





In the crisp morning air of November 10, high School biology and environmental science enthusiasts embarked on an extraordinary journey into the fascinating world of bird observation and ecology. The students were full of anticipation and curiosity, and Dr. Li Xuan brought along the school's professional telescope equipment to kick off the journey, which was a blend of observation and education.


At 9:00 a.m., students and teachers gathered at the entrance of Shenzhen Talent Park. This paradise of biodiversity welcomed us with open arms. We dressed in nature-appropriate attire to avoid disturbing the creatures we were trying to observe. In the morning light, we set off with binoculars, curiosity and a shared love of nature.


Shenzhen Bay Park - Birds and the Shenzhen Bay

位于深圳湾人才公园的红树林鸟类自然保护区,面积 368 公顷,是我国唯一位于市区、面积最小的自然保护区,也被国外生态专家称为 “袖珍型的保护区”。据统计,每年有白琴鹭、黑嘴鸥、小青脚鹬等 189 种、超过十万只侯鸟南迁于此歇脚或过冬。

Mangrove Bird Nature Reserve in Shenzhen Bay Talent Park, with an area of 368 hectares, is the only nature reserve in China located in the urban area, the smallest in size, and is also known as a "pocket-sized reserve" by foreign ecological experts. Every year, 189 species of birds, including white herons, black-billed gulls and small green-footed sandpipers, and more than 100,000 marquises migrate southward to rest or spend the winter here. 

深圳湾公园是一条绿色长廊,背靠美丽宽广的滨海大道,与滨海生态公园连城一体,面向碧波荡漾的深圳湾。这里不仅是鸟类栖息嬉戏的天堂、植物的王国,也是人们踏青、 赏鸟、观海、体验自然风情的好去处。保护区内除红树林植物群落外,还有其他55 种植物,千姿百态。

In addition to mangrove flora, there are 55 other species of plants in the reserve, with a variety of colors. It is a green corridor in Shenzhen City, backed by the beautiful and wide coastal road, connected with the coastal ecological park, facing the blue waves of the Shenzhen Bay, not only is a paradise for birds to live and play, the kingdom of plants, but also a good place for people to go trekking, bird-watching, sea-watching, and experiencing the natural style.


From October to April every year, in addition to the familiar resident birds, there will be "guests from afar", which are migratory birds from East Asia and Australasia. Every year to comply with the agreement with the people of Shenzhen, flocks of flying over thousands of kilometers, through the stormy weather, long-distance trekking to Shenzhen Bay, and meet with us.


Starting a marvelous journey


As we meandered along the park's winding roadways, a melodic assemblage of birdsong became apparent; it was black-collared starlings. We were then able to observe the vibrant hues that adorn these avian marvels, the intricate details of the plumage, and the elegance of the flight thanks to the binoculars, which granted us access to a world that was ordinarily concealed. 


Subsequently, we observed over twenty-two species of avian species in the area: zephyr sandpipers, Mongolian sandpipers, ferruginous sandpipers, egrets, common cormorants, black-winged long-footed sandpipers, golden spotted plovers, golden orbital plovers, ring-necked plovers, and golden orbital plovers. 


The pupils meticulously documented their observations of the avian species and their distinctive attributes using the 'Dong Niao' APP.

生态学讲座 – 备受挑战的生物多样性

Ecology Lecture – the Challenged Biodiversity


Following a brief lunch break, Xin Tianyu, a birdwatcher from Shenzhen, provided us with an informative tour of the intricate ecosystem, highlighting the precarious interdependence of plants, animals, and the environment. The discourse evolved into an engrossing exploration of the intricate interconnections that characterize the natural realm. We gained an understanding of the environmental effects of human activity, the significance of conservation, and the personal responsibility that every one should have in safeguarding the planet's biodiversity.


With the onset of sunset in the western direction, our outdoor excursion came to a close. This field excursion enhanced our understanding of the fragility and beauty of the natural world; book knowledge became tangible and tangible in our minds; the value of life was profoundly appreciated; and as a consequence, we developed a stronger sense of duty and purpose to safeguard avian habitats. The awe-inspiring significance of human life instilled within us a heightened sense of duty and purpose regarding the preservation of avian habitats.

撰稿|Sandra Ge

审阅|Mengya Qu, Xuan Li










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