





To adapt to the evolving landscape of top schools' applications and to offer students superior and tailored study resources, St Bees Dongguan has exerted great efforts in delivering comprehensive educational services. Throughout the 2022-2023 application season, the college counselors and teachers at St Bees Dongguan collaborated diligently to secure numerous admissions to world-renowned schools for St Bees students.


Guidance plays a crucial role in the study abroad process for every student. At St Bees Dongguan, we understand its significance, and that's why we offer a comprehensive range of study support platforms and access to professional tutors. Moreover, we are proud to have alumni from esteemed institutions like Cambridge and King's University of London, who are available to provide valuable study guidance. By following our Cambridge tutors, students can gain insights on making informed decisions about their university majors.


Oxbridge Application Advisor:Danny Wang


As a Cambridge alumnus, Mr Danny Wang possesses a wealth of experience studying in the UK. During his time at Cambridge, he made a significant switch from Mathematics to Land Economy, carefully planning his academic journey and successfully completing his studies step by step. After graduation, he utilized his expertise and wisdom to embark on a multinational business venture.In this article, Mr Danny Wang personally shares his experiences and insights on choosing a university major at Cambridge University and navigating the path after graduation. He provides valuable guidance for students facing the crucial decision of selecting a major, and offers valuable advice on building a successful career post-graduation.


Sir Ken Robinson once said, the children we are trying to educate today are retiring 60 years later. We do not even know what will happen in 5 years, how would we teach these children under such unpredictability? Even at the age of 60, everyone has to apply subject knowledge according to different social circumstances and trends, so how do we make the right educational choices at the age of 17?



Different schools of thought in decision making


“Marry, and you will regret it; don’t marry, you will also regret it; marry or don’t marry, you will regret it either way… This, gentlemen, is the essence of all philosophy.” Søren Kierkegaard. And I would add, “choose the subject, you will regret it; choose another, you will also regret it; no matter what you study in university, you will regret it either way.”

19th century philosopher Søren Aabye Kierkegaard



Optimal Stopping Theory in Mathematics says the optimal decision is to stop at 37% of all the choices you have. Dating is a widely used scenario in applying such theory. Why not learn about this to kill two birds with one stone.



Choosing a specialism when studying at Cambridge University


I studied Maths in my first year at Cambridge, but then I switched my major to Land Economy to restart my undergraduate studies. Land Economy is an interdisciplinary subject that deals with the economics, finance, policy, and law of land development. We studied environmental economics, micro- and macroeconomics, sustainable energy, real estate investment trusts (REITs), land law, financial systems, and land development policy. It is definitely one of the most practical subjects in Cambridge, with many students graduating to work as investment bankers, lawyers, surveyors, property investors and more.

Department of Land Economy at Cambridge



Although I studied Mathematics in my first year at Cambridge, I changed my subject to Land Economy and restarted my undergraduate study. Although I really love Mathematics, I found myself incapable of continuing on. Furthermore, I had no interest in working in related fields after graduation, such as investment banking or mathematical research etc. You can read about my previous article about studying Mathematics.


After graduation, my knowledge of land economy has provided me with a complete chain of thinking about problem solving when I encountered real life problems. For example, when I opened schools in the UK and China, I had to consider various key factors, or how to work within the legal framework but at the same time be flexible enough to achieve commercial success under permission. Such an interdisciplinary specialism has enabled me to translate different factors into informed and well-considered decisions.



Important reference for planning


If I could travel back in time and take my A-Level again, would I have made the same choice? It is a very difficult question to answer, probably the same for many readers. Although Land Economy gave me very broad spectrum of knowledge across disciplines, most of the knowledge actually can be learnt through readings after graduation. But Mathematics isn’t easy to be self-taught. Meanwhile, Cambridge gives the best Mathematics course in the world, has the best group of students and professors you could not find elsewhere. Looking far ahead, instead of just looking for a job, I would possibly not change my course and stick with Mathematics as it is an once a life time experience.


Career planning is a brand-new concept for most Chinese teenagers. In their original perception, career planning and further education planning are more at the mercy of their parents and teachers, a model that is passive and generally ineffective. Studies show that 50 percent of today's jobs could disappear within 30 years. Unless you are determined to pursue a career in a certain field for decades, I strongly recommend that you do not choose a subject purely for the reason that it is "good for getting a job". We should start with our interests and find our passion in the subject we are studying.


So the key question is how do you find your passion? It's a process of getting to know and understand your deepest thoughts and feelings. You can do this by asking yourself questions like what excites you the most? What do you care about most in life? Or simply what are you good at? Instead of trying to find the answers in a day or a week, take some time to talk to your friends and teachers or read books that will help you learn more about yourself.

University of Cambridge 剑桥大学


At last, I would like to share an important quote in decision making, “You can't connect the dots looking forward. You can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something, your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. Because believing that the dots will connect down the road will give you the confidence to follow your heart even when it leads you off the well worn path, and that will make all the difference.”

Steve Jobs at Stanford Commencement Address



St Bees holds regular talks on college guidance and career planning on campus to equip students with an awareness of career planning, as well as other topics, including study abroad counselling and sharing, standardised test planning, guidance on competitions and activities, application timetable planning, guidance on prestigious summer schools, guidance on university applications, paperwork discussions, and interview coaching.


At St Bees, we deeply value and respect students' choices in career exploration. We understand that career planning is a lifelong journey that requires ongoing understanding and exploration from an early age. The fruits of such planning may not be immediately evident during high school, college, or even upon entering the workforce, but the efforts and experiences accumulated along the way will never go to waste. We believe in nurturing students' aspirations and supporting them in their career endeavors, knowing that each step taken towards their goals contributes to their personal growth and future success.

推荐书单Recommended books


For those who would like to know more about Land Economy, here are the books I suggest:


“Triumph of the City”by Edward Glaeser


“Economics of Social Problems”by Julian Le Grand and Carol Propper


“Cities of Tomorrow”by Peter Hall

左右滑动,Swipe for booklist


◆ UCL-Economics and Geography

伦敦大学学院- 经济学与地理学

◆ LSE - Geography with Economics 

伦敦政治经济学院- 地理学与经济学










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