

喜报!| 哈罗海口首届毕业班学生IGCSE平均成绩为A!





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在我们专业高等教育咨询团队的支持下,这些学生将在未来两年内将以申请全球最具竞争力的大学为目标。面对即将到来的A-Level挑战,我们的校长Olly Wells将亲自提供相关升学指导! 

Mr. Olly Wells

Olly 校长从事教育工作20余年,在升学指导、背景提升和大学申请规划方面经验丰富。他曾在中国三所享有盛誉的国际学校担任了8年的校长职位,帮助多名学子成功申请斯坦福、剑桥、UCL和杜伦等世界一流大学。



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Messages from Headmaster



“哈罗海口是一所年轻、成长中的学校,在过去三年中取得了一些令人欣喜的里程碑,其中包括 IGCSE 成绩: 7% A*、43% A*-A 和 70% A*-B。 这些结果与 AISL 哈罗集团内的其他学校相当。 我们的挑战是进一步发展学校,以与世界上最好的学校竞争。 扩大我们的成功,使其适用于所有年级的所有学生。


这些学生的平均成绩为 A,有望在 2025 年夏季取得进入顶尖大学所需的优异 A level 成绩。我非常期待与所有学生合作,为他们提供支持。”


Craig Cooper


我对我们第一批 IGCSE 学生所取得的成就感到非常自豪,并期待看到他们在未来能够继续取得成就。 我也非常感谢所有给予我大力支持的家长,当然也感谢那些不断鼓励和激励我们的学生实现个人学业目标的老师们。


Alison Phaup


我们的学生在 IGCSE 考试中取得了优异的增值成绩。 增值指的是将学生取得的实际成绩与预测成绩相比较。 例如,在数学方面,我们的学生平均成绩比预期成绩高一个等级。 这是一个令人惊喜的结果,我们的学生和教职员工感到非常自豪。

What is IGCSE?



IGCSE,全称International General Certificate of Secondary Education,是国际普通初级中学毕业文凭,全球14-16岁年龄段考试人数最多的课程体系之一。



The importance of IGCSE










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This year, Harrow Haikou students sat the IGCSE exams for the first time. In an increasingly competitive environment with stricter grading criteria, Harrow students still managed to live up to expectations and achieve great results. Congratulations to our students for taking the first step and achieving results to be proud of.

It is a source of pride that Harrow Haikou students hit a milestone in their IGCSE results, with 43 per cent achieving A*-A grades and 70 per cent achieving A*-B grades. The average grade achieved was a grade A. These figures are well above the UK average for the year and comparable to other Harrow schools.

This demonstrates that we are in line with other Harrow schools in Asia in terms of teaching standards and results. After three years of development, Harrow Haikou has gradually built up a good reputation in the community for bringing high-quality international education to Hainan and the whole country with the vision of Educational Excellence for Life and Leadership.

Over the next two years, supported by our team of professional educational counsellors, these students will aim to apply to the world's most competitive universities. Mr Olly Wells, the  Headmaster of Harrow Haikou, will be available to provide guidance on the upcoming A-Level challenge! 

Mr. Olly Wells

Mr Wells has been in the education industry for over 20 years and is highly experienced in university application planning. Previously, he has supported many students in their successful applications to world-class universities such as Stanford University, Cambridge University, University College London (UCL) and Durham University.

In addition, Harrow Haikou has been officially accredited by Cambridge Assessment International Education (CAIE) at the end of 2022. Leveraging on Harrow Haikou's personalised university guidance support, and making full use of CAIE's globally-shared educational resources, we provide students with a richer and higher quality curriculum, offering a strong guarantee for them to further their studies in overseas universities in the future.

Messages from Headmaster


Learning about the achievements and progress the students have made, Mr Wells, the Headmaster of Harrow Haikou, said,

“Harrow Haikou is a young, growing school that has reached some pleasing milestones over the previous three years including IGCSE Results of: 7% A*, 43% A*-A and 70% A*-B. These results are comparable to other schools within the AISL Harrow Group. Our challenge is to further evolve the school to compete with the very best schools in the world and scale our success so that it applies to all pupils in all grades.

With an average grade of an A, these pupils are firmly on track to achieve the excellent A level results needed to enter top universities in summer 2025. I very much look forward to working with all the students to support them and our teachers in their university application process’.


Craig Cooper

Head of Upper School

I am hugely proud of what our first cohort of IGCSE students have achieved and look forward to seeing what they can go on to accomplish in the coming years.  I am also very grateful to all the parents, who have provided outstanding support, and of course to the teachers who worked tirelessly to continuously encouraged and enthuse our students to realise their individual academic goals.


Alison Phaup

Director of Studies

Upper School 

Our students achieved excellent value added scores in their IGCSE exams. Value added compares the results students achieved with the results that baseline tests predicted they would achieve. For example, in Maths, our students achieved an average of one grade above their predicted grades. This is an incredible outcome and one of which our students and staff should be very proud. 

What is IGCSE?



IGCSE, which stands for International General Certificate of Secondary Education, is one of the world's most popular international qualifications for 14 to 16 year olds.

As a bridging programme before A-level, the IGCSE curriculum is roughly equivalent to that of the third year of junior high school or the first year of senior high school in China, and is suitable for students in Grades 9 and 10. IGCSE generally requires students to choose at least five subjects, with Maths and English being compulsory. International schools in China usually offer a one or two-year IGCSE programme as a bridging programme to A-Level, with IGCSE grades ranging from A*, A, B, C, D, E, F, G and U.

The importance of IGCSE



Enhancing students' competitiveness 

when applying to universities.

Although IGCSE results cannot be used directly to apply to university, many top UK universities have corresponding IGCSE results requirements. In particular, students who want to apply to G5 universities or prestigious schools should also consider carefully when choosing their IGCSE subjects. For example, students with 5 or more A*s in their IGCSEs will be more competitive when applying to top UK universities such as Oxbridge.

IGCSE English results can be 

substituted for IELTS results.

IGCSE English at B or above is allowed by many UK universities, including UCL, University of Edinburgh and King's College London, as a substitute for IELTS results.

Helping students to better prepare 

for the first year of the 

A-Level programme.

The IGCSE programme overlaps partially with the A-Level programme and is ideally used as a pre-basic course for the A-Level programme. IGCSE helps students to build a solid foundation in language and subject learning, which will make later A-Level studies much easier.

The success of our Harrow Haikou students in their first IGCSE exams clearly demonstrates the positive results that can be achieved when students work hard and strive to maximise their potential. They are also supported by excellent international teachers and a wealth of global educational resources. There is a long way to go, but we are confident that our students have a bright future ahead of them!

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Upcoming Events


10月13日 下午2:30-3:30



10月13日 下午4:00-6:00



10月16日 上午 9:00



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Upcoming Events


13 Oct. 14:30-15:30

Theme Speech: Family Wealth and Spirit


13 Oct. 16:00-18:00

Home-School Football Game


16 Oct.  9:00

Harrow Seal Conferment Ceremony & Celebration

*Please follow our notice on WeCom for registration.










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