

A Bright Start to A New Adventure 扬帆起航,开启新学期的探索旅程



Smiling faces and laughter filled hallways of Tsinglan School as returning and new students returned to school. Teachers were filled with joy as they saw known faces as well as greeted and welcomed new faces. The atmosphere was buzzing with excitement and anticipation as everyone eagerly shared stories of their summer adventures. The school community embraced the opportunity to reconnect and build new friendships, fostering a sense of unity and belonging among all students. 


The new Grade 1 students were filled with nervousness and excitement as they came in with their parents to meet their teachers, take photos, and have some fun creating crafts and exploring their new homeroom classroom. The teachers warmly welcomed the new Grade 1 students and their parents, assuring them that they were in a safe and supportive environment. The children quickly settled in, making new friends and eagerly participating in the activities planned for the day. 



Throughout the first two weeks of first grade, students created crafts to decorate the room, participated in story time, and learned what a great Tsinglan student looks like by remembering the school's core values. They also had the opportunity to explore different subjects such as math, science, and language arts through interactive and engaging lessons. The teachers encouraged a growth mindset, emphasizing the importance of perseverance and curiosity in their learning journey. The students eagerly embraced these values, displaying enthusiasm and a thirst for knowledge in every activity they took part in. 



During the first two weeks of first grade, students have the chance to make school their home and no longer feel anxious or nervous about becoming part of the Tsinglan family. The school provided a warm and welcoming environment, ensuring that each student felt safe and supported. The teachers and staff went above and beyond to create a sense of belonging, fostering strong relationships with the students and their families. This helped the students quickly settle in and develop a strong sense of community within the Tsinglan family. 


Meanwhile, in the bustling hallways of Grade 2, the arrival of a fresh academic year brought with it a wave of anticipation and excitement. With several new students joining the school community, parents and children alike eagerly embraced this new chapter in their educational journey. The prospect of meeting dedicated teachers, uncovering the treasures of their beautiful school, and embarking on a thrilling learning adventure set the stage for a promising start to an engaging school year.



Amidst this transition, returning students demonstrated remarkable adaptability. They extended open arms to the newcomers, offering friendship and support as they navigated the unfamiliar terrain. These seasoned students, well-versed in the school's culture, adjusted their expectations and routines seamlessly to accommodate the demands of new grades, teachers, and curriculums. Their positive attitude and willingness to embrace change played a pivotal role in fostering a nurturing and inclusive learning environment for all.


The main focus of the first two weeks of the school year in Grade 2 was dedicated to instilling important values within the students. They delved into the school's Mission and Vision, as well as its six core values: well-being, integrity, inclusion, excellence, innovation, and perseverance. Each class took on one of these core values and embarked on a collaborative project that beautifully portrayed all six. This immersive experience aimed not only to teach these values but to engrain them in the hearts and minds of the students. The hope is that these young learners will carry these values forward, becoming responsible and principled members of the school community throughout the new academic year and beyond.

二年级新学年前两周的重点是向学生们传递重要的清澜价值观和清澜使命。在学校里,老师带着孩子们深入探讨了学校的使命和愿景, 以及六个核心价值观:身心健康、正直担当、追求卓越、探索创新、坚忍不拔和兼容并包。每个班级以其中一个核心价值观为主题,并开展了一个合作项目,完美地诠释了所有六个核心价值观的寓意。这种躬身实践的体验目的不仅是为了传授这些价值观,更是将它们深深植根于学生的心灵,伴随他们的成长。希望清澜小学子们能够将这些价值观发扬光大, 在新的学年,甚至以后的人生旅途里,成为学校和社区负责任、有原则的成员。



In Grade 2, the "high-fliers" theme displayed by classes isn't just a motto; it's a guiding principle that ignites the spark of ambition in each student. As the academic year unfolds, it's clear that the excited atmosphere and the contagious positivity are propelling these young learners toward the sky. With dedicated teachers and eager students working hand in hand, the prospect of soaring into Grade 3 isn't just hopeful; it's a foreseeable reality. Teachers in Grade 2 hope that the school and classroom culture will not only be nurturing, but ensure academic growth as spirits of resilience and determination are developed to enable these young high-fliers to achieve their dreams and reach new heights in their educational journey.













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