinking ability and analyze ability. Learning Chinese Chess could improve children’s concentration and foster their level of steady. It also could help students to control themselves and become active learners and remove some negative behavior from their study.
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International Chess is a strategic competition between 2 people. It combine skill, strategy, Arts, Science and knowledge together. International Chess is the most popular chess sport in the world. It could provide strategic thinking and health mental via learning, practicing and competition.
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