Love · World“爱·世界”丨爱与行动,改变世界——2023 IB社区设计项目成果展回顾
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上周,2023 IB社区设计项目成果展在广州外国语学校内举行。在过去的一个学年中,广州外国语学校爱莎文华IB学子在社区设计这门课程中围绕着“爱·世界”主题,聚焦于真实生活的社区,开展项目,为建设未来更美好的世界建言献策。本次活动中,所有来自高一IB(4)班的学生以小组形式展示他们在过去一学年里,在社区设计这门课程中所付诸的实践与收获的成果。
Last week, the 2023 IB Community Project Exhibition was held in Guangzhou Foreign Language School. In the past academic year, IB students of Guangzhou Foreign Language School ISA Wenhua IB Diploma Programme worked with the theme of "Love × World" in the course of Community Project, focused on real-life communities, carried out projects, and made suggestions for building a better world in the future. In this exhibition, all the students from the IB G10-4 class presented in groups what they have put in practice and harvested in the course of Community Project in the past academic year.
Click to watch the video and review the 2023 IB Community Project Exhibition.
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About the IB Community Project
"Community" is a very important concept in IB. It not only means the school community, but also includes the wider real world. It aims to emphasize the mass of learning participants, and at the same time guide IB learners to look beyond the school, look at the world, pay attention to the society, and practice social responsibility.
Community Project is a very meaningful comprehensive inquiry-based service activity with experiential learning in the IB curriculum. The topics of these community projects are based on students' personal interests, focusing on serving the community, exploring their rights and responsibilities as social citizens in the entire community, and contributing to the improvement of the community, which in turn prompts them to further develop excellent qualities of the IB learner profile, prepares them for the course of Creativity, Activity, Service (CAS) of the IBDP, and encourages each IB learner to truly grow lifelong learning ability.
In the community project, students need to combine skills with learning methods, complete four project stages including conducting research, making plans, taking action, and conducting reflection, take service actions in the community, and contribute to community improvement in an international context. We hope that in the community project, students would:
Engage in an ongoing, self-directed inquiry in a global context;
Generate creative new insights and deepen understanding through in-depth research;
Demonstrate the skills, attitudes and knowledge required to be able to complete a project over an extended period of time;
Communicate effectively in a variety of situations;
Demonstrate responsible action through or as a result of learning;
Appreciate the learning process and take pride in their own accomplishments.
This experience is undoubtedly very valuable to the students. We also hope that the students will continue to maintain their original aspirations and give full play to the excellent qualities of IB learners in their future study and life. The future world will eventually become even better because of the small actions of the students.
