

Long Ducker报名开启 | 2023年哈罗重庆慈善环湖跑攻略,请收好!



19世纪开始,英国哈罗公学每年都会举办以慈善为宗旨的Long Ducker长跑活动,由全体师生、校友、家长们共同参与,沿着一条以创始人约翰·里昂先生命名的路,从哈罗公学跑到伦敦市中心的大理石拱门,挑战总长19英里的路程,以自己的足迹延续哈罗价值理念。如今,哈罗人以自身实际行动,积极参与,奉献社会,Long Ducker已经发展成为全球所有哈罗校区的慈善活动。

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Beginning in the 19th century, Harrow School in the UK organised the Long Ducker every year with the purpose of charity, in which all the students, teachers, alumni and parents participated and ran along a road named after the founder, Mr. John Lyon, from Harrow School to the Marble Arch in the centre of London, challenging a total length of 19 miles, to perpetuate the values of Harrow in their own footsteps. Today, Harrovians are actively participating and giving to the community through their own practical actions, and Long Ducker has grown to become a charitable event for all Harrow family schools around the world.

哈罗慈善长跑历史悠久,可以追溯到18世纪。 “Long Ducker” 这个名字来源于曾经的比赛路线是沿着布伦特河进行的,也就是众所周知的鸭子河。多年来,虽然比赛路线发生了变化,但是这个名字却一直保留至今。比赛初期,比赛只对高年级学生开放,但后来演变至对全校所有学生开放。同时,比赛最初也在11月举行,但为了避免寒冷的天气,比赛时间在19世纪中期改到了春季。


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The Harrow Long Ducker has a long history, dating back to the 18th century. The name "Long Ducker" comes from the fact that at one time the race route followed the River Brent, also known as the Duck. Over the years, the race route has changed, but the name has survived to this day. The race was initially open to senior students only, but has since evolved to be open to all students across the school. Also, the race was initially held in November, but was moved to the spring in the mid-1800s to avoid cold weather.

From Harrow School in the UK to Harrow Chongqing, after a hundred years of history and across different countries, the four values of Harrow - courage, honour, humility, fellowship - are still deeply imbued in every Harrovian. Continuing the style of the previous Long Ducker, the third Harrow Chongqing Long Ducker has finally arrived as scheduled! This year, we still step forward with courage to explore the unknown; we still explore the wider world with humility; we still insist on challenging ourselves to achieve the light of Harrow's honour; we still run for fellowship, so that everything is more than Long Ducker!

哈罗重庆long ducker 往期照片

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This year, we will have a Long Ducker around the Mingyue Lake, relaxing in the cool autumn breeze, enjoying the beautiful scenery of the mountains and water, and experiencing the fun of sports. 11 November, carrying on the 100-year tradition of Harrow, the 2023 Harrow Chongqing Long Ducker will be held in the Mingyue Lake, starting at a sparkling pace!

The guide for 2023 Harrow Chongqing

Long Ducker is ready!

All participants, 

please read the entry information carefully.

Let's get ready!




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This time, the 2023 Harrow Chongqing Long Ducker has set up 8.5km running awards for the top three men and top three women in the adult group (18 years old or older in the year), the top three boys and girls in the 3km running div, with no prizes.

Prizes can be collected on site at the end of the race. All finishers will receive a commemorative medal for the 2023 Harrow Chongqing Long Ducker!





即日 - 2023年11月5日24点(报满即止)

Now - 5 November 2023 24:00(first come first serve)





8:15-9:15 赛前签到准备 Check-in & Preparation

9:30 鸣枪开跑 Kick Off





Mingyue Lake, Liangjiang New District, Chongqing





All Harrovians, parents, staff and those who are passionate about the charity and education





8.5km Marathon: Aged 6 years or over in the year of the race


3km Mini Marathon Programme: all ages





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The Long Ducker registration fee is RMB 129 per person (free of charge for Harrow Chongqing students). All proceeds from the Long Ducker registration fee will be donated to the Harrow Chongqing Charitable Fund under the Chongqing Social Aid Foundation for charitable donations. The registration fee will not be refunded if you are unable to participate on the day of the event due to your own reasons.






❖ 有下列情况者不宜报名参赛:先天性心脏病和风湿性心脏病;高血压和脑血管疾病;心肌炎和其他心脏病;冠状动脉病和严重心律不齐;血糖过高或过低的糖尿病;妊娠;比赛日前两周以内患过感冒;其它不适合运动的情况。


❖ 本次赛事主办方提供存包、更衣室、饮水补给、完赛补给等服务。关于存包:参赛选手需在起点指定区域按号段寄存衣物,到达终点后,凭号码布到对应号段区域领取本人衣物。组委会强烈建议不要寄存贵重物品和易碎物品(如手机、有效证件、现金、信用卡、各种钥匙、ipad等),若发生损坏或遗失,由参赛选手本人承担。存包时间:8:15-9:15,取包时间:10:00-11:30(逾期不领者,组委会将按无人领取处理)。


❖ 如遇不适合户外长跑的天气,如下雨及其他极端恶劣天气等,本赛事将延期举行。本赛事最终解释权归赛事主办方所有。


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❖ For children registering for this event, the recommended age is between 3 and 18 years old; for adults registering for this event, the recommended age is between 18 and 65 years old.

❖ People with the following conditions should not register for the race: congenital heart disease and rheumatic heart disease; high blood pressure and cerebrovascular disease; myocarditis and other heart diseases; coronary artery disease and serious arrhythmia; diabetes with too high or too low blood sugar; pregnancy; colds less than two weeks prior to the date of the race; and other unsuitable for sports conditions.

❖ The organiser of this event provides services such as bag storage, changing rooms, water supply and finishers' supply. About bag storage: Participants need to store their clothes in the designated area at the starting point according to the number of divs, and then go to the corresponding div area to collect their clothes with their number bibs after arriving at the finish line. The Organising Committee strongly recommends not to deposit valuables and fragile items (such as mobile phones, valid documents, cash, credit cards, keys, ipads, etc.), and participants will be responsible for any damage or loss. Packet storage time: 8:15-9:15, packet collection time: 10:00-11:30 (Late collectors will be treated as unclaimed by the organising committee).

❖ In case of weather unsuitable for outdoor Long Ducker, such as rain and other extreme bad weather, this race will be postponed. The final interpretation of this race belongs to the race organiser.

*This charity Long Ducker is not intended to be competitive and aims to encourage families and children in the Harrow community to complete the Long Ducker through collaboration. Please keep to your ability and if you feel any discomfort during the run, you need to stop exercising at the first time and seek help from the nearest staff in the neighbourhood.







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