Tina has been a student at LEH Foshan for nearly two years, and her growth and happiness at the school have been truly heartening. We had the privilege of partaking in various types of lessons throughout the day. Firstly, academic lessons that encompassed Geography, Science, and Mathematics. The teachers utilised diverse teaching methods, including videos, hands-on experiments, interactive games, and quizzes, to engage the students. Their enthusiasm was palpable as they actively participated, seemingly absorbing new knowledge while having fun. Next, we ventured into the Music lesson, one of the school's most captivating subjects. Here, students delved into new concepts, practised with hands-on guidance from the teachers, and even formed a mini-concert band to play a short but beautiful piece of music. The radiant smiles on the children's faces testified to their joy in the music lessons. In Physical Education, the teacher not only imparted sports skills and physical exercises but also gave opportunities for the students to experience the significance of teamwork and the gratification of success through hard work. The last two sessions were Extra-Curricular Activities (ECAs), which were equally fulfilling. Children choose activities based on their personal preferences and strengths, relishing the chance to learn and showcase their talents. The delicious food in the school canteen also left a lasting impression, adding to the satisfaction of seeing my children thrive in such an exceptional learning environment.