

八年级妈妈们来上学,她们对佛山霍利斯校园生活怎么看? Year 8 Mums Back to School Day



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Mrs Jane Arden




今日是我近年来最累的一天!哈哈,身体是累的,可是心情就轻松了许多,放下了许多不了解和对孩子在学校的焦虑。当我看到老师与学生准备的课堂资料生动又丰富。从课堂气氛感受到学生是喜欢的,我也被吸引到学习中了。让我开心的是,发现孩子很喜欢科学和数学。比较印象深刻的画面是,当学生走神分心时,老师能及时觉察到并温柔友善地提醒,让学生马上回到学习中,这方式方法很赞。一天下来八堂课,学习量是很巨大的。晚上睡觉前问孩子:“今天累不累?”秒回:“不累。” 这让我很惊讶,可能这就是享受和喜欢的作用下,让这一切都是那么得轻松自然。感恩校长安排设计这个有意义的“妈妈体验日”,期待下个学期的体验日。在这里特别想感恩老师们的用心付出,为老师们点赞。

- Martin 妈妈



今天参加了学校的妈妈体验日,跟着学生们游走于各个教室上课学习。一天下来,学生们学习到了很多知识,比如英文课上的P.E.A.,科学课上的‘Force’, 语文课上的文言文解析……更让我难忘的是老师和学生之间积极愉快的气氛,让孩子们可以在轻松快乐的状态下学习。只有在快乐的学习状态下,才能够更好地激发到孩子们学习的自主性以及内驱力。在这一天的体验中,我感受到了各科老师对于学术的高标准,同时又不遗余力地引导孩子们积极思考,也体会到了孩子们一节接着一节课的马不停蹄奔跑,确是忙碌而又充实的一天。

- Mathea 妈妈


- Ivy 妈妈


- Constance 妈妈


- Ryan 妈妈

… 课堂上,孩子们坐定下来,没有左顾右盼,自觉地打开自己的笔记本,开始誊抄老师PPT上面的内容。数学课上,老师讲了XY轴的内容,然后让孩子们在电脑上做题,题目非常有趣,像游戏一样,需要将一堆小球准确送入筐中,要求孩子们运用XY轴的原理知识,在图上标注好XY轴的定位,画出一条线路,以拦住小球,避免掉到筐外。这样的教学方式,对我来说,是耳目一新的,既有知识,也有理解,更上升到动脑筋去运用,让孩子们在玩乐中学习到,收获到。…… 午餐时间,Jacob不知道从哪来的主动性,竟然利用吃完饭的半小时,匆匆赶往音乐训练室练起了架子鼓,我感到异常诧异,要知道在家无论我用什么办法督促,他都不练。究竟什么样的魔力呢?在我去一间间训练室找他的时候揭开了答案:一千多平米的空间,学校用隔开一间间的训练室,里面摆满了乐器,钢琴、小提琴,大提琴,萨克斯各种乐器,孩子们只要想练,跟老师汇报一下,就可以自主练习,这是提供了一个多么好的硬件设施,多么好的练习氛围呀!…… 回想起Jacob到佛山霍利斯一个月以来的变化,我感到选择佛山霍利斯是多么正确!Jacob不仅英文水平在这样的氛围下有突出进步,性格也更加积极主动,对各种事物更有热情去探索学习。祝福幸运的霍利斯学子们,有这么好的环境,这么好的老师陪伴一起学习!一起成长!

- Jacob 妈妈

Tina 在佛山霍利斯就读接近两年啦,她全方位得到很好的发展,她在学校也过得很开心,我真为她高兴,真想有机会深入了解孩子的成长环境。我们体验了几个类型的课程,第一,学术课程,有地理、科学和数学,老师的教学方式丰富多彩,有视频,有实验,有游戏,有竞答等,学生们都兴趣盎然,积极参与,好像在玩乐中就可以学到新知识;第二,音乐课,这也是学校最有魅力的课程之一,学生们先学习新知识,接着动手操练新知识,老师适当指点,最后,孩子们就可以组成一个小小的协奏队了,乐曲虽短,但是依然动听。看到孩子们迷人的笑脸,我们可以推断出孩子们很享受这音乐课程;第三,体育课,老师教学生体育技能及锻炼身体的同时,也会安排学生体验团队合作的重要性,以及体验努力之后取得成功的喜悦感。最后的两节ECA 课程,同学们也非常满意,都是孩子们依据自己的爱好和擅长的技能选择参加的,他们学有所长,还有机会展示自己所长,很是开心。那饭堂里的美味食品,也令人怀念。孩子能在这样的学校里学习成长,真开心。

- Tina 妈妈



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At LEH International School Foshan, we had the pleasure of inviting Year 8 mothers back to school last week. The Year 8 Mums Back to School Day provided a unique opportunity for parents to experience a day in the life of their children, immersing themselves in the vibrant and purpose-driven school environment.

It was a heartwarming sight to behold, as parents, many of whom were experiencing our vibrant learning community for the very first time, they engaged in classroom activities, interacted with teachers, and gained a firsthand glimpse of our dynamic curriculum and teaching approaches. This day was also about strengthening the bonds within our close-knit community. It gave parents a firsthand experience of our joyful and supportive learning environment, fostering an even deeper connection between the school, students, and their families.

Mrs Jane Arden


I am so proud of LEH, we are a community who work together to make our children’s education exceptional. Our motto, Hope Favours the Bold, demands that all of us constantly seek to go above and beyond. It is fantastic to see our parents taking this to heart. I look forward to welcoming our dads into school very soon.

Mums were also assigned a unique "homework" task, which involved sharing their own school-day experiences. Now, let's dive into their insights and reflections!

Today has undoubtedly been one of the most physically demanding days I've had in recent years. However, my mind was at ease, free from concerns about my child's school life. I had the opportunity to observe the engaging lessons and witness the students' authentic enthusiasm for learning. I was particularly delighted to discover my child's passion for Science and Mathematics. What left the deepest impression was the way teachers adeptly guided distracted students with warmth, fostering a supportive learning environment. Even after participating in eight lessons in a single day, I asked my child, 'Are you tired?' The immediate 'No' response took me by surprise. It seems that when one is truly passionate about something, fatigue becomes inconsequential. I'm grateful to the school for organising this meaningful 'Mums Back to School Day,' and I eagerly look forward to the next one. My heartfelt appreciation extends to the dedicated teachers who made this experience truly exceptional.

- Martin's Mum

Save the Date! 

Experience British education at its best on 28 October at LEH Foshan.

Today, I had the privilege of participating in the 'Mums Back to School Day,' where I shadowed the students throughout their school day. The students engaged in a wide array of subjects, delving into topics like P.E.A. in English, 'Force' in Science, and the analysis of ancient Chinese literary texts in Mandarin. What left the strongest impression on me was the genuinely positive relationship between the teachers and their students, fostering a delightful atmosphere that allowed the children to learn in a relaxed and joyful environment. It was clear to me that this kind of joyful learning environment greatly motivates children to become more independent and self-driven in their education. Throughout the day, I observed the high academic standards upheld by the subject teachers, who demonstrated unwavering commitment to guiding the students towards proactive thinking. The students' relentless running from one class to another showcased their incredible energy and dedication. It was, without a doubt, a day filled with both busyness and fulfilment.

- Mathea's Mum

It is a great chance to have classes with our kids. During my time at LEH (although it was only for one day), I found that most of the teachers at the school care about the students and engage with them to help them receive a better education. Also, the teachers are very flexible and understanding. Most importantly, the classes are fun and interesting. The food is decent, and the staff are also very accommodating. Overall, it was a great experience!

- Ivy's Mum

I really appreciate and enjoyed the day of experiential learning at my daughter's school. I am very grateful to LEH for providing such a high-quality teaching environment, enthusiastic and responsible teachers, beautiful teaching buildings, professional teaching tools, and, more importantly, a comprehensive teaching structure. My daughter has developed a more positive learning attitude at LEH and has gained a lot on her journey to growth. I sincerely thank and bless LEH for its continuous improvement.

- Constance‘s Mum

Today, I had the wonderful opportunity to participate in the 'Mums Back to School Day' at LEH Foshan. Before attending, I confess I felt a tad nervous; after all, it had been nearly 20 years since I last stepped into a school for classes. Re-entering a classroom felt like a significant challenge. However, I was pleasantly surprised by the experience. I immersed myself in the vibrant classroom atmosphere and revisited the playground to fully embrace the school's energy. While all the lessons in English presented a slight challenge for me, given my modest English proficiency, the teachers used concrete examples to illustrate abstract concepts, making them easily accessible. The chemistry experiments in the classroom triggered fond memories of my own chemistry class, and I couldn't help but wonder how much more I could have achieved with such a nurturing teaching environment back in my time. Moreover, the Music teacher's engaging performance in music class piqued my interest in this art form. Every lesson made a lasting impression, and the day passed pleasantly without me realising it. I feel incredibly fortunate that I have chosen LEH Foshan for my child's education because I've witnessed not only his happiness but also his academic progress during these lessons.

- Ryan's Mum

… In the lessons, the students sat attentively, opened their notebooks, and diligently took notes from the slides. In Maths, we discussed the X and Y axes and then the students were asked to apply the knowledge they just learned to position the X and Y axes on a diagram and draw lines to prevent the balls from falling out of the basket. This teaching approach was refreshing, emphasising not just knowledge but also understanding and practical application… A delightful surprise was that Jacob took the initiative to dash to the music exercise room for a half-hour drum practice at lunchtime. At home, no matter how much I encouraged him, such dedication to practice was a rarity. What magic was this? The answer became clear as I ventured into one of the music exercise rooms: they were filled with an assortment of musical instruments, including pianos, violins, cellos, saxophones, and more. Here, children could practice to their heart's content, and the teacher was available for guidance as needed… In this enriching environment, I've seen Jacob not only make remarkable progress in English but also develop a more proactive and enthusiastic personality, eagerly exploring and learning about various subjects. I extend my best wishes to all the lucky students at LEH Foshan, where they enjoy an excellent learning environment and exceptional teachers!

- Jacob's Mum

Tina has been a student at LEH Foshan for nearly two years, and her growth and happiness at the school have been truly heartening. We had the privilege of partaking in various types of lessons throughout the day. Firstly, academic lessons that encompassed Geography, Science, and Mathematics. The teachers utilised diverse teaching methods, including videos, hands-on experiments, interactive games, and quizzes, to engage the students. Their enthusiasm was palpable as they actively participated, seemingly absorbing new knowledge while having fun. Next, we ventured into the Music lesson, one of the school's most captivating subjects. Here, students delved into new concepts, practised with hands-on guidance from the teachers, and even formed a mini-concert band to play a short but beautiful piece of music. The radiant smiles on the children's faces testified to their joy in the music lessons. In Physical Education, the teacher not only imparted sports skills and physical exercises but also gave opportunities for the students to experience the significance of teamwork and the gratification of success through hard work. The last two sessions were Extra-Curricular Activities (ECAs), which were equally fulfilling. Children choose activities based on their personal preferences and strengths, relishing the chance to learn and showcase their talents. The delicious food in the school canteen also left a lasting impression, adding to the satisfaction of seeing my children thrive in such an exceptional learning environment.

- Tina's Mum

The Year 8 Mums Back to School Day event surpassed our expectations, and we are thrilled to have offered parents the chance to immerse themselves in the dynamic school life at LEH Foshan. This community event has strengthened our bonds and further enriched the LEH Foshan experience. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the Year 8 mums, as well as all parents, for your enduring support of the LEH Foshan community. We eagerly anticipate inviting even more parents to join us at school in the near future!

Prospective families, seize the opportunity to get a glimpse of our school life too! Mark your calendar for our upcoming Secondary School Open Day on 28th October. You and your family can meet our Headteacher and British teachers, delve into our British curriculum, and explore our modern and beautiful campus. Additionally, your child(ren) can enjoy sample British lessons during the event! Sign up now!










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