The Voice of BeeMee Teachers
长沙市岳麓区彼一米森林学校为学子们提供探究融合课程。一流的中外籍管理团队, 融中西教育精髓,扬中西教学优势,集全球精英骨干教师,为学生提供有爱、有活力、有挑战的日常教学。
Changsha BeeMee Forest School (CBFS) offers an integrated, inquiry-based program for students. Led by a first-class team headed by two principals, one from England and one from China, BeeMee brings together the best teachers from around the world, providing students with a loving, dynamic, and challenging curriculum.
In our series of articles - The Voice of Teachers - we will take you on a guided tour through our talented teachers at BeeMee CBFS. Today, let's learn about the teaching perspectives of Yifan Li, a teacher of general studies!
My name is Li Yifan, the Chinese homeroom teacher and Maths teacher of Grade 3 at Changsha BeeMee Forest School. I majored in English Education at Chengdu College of Sichuan International Studies University. Funnily enough, I assumed that I'd always be an English teacher, but after my graduation, I went to Dubai first and taught full-time in a school and then moved to the United States where I worked as an elementary general / homeroom teacher.
The school where I taught in the US has been an IB school for a long time (IBO- authorized in 2001). So, I was lucky enough to work with my American colleagues and spent five years exposing myself to PYP teaching, which is an IB Primary Years Program. There, I got to know different cultures and see how different education systems work.
Transitioning from an English teacher to a general teacher, I have been inspired by the practice of IB teaching to reflect deeply on my pedagogical philosophy and methods. Personally, I feel that this change has enabled me to comprehend the students holistically, and to acquire more knowledge in teaching, which poses greater challenges but also offers me satisfaction.
This year marks the 11th anniversary of my career. When I decided to come back, I opted for CBFS without a second thought, and I have taken up the role of the homeroom / Maths teacher of Grade 3. CBFS's educational philosophy matches well with my past experience, and I hope to achieve my career goals as an educator at CBFS.
在今年10月中下旬,我们收到了学校正式成为IB PYP及IB DP项目候选学校的消息,心情无比的激动与兴奋。专业的人做专业的事,彼一米的教学团队有超凡的奉献精神和团队意识。
In October of this year, we learned that CBFS officially became a candidate school for both IB PYP and IB DP, and we are all thrilled about it. At CBFS, our teams demonstrate remarkable dedication and team spirit, because we believe that professionals do their jobs professionally.
IB's approach is to let children enjoy learning, have a voice in expressing their own ideas, develop their creative and critical thinking, and help them become lifelong learners who take charge of their own learning, while teachers are there to guide and support them.
The transdisciplinary unit of inquiry (UOI) we are currently implementing is how we apply the PYP framework in our own context, and every teacher is involved. UOI is an inquiry practice that requires integration across disciplines, which means single-subject teachers have to work closely, understand each other's curriculum, cooperate, and plan lessons together.
三年级的学生在刚刚过去的第一个探究单元(UOI)的主题是“我们是谁”。我与我的外方搭档Mr. Dibden,以及其它学科老师经过多轮集体备课,决定从“需求”入手。学生们对于“需求”的疑问,很好地打开了这次的探究之旅。
The theme of the first UOI for the third graders was "Who We Are". My co-teacher Mr. Dibden, and teachers of other subjects, decided to start from the idea of "need" after several rounds of lesson planning meetings. As it turned out, the students' questions about "needs" really kicked off this inquiry unit nicely.
"Why do people have different needs?"
"Do people of different ages need different things?"
Curiously enough, kids put various questions on the wall.
So, the first step they took was coming up with their own inquiry questions in their journal.
The children did a little survey on what the teachers do in their spare time.
"What do you do after work, Ms. Li?"
"Who's your best friend, Ms. Ella? What do you like to do with her?"
By thinking this way, my students went deeper into their inquiry with questions. And believe me, they have a lot of questions every day.
"What do your parents do after work?"
"What is your best friend's favorite thing to do?"
They even made charts! Everything looks clearer and easier to understand. Awesome!
By inquiring and putting data together, the kids are prepared for further inquiries later on. Then, they really showed their creative thinking in each class that followed. This is how our team guides the children to think and inquire, by designing activities in different ways.
After their first teamwork activity during the PE class, the children started to think about "can we run faster if we let (name) run on the left / right side?" "we’ve got to control the speed before we all take a fall."... We are designing activities like this so the children can understand one of our lines of inquiry through actively experiencing it - that is people's needs vary.
This shows how the children are looking for patterns and correlations by comparing images during a Maths class.
"The first row has two sticks, and I circled four times in the second row."
"So, the second row has four twos."
"The sticks in the second row are 4 times that of the first."
These classroom observations, without them realizing it, helped the children understand the concept of “connection” in this UOI.
英语课上,Mr. Dibden引导学生们制作的,关于团队合作的思维导图,是对之前学习“需求”的一个深度思考。
In English class, Mr. Dibden guided the students to make a mind map about teamwork, which was a deeper thinking activity based on the previous learning of "needs".
Our single-subject teaching is all based on the inquiry unit. The children not only learn the knowledge, but their approaches to learning (ATL) skills too, such as thinking, creativity, communication, etc., are improved in all aspects.
Finally, "needs" from the school to life, the kids understood through these questionnaires, surveys, classroom activities, etc., that "helping others is helping yourself". So, the last part of the inquiry is reflection and action. Six weeks have passed, although the first UOI is over, the children’s learning is still going on, their curiosity is still growing, and we respect and protect such passion. We sit in a circle, share and communicate the whole inquiry, our feelings and reflections. We do this to prepare for the next UOI.
我们说,学习应该基于学生的兴趣而真实发生。只有当学生学会学习,享受学习,源源不断的内驱力才会产生。我最喜欢的一句话出自乔布斯之口:“Stay foolish! Stay hungry!”大智若愚,求知若渴。只有当教育者躬身,始终走在终身学习的路上,他/她的学生才会一直追随,一直终身学习。
We say that learning should be based on students' interests and happen authentically. Only when students learn how to learn and love learning, will they have endless motivation. My favorite quote is from Steve Jobs, "Stay foolish! Stay hungry!" Be wise as a fool, and eager for knowledge as a thirsty man. Only when educators lead by example and always walk on the path of lifelong learning, will their students follow and always be lifelong learners.
未来,我希望把课程做得更好,把中国国家课程标准和IB PYP探究形式的学习进行更自然地融合。当然,思考和实践的地方还有很多,我也会把学科、学习方法进行更多的实践,给到学生更加丰富的学习体验,与学生一起作为一个探究学习的共同体,彼此共同成长。
In the future, I hope to improve my teaching of the curriculum, and blend the Chinese national curriculum standards and the IB PYP inquiry-based learning more naturally. Of course, there are still many things to think about and practice; I will try more subjects and learning methods, give the students a richer learning experience, and grow together with them as a community of inquiry learning.
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