

QISS Sharks Volleyball



Our QISS Volleyball teams are off to a great start!

我们QISS 排球队有了一个良好的开端!

저희QISS 배구팀이 좋은 출발을 했습니다!

QISS provides a dynamic learning environment so it is important we share what is happening in all areas of our amazing school!! We welcome you to follow QISS official accounts to learn more about our Sharks sporting journey. We are proud to spotlight all of the awesome stuff going on in our school and start giving our student-athletes and coaches the recognition they deserve!

QISS 拥有一个充满活力的学习环境,因此我们要分享发生在这个美好校园里的一切!欢迎您关注QISS官方账号,了解更多关于我们学生的运动历程。很荣幸能在这里展示我们学校发生的所有令人惊叹的事情,并给予我们运动员和教练员应有的认可!

QISS는 활기찬 학습 환경을 제공하기 때문에, 학교의 다양한 분야에서 일어나는 일들을 공유할 필요가 있습니다! QISS 공식 계정에 관심을 가지고 저희 학생들의 운동 과정에 대해 더 많이 알아보세요. 저희 학교에서 일어난 모든 놀라운 일들을 이곳에서 보여주는 것을 영광입니다!

Our High School Girls and Boys Volleyball teams have had their first practices led by Mr Cashman, Ms Jola and Mr Hector. With the QISN tournament coming up in October and ACAMIS not long after in November, the teams wasted no time getting things rolling. On Wednesday September 5th our Girls team got their season underway with a friendly match vs. cross-campus rivals Hongwen. With only one week of practice under their belt the girls had to learn on the fly and really work hard in their first game of the year. The girls battled the whole game showing their potential. On Tuesday September 12th our Sharks continued their season by making their way out to Huangdao to take on the YCIS Stingrays. For the girls, this was their second game of the year, and they were looking to build on their previous game vs. Hongwen. The girls lost the first set, but remained focused and came back to take the 2nd. The 3rd set was an absolute victory for our girls! This is a team to watch in 2023! Go Sharks!

我们的高中女子排球队和男子排球队在Mr Cashman, Ms Jola and Mr Hector的带领下进行了首次训练。QISN联赛将于10月举行,ACAMIS联赛也将于11月举行,因此各队都在抓紧时间进行训练。9月5日(星期三),我们的女子队与宏文队进行了一场友谊赛。由于只进行了一周的训练,女队队员们不得不在今年的第一场比赛中抓紧练习,努力拼搏。女孩们在整场比赛中顽强拼搏,展现了她们的潜力。9月12日(星期二),"鲨鱼队"将继续他们的比赛,前往黄岛迎战耀中国际学校。对女孩们来说,这是她们今年的第二场比赛,她们希望再接再厉。虽然女孩们输掉了第一局,但她们仍不放弃,并在第二局中扳回一局。第三局,我校的姑娘们取得了绝对性的胜利!我们期待这支队伍在 2023 年的表现!加油,鲨鱼们!

저희 고등부 여자 배구팀과 남자 배구팀은 Mr Cashman, Ms Jola and Mr Hector의 인솔하에 첫 훈련을 했습니다. QISN 리그가 10월에 열리고 ACAMIS 리그도 11월에 열리기 때문에 각 팀은 서둘러 훈련에 임하고 있습니다. 9월 5일(수요일) 저희 여자팀은 Hongwen팀과 친선경기를 가졌습니다. 일주일밖에 훈련하지 않아 여자 선수들은 올해 첫 경기에서 빠른 속도로 배워야 합니다. 여자들은 경기 내내 끈질기게 싸우며 저력을 보여주었습니다. '상어팀' 은 9월 12일(화요일) YCIS와 경기를 위해 황도로 향합니다. 여자들에게는 올해 두 번째 경기이고, 그들은 더 분발하기를 원합니다. Hongwen을 상대로 첫 세트를 내줬지만 포기하지 않고 2세트를 이겼습니다. 3세트에서, 여자들은 절대적인 승리를 거두었습니다! 저희는 2023년에 이 팀의 활약을 기대합니다! 힘내세요, 상어팀!

Boys Battle to the end in a close one


남자부 마지막 순간까지 싸웁니다.

The boys opened their season with their first game on the road and by the sounds of things it was a nail-biter with the last 2 sets coming down to extra points. Coach Cashman was impressed with the attitude and effort on display by the Sharks and was really happy with the leadership being shown by the more experienced players in the team. Our shark leaders were communicating effectively and leading by example with their play. The 3rd and final set was tight going back and forth and was up for grabs for both teams, but unfortunately, the boys were unable to steal the victory in YCIS’s home gym. Reflecting on the game Coach Cashman said he was happy with what the team was able to do given their limited time practicing together. Coach Cashman gave a special mention to Chris who stepped up in the 2nd set and delivered some big serves to keep them in the game. The boys will look to get on track in their next match.

男孩们在客场的首场比赛揭开了他们新赛季的序幕。从比赛的过程来看,双方打得难解难分,最后两局都打到了加时赛。Cashman教练对 "鲨鱼队"的态度和努力让我们留下了深刻印象,对队内经验丰富的球员所表现出的领导力感到自豪。鲨鱼队的队长跟队员之间进行了有效的沟通,并以身作则。第三局也是最后一局,两队比分跟的很近。但遗憾的是,男孩们未能在与YCIS的比赛中赢得胜利。在回顾这场比赛时,Cashman教练说,他对队员们在有限的训练时间里所取得的成绩感到满意。Cashman教练特别提到了Chris,他在第二局中的出色表现得以使比赛继续进行。队员们将在下一场比赛中继续努力。

남자들의 YCIS에서 첫 경기가 그들의 새 시즌의 서막을 열었습니다. 경기 과정을 보면 막상막하로 팽팽하게 맞섰고, 마지막 두 세트 모두 연장전까지 갔습니다. Cashman 감독의 '상어팀'에 대한 태도와 노력이 인상적이었고 팀 내 경험이 많은 선수들이 보여준 리더십 능력에 자부심을 느꼈습니다. 상어 팀의 주장은 효과적으로 소통하고 솔선수범했습니다. 세 번째 세트이자 마지막 세트입니다, 두 팀의 점수는 매우 가까웠습니다. 안타깝게도 남자들은 YCIS와의 경기에서 승리하지 못했습니다. 이 경기를 돌아보며 Cashman 감독은 선수들이 제한된 훈련 시간 동안 거둔 성과에 만족한다고 말했습니다. Cashman감독은 특히 Chris에 대해 언급했는데, 2세트에서의 그의 활약 덕분에 경기를 계속 진행할 수 있었습니다. 선수들은 다음 경기에서 계속 노력할 것입니다.

Let’s Meet our Girls Volleyball 

Head Coach!



우리 여자 배구 감독님을 만나보세요!

Name 姓名이름: Jolanta Poprawska


Nationality国籍국적: Polish/British波兰/英国



Position职位직위: Girls Volleyball Coach 

女子排球队教练 여자 배구팀의 코치


Years Coached at QISS: 3 years

在 QISS 的执教年限:3 年

QISS에서의 감독 연한: 3년







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