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这头威风凛凛的雄狮,见证了哈罗450年历史文化的薪火相传,也经历了形式的演变与丰富。大约在1830年 ,前脚悬空、仅一支后脚支撑的直立雄狮成为了哈罗校园内独特的装饰。20世纪20年代末,这个经典的轮廓才与盾牌、象征着胜利的月桂花环结合构筑成哈罗校徽的雏形,凝聚着百年哈罗的精神与传奇。



在现代足球成型之前,它的其中一个前身名为“哈罗足球(Harrow Football)”。这是一项介于足球和橄榄球之间的运动,球身又大又不规则,在比赛过程中会变得潮湿并沾满泥土。时至今日,哈罗公学还保留着这项独特的体育项目,哈罗独家的足球赛季往往由在校生和老校友之间的对抗赛推向高潮。






在AISL哈罗各校区内,你往往能在Speech Day、校园音乐会等重要场合看到学生们自豪地戴上它,以示庄重。


哈罗校友常被称为“老哈罗人”(Old Harrovians),这里雄才辈出,星光熠熠,有对世界历史影响深远的政坛领袖,更有各领域的科学家、艺术家和杰出精英。














Long Ducker 慈善长跑

19世纪开始,英国哈罗公学每年都会举办以慈善为宗旨的Long Ducker活动,由全体师生、校友和家长共同参与,沿着一条以创始人约翰·里昂先生命名的路,从哈罗公学跑到伦敦市中心的大理石拱门,为有需要帮助的人筹集捐献善款。

现在Long Ducker已发展为全球所有哈罗校区共同参与的慈善活动,每年11月师生们都会兴致高涨地走出校门,以自己的足迹延续哈罗精神。横琴首届Long Ducker慈善长跑在风光秀丽的天沐河畔举行,参赛者们精神饱满,展现了积极向上、勇于挑战的精神风貌。


演讲日 Speech Day




Forty Years On 是1872年由Edward Ernst Bowen和John Farmer联合为哈罗公学创作的校歌,至今已有近150年的历史。这是一首关于校园生活与友谊的歌,激发同学们去想象从哈罗毕业40年后重返校园是怎样的光景,也是每一位哈罗学子深深刻在心底的旋律。
















What does a history

 over 450 years bring to a school?

 It is the "antiques" that witness the history,

 the buildings that have gone through

 the vicissitudes of life, 

the inspiring legends, 

the names that shine on the alumni wall, 

the traditional rituals that have been passed on

 from one generation to the next,

 and the philosophy of education 

that has lasted for a long time.

It is a school and a "museum" rich in treasures.

As the new term approaches, we invite you to enter our "museum" of Harrow, where you may see familiar faces and objects, hear familiar stories, or be surprised to find never-before-seen magical treasures that unveil Harrow's fascinating history!

Witness the Glories of 4 Centuries

Royal Seal

In 1572, Harrow School in the UK was officially founded under the charter of Queen Elizabeth, and one of the testaments to this was a Royal Seal that she awarded to John Lyon, the founder of Harrow School in the UK. The original one has been treasured at the school for hundreds of years, and last year, on the occasion of Harrow's 450th anniversary, a handmade replica of the Royal Seal was shared with every Harrow branded school in the world.

This Royal Seal of Harrow School in the UK is a historical object that bears witness to the school's journey from the distant past to the future. Each seal is unique, an honour that will be cherished and passed on for generations by Harrovians around the world.

This is the Royal Seal replica in the Harrow Hengqin collections.

 The Harrow Lion

This majestic lion bears witness to the 450-year history and culture of Harrow, and its appearance on the school badge has also developed over centuries. Originally the family sigil of John Lyon, the founder of Harrow School in the UK, the Harrow lion rampant began to feature buildings at Harrow as a unique decoration around 1830. In the late 1920s, a shield displaying a lion rampant and crossed arrows ringed by a wreath of laurel, an evergreen plant symbolising triumph, are adopted to the school badge.   

This school badge of courage and purity, to this date, still soars above the Harrow School. It is also seen everywhere across AISL Harrow Schools.

Harrow Football

Before modern football took shape, one of its predecessors was called 'Harrow Football'. A cross between football and rugby, with a large, irregular ball that became wet and muddy during play. This unique sport is still played at Harrow today, and Harrow's exclusive football season often culminates in a rivalry match between current students and old Harrovians.

The late Queen Elizabeth II visited Harrow in 1957 and watched a game of Harrow Football played on the school grounds.

To commemorate the 450th anniversary of the founding of the school in 2022, Harrow School in the UK organised a relay for Harrow Football, where a special Harrow football travelled from London and travelled through AISL Harrow Schools in Beijing, Bangkok and Haikou before arriving in Hengqin in November, where expectant pupils and teachers excitedly posed for photographs with it and passed on their blessings.

Harrow Hat

For hundreds of years, scholars from all over the world have visited Harrow admiringly, just to put on the Harrow hat, to pursue knowledge and dreams in this very best school.

The Harrow hard straw Hat was first seen in the early 1900s as part of cricket dress. Through time, this uniquely shaped handmade straw hat became part of Harrow’s uniform. Today, the Harrow Hat remains a shared symbol of Harrovians around the world. In the UK, they must wear their hats when going to and from lessons every day.

While in Asia, international Harrovians wear it for respect on Speech Days, school concerts, and other major occasions.

Excellent Old Harrovians

Often referred to as 'Old Harrovians', Harrow's alumni are a star-studded mix of talented individuals, from political leaders who have had a profound impact on the history of the world, to scientists, artists and the best and brightest in their fields.

Political Leaders

Outstanding Scientists

Literary Celebrity

For 450 years, Harrow has always valued alumni resources and continued to follow the developments of their alumni. At Harrow School in the UK, there has always been a tradition of alumni returning to their alma mater to share thoughts with teachers and students. No matter which school they are from, prominent alumni would share life experiences, compete, and share the stage with Harrow students.

AISL Harrow Schools host alumni reunions from time to time and invite prominent alumni to meet international Harrovians at school meetings. The network of international Harrovians from all disciplines is a lifetime asset for all our students.

Harrow Traditions


Each member school of the Harrow family follows the "House System", whereby every student and staff member at primary level and above has a House to which he/she belongs and participates in a wide range of activities as a House, such as sports days, charity events and competitions. At the end of the school year, the school compiles the scores of all the Houses and decides the House Cup Champion for the year. The annual House Cup Champion will be decided at the end of the school year.

Such a small but close-knit community can foster a sense of responsibility, belonging and collective honour among Harrow students, allowing them to experience the power of teamwork.

Six Houses named after Chinese and Foreign Celebrities in Harrow Hengqin

British Boarding System

For hundreds of years, from the UK to China, Harrow has provided students with a caring, British-style boarding education that feels like home. At Harrow, the school is like a home away from home. Students live under the same roof, supporting each other on their learning and growth. Eventually, a deep bond is born.

Harrow's state-of-the-art facilities and comprehensive pastoral support prepare them for both possibilities and obstacles. Our Boarding House Masters and House Mistresses are here to support every single student to ensure they flourish in a safe and secure environment.

Long Ducker 

Beginning in the 19th century, Harrow School in the UK held an annual charity-based Long Ducker, in which all students, faculty, alumni and parents participated in running along a path named after its founder, John Lyon, from Harrow School to Marble Arch in central London to raise donations for those in need.

Long Ducker has now grown into a charity event shared by all Harrow schools around the world, with teachers and students exuberantly stepping out in their own footsteps every November to continue the Harrow spirit. Hengqin's first Long Ducker was held on the scenic banks of the Tinmuk River, and participants were in high spirits, demonstrating a positive and challenging spirit.

Click on the video for a recap of Long Ducker ↓

Speech Day

Speech Day is a centuries-old tradition. On the very special day, all students and teachers celebrate their effort and achievement in academics, sports, arts, and charities and relive the beauty of Courage, Honour, Humility and Fellowship in applause. It's Harrow's tradition to bring Harrovians together to celebrate glory and take the courage to move on to the next stage of their journeys. 

Apart from speeches, presentations of awards and performances, there is also a roll call ritual where students take their hats off and say "here" when they walk to Headmaster. 

Forty Years On

"Forty Years On" is a song written by Edward Ernest Bowen and John Farmer in 1872. It has been in existence for almost 150 years now. It is specifically about life and friendship at school and is meant to give pupils an idea of what it will be like in forty years when they return to their old school. It is also a melody deeply engraved in the heart of every harrow student.

Harrovians sing this classic school song in very major festival and celebration. St. Paul's Cathedral in London is still ringing with the chorus of the school song during the Harrow School 450-year celebration.

All of the above are visible treasures, 

while the real treasure is 

in the heart of every Harrovian,

 inherited for hundreds of years and everlasting.

Harrow Values

The four values of Courage, Honour, Humility and Fellowship represent a holistic approach to education. Guided by these values, our students are encouraged to face the world with open minds, bravery, and integrity, pass on the virtues that Harrow honours, treat people with humility, and strive to improve themselves through humbly seeking advice and support others amid adversities. All students and teachers are always required to model the Harrow Values, to remember and practice for their whole life.

After visiting the historic "Harrow Museum", 

I believe you already have 

a deeper understanding of Harrow 

and a sense of pride and honour as a Harrovian.

Harrow more than 450 years of history and culture

 is continuing, and with the times,

 constantly enrich their own connotation.

In addition to the “treasures” introduced here,

there are many more in the school that

we look forward to you to discover 

in the new academic year!









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