

University and Career Newsletter #1 for school-year 2023-2024



Tuesday, September 19th, 2023

University and Career Newsletter #1 for school-year 2023-2024

Notice to students and parents of grades 9-12,

There is a virtual career fair on your Unifrog Career and College research account, this Thursday, September 21st, from 4:00-6:30 pm.  Please register and participate when you can.  If you want somewhere comfortable to sit with your colleagues at that time, and participate, please come to room S106 and bring headphones. Or you may participate when you arrive at home, and ask one of 49 University representatives in attendance questions about what it is like to study in that country or region.  Already grades 11 and 12 are registered and attending with an assignment to speak with at least three university representatives, and reflect on what they have learned.  Also, if you register, you may view more of the presentations at your own convenience.  Please see the agenda and attending universities below and on Unifrog—register now and don’t miss out on this opportunity.

Also, this Thursday lunch recess at 12:00-12:30 pm there is a guest attending to present from Harbour Education Group, Alexander Lebedev, who will speak on university applications and Harbour’s partnerships with scholars from top US Universities, such as Harvard and MIT, and the summer programs they offer students to meet with professors from such schools and learn new things that will enhance their application portfolio.  Students of grades 9-12 are asked to attend in order to give our guests a warm welcome.

This October 20th, in one month’s time, on a Friday morning, we will again host the live CISH Fall Career Fair.  Attendees will be announced at a later time and students of grades 9-12 will be attending during their scheduled class time for a tour of the booths, and parents too are welcome and encouraged to attend and get information from the university representatives in attendance.

Last Thursday’s visit from Queen’s University representative and Admissions Officer, Ms. Sunny Wang, was a success.  It was good to see some parents in attendance as well.  Sunny had valuable information to share, including outlining the support the university gives students on applying for their student visas, and even on applying for a work permit after graduation if that is desired.  Sunny also mentioned Queen’s Universities valuable partnerships with major corporations such as NASA, TESLA, Google, Facebook, the Canadian Department of Defense, and more.  If a student, your son or daughter is interested in attending a university in Canada, or you are interested in speaking with Sunny or another of Queens University’s representatives, please contact Neil Yeamans at  by email. 

Please review your Unifrog account at least once a week to see upcoming webinars, tools, and information that you may be interested in.  

Sincerely yours,

Neil Yeamans

University Counsellor

2023 年 9 月 19 日星期二

2023-2024 学年大学与职业新闻简报第一期

致 9-12 年级的学生及家长,

本周四(9 月 21 日)下午 4:00-6:30 将通过Unifrog 职业和大学研究平台举办一场虚拟职业展会。请您注册并尽可能参加。如果您和其他参会人需要舒适的环境,请前往 S106 室并带上耳机。或者在家参加活动。届时活动参与者可向会中的 49 位大学代表提问,了解在该国或该地区学习的感受。目前 11 和 12 年级的学生已报名参加,他们的任务是与至少三位大学代表交谈,并思考自己的收获。此外,如果您注册该平台,在方便的时候也可以观看更多演讲视频。请查看下文Unifrog平台活动议程--现在就注册,机会不容错过。

此外,本周四中午12:00-12:30来自Harbour教育集团的嘉宾Alexander Lebedev将出席并就以下几方面进行演讲:大学申请、Harbour与哈佛大学和麻省理工学院等美国顶尖大学学者的合作关系以及Harbour教育集团的暑期项目,特别注意是,学生可通过暑期项目接触例如上述顶尖大学的教授,获取对提升自身大学申请资格有益的新知识。请 9-12 年级的学生积极参加。

另外,10 月 20 日星期五上午,我们将再次举办 CISH 秋季职业展会,参会人员将在后期公布。9-12 年级学生将在规定的上课时间内参加,参观各个展台,同时我们也欢迎并鼓励家长参加,向与会的大学代表了解相关信息。

上周四,皇后大学代表兼招生负责人 Sunny Wang 女士来我校进行了顺利且圆满的访问活动。许多家长也参与其中。Sunny 女士带来了很多有价值的信息,包括在学生申请学生签证方面以及毕业后申请工作许可证方面(如果需要的话)学校可提供哪些支持。Sunny 女士还提到了皇后大学与 NASA、TESLA、Google、Facebook、加拿大国防部等大型企事业单位的宝贵合作关系。如果学生有意就读加拿大大学,或您有兴趣与 Sunny 女士或皇后大学其他代表交流,请发送电子邮件至与 Neil Yeamans 取得联系。

请注意查看您的 Unifrog 账户,建议每周至少一次,了解即将举行的研讨会、大学或职业发展相关工具或其他您感兴趣的信息。


大学申请指导:Neil Yeamans



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