

The CISH World Scholar’s Cup (WSC) Global Round





The CISH World Scholar’s Cup (WSC) Global Round

in Xiamen, China on August 14, 2023


The CISH World Scholar’s Cup (WSC) Senior and Junior teams have just returned from competing at the Global Round in Xiamen, China on August 14, 2023. All of our CISH teams performed wonderfully, developed their speaking and writing and skills, and met new peers from across the world. Overall, our teams won 15 gold medals, and 20 silver medals during the week-long competition. 

The teams competed individually and as a group in Collaborative Writing, Scholar’s Challenge, Team Debate, and Scholar’s Bowl events. They experienced the Cultural Fair, Scholar’s Talent Show, Scholar’s Ball and a Scholar’s Scavenger Hunt. 

Global Round

Both of the CISH Senior Division teams: Emily Lee, Cindy Liu, Eric Kim and Elsie Jiang and Luke Zhang and our Junior Division team of Hana Ge, Victoria Li, and Rhaon Han have advanced to the final round: The Tournament of Champions at Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut. 

Our final Senior Division team of Junseo (Jason) Yun, Barry Bai, and Sean Baek will compete in the upcoming Global Round in Bangkok, Thailand on September 1-6. 

All of these students have shown remarkable determination, courage, and dedication to compete against students from across the globe while maintaining their regular studies. 

Special thanks to Mr. Ryan Kiefer for supervising this activity and his extra support to all of the CISH team members. 

Junior Division

1.Sejin (Noah) Won, Kaixian Gao, and Yujun Kim

2.Hana Ge, Hongyu (Victoria) Li, Rhaon Han

Senior Division

1. Eunjoo (Emily) Lee, Fangyu (Cindy) Liu, and Jaebum (Eric) Kim

2. Yunqian (Elsie) Jiang and Luke Zhang



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