

毕业典礼 | 中西融合,圆梦国际,奔向美好前程




High school has flown by, and St Bees Dongguan students have looked forward to flying further afield from campus. Now they're off into the world to study, and before they go, it's time to say goodbye. Let's send our best wishes to them at their graduation ceremony.


From June 20 to 21, the 2023 graduating class of St Bees Dongguan held their unforgettable campus activities and graduation ceremonies.



Following your dreams and unforgettable school days


On June 20, St Bees Dongguan held a graduation activity and graduation photo shoot on campus. Accompanied by all the staff, the graduates enjoyed a fun campus event and took graduation photos with their mentors and friends to commemorate their departing high school life.


Press the shutter button, and a treasured graduation photo is perhaps the most beautiful symbol of high school. Good friends and teachers were on hand to help each other sort out their graduation robes and take pictures around the campus. On this day, each and every graduate wears their brightest smile as they take their graduation photo together!


House activities are part of campus life for every St Bees student. In the final parting moments, let's pass on the signed House souvenir uniforms to the next generation of students, and then have fun saying goodbye this summer with a lively House event.



Solemn farewell, Class of 2023 graduation ceremony.


On 21 June, the St Bees Dongguan “Where west meets east, achieving your international dreams” the class of 2023 graduation ceremony was held at the Intercontinental Hotel in Dongguan. This solemn and heart-warming graduation ceremony was attended by parents of graduates, current students, all staff, and guests. The children went through a metamorphosis from young to mature, and with the support, encouragement and companionship of their parents and teachers, they blossomed into a bumper crop. The graduation ceremony was hosted by teachers Elaine and Lukas, and students Leo and Yasmin.



In his speech, Mr. Danny Wang, Chairman of St Bees, said he hoped that St Bees students would experience international diversity and cultivate an international perspective through exchanges with students from different countries; during their studies, they should study their own profession, develop good study and living habits, make achievements in their fields of interest and get rid of the diploma-only mindset; be brave enough to try in practice, constantly summarise and don't be afraid of making mistakes. Finally, Danny said to all graduates, "The only way to create the future, is to have the courage in making thousands of mistakes, but still believing in it."


圣比斯(东莞)校长Mr. Lee Knight在致辞表示,圣比斯(东莞)的学子们在疫情过程中遇到了许多困难,如线上学习、全英教学等,通过努力他们都克服了这些困难,并取得优异的成绩。他衷心地希望每一位毕业生去总结高中阶段的收获,思考人生目标,保持积极的态度,在人生的下一个篇章开启之时全力以赴。他说到,“圣比斯将一直与你们同在,塑造你们的成长之路,这段求学的经历也将成为你们人生中最难忘的时光。”

In his speech, Mr. Lee Knight, Principal of St Bees Dongguan, said that the students had encountered many difficulties during the outbreak,such as online learning and full English teaching, but through hard work they had overcome these difficulties and achieved excellent results. He expressed his sincere hope that each of the graduates would take stock of their high school achievements, reflect on their goals in life, maintain a positive attitude and give their best to the next chapter of their lives. He said that St Bees will be with you all the way through, shaping your growth and making this school experience one of the most memorable of their lives.


圣比斯(东莞)教学总监Mr. Stephen O’Farrell祝愿每一位毕业生,在迈向下一个阶段之时,能够继续抓住不同的机会,尝试新事物,充分发挥自身的潜力,拥抱新的机遇,并永远不要畏惧失败,而是要从体验中获取人生前进的钥匙。最后,他深情地说到:“希望下次返校的时候,你们能与我们热情分享你的生活,你的成长,我们将随时等待着你们的归来。”

Mr. Stephen O'Farrell, Director of Academics at St Bees Dongguan, wished each of the graduates, as they move on to the next stage, to continue to seize different opportunities, to try new things, to reach their full potential, to embrace new opportunities, and to never be afraid to fail, but to gain the keys to move forward in life from experience. In closing, he said fondly, "I hope that the next time you return to school, you will share your life, your growth, with us with enthusiasm and we will be waiting for you to return at any time."



In his graduation speech, Bolin, President of St Bees Dongguan Student Union, and representative of the Class of 2023, said wholeheartedly: "Doing good will save the day. As international students, we should have the ability and responsibility to become the elite of society, to constantly transcend ourselves and the limitations of our time, to let go of our own small dreams, the expectations of those who love us, and the great love to change society, and to fight with all our might towards our goals."



The growth of students cannot be achieved without co-parenting at home and school, and parents are integral members of the 2023 St Bees Dongguan students' journey forward. Mr. Lu Bin, father of graduate Young, as a parent representative, shared at the graduation ceremony, "I wish each and every one of our graduates to cultivate an international perspective, cultural tolerance and independence at university, to continue to excel in their respective professional fields, and to take on the challenges of the future with a new attitude to make their respective lives exciting. "

在大家翘首以待的领取毕业证书环节,每位毕业生按照顺序上台,从校长Mr. Lee Knight先生手中接过毕业证书,并与校长合影。毕业生们以出色的成绩和优秀的品质,彰显了圣比斯学子的风采与气质。他们是圣比斯闪亮的名片,也是教育所期待的青春的模样。

At the eagerly awaited certificate presentation ceremony, each graduate came up in order to receive their diploma from the Principal, Mr. Lee Knight, and had their photo taken with him. The graduates demonstrated their outstanding achievements and qualities, highlighting the elegance and grace of St Bees students. They are the shining name cards of St Bees and the look of youth that education expects.


We worked hard in high school, and now we have achieved success. Now, with the confidence and wisdom that knowledge gives, and the ideals and future that practice gives, the students are about to embark on a new journey. On this very memorable occasion, the students and teachers from St Bees Dongguan gave a performance to wish the graduates the best of luck!


天高任鸟飞 海阔凭鱼跃

Fruitful and promising class of 2023


The days you get up early to study and the nights you stay up late to study will eventually sustain you in life. In the 2022-2023 application season, the class of 2023 has delivered a satisfactory answer to themselves, their parents, the school, and society with their bright figures.



As of June 18, 2023, St Bees Dongguan graduates have received 147 offers of acceptance from top universities around the world, with offers from schools in the UK, Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, Macau, and other regions. Of these, 112 were from the UK,  3 were from  "G5 Super Elite Universities",22 from the top 10 universities and 77 from the Russell Group universities. 100% of students who submitted undergraduate applications to the UK were accepted by the Russell Group or top 20 universities.

圣比斯(东莞)如同一个承载着荣光与希望的“摆渡人”, 一边连接着2023届学子的高中生涯,一边连接着他们的理想未来。亲爱的圣比斯(东莞)2023毕业生们,毕业快乐,天高海阔,即赴远方!

Like a "ferryman" carrying glory and hope, St Bees Dongguan connects the class of 2023 with their high school career and their ideal future on one side. Happy graduation, dear graduates of St Bees Dongguan 2023, may you have a bright future!

Editor 编辑 | Lucas Xin

Translator 翻译 | Wave Yin

Auditor 初审 | Joanna Chen

Approver 终审 | Lee Knight










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