
预备部音乐学科蓬勃发展及未来展望 LEHF Prep School Musical Excellence

01-08 08:23发布于广东


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佛山霍利斯预备部的音乐学科正处于一个激动人心的成长时期,彰显了我们致力于提供多元化且全面的音乐教育。这些发展和成就都离不开我们的预备部音乐学科主任  Mr James Smale,他拥有20多年丰富教学经验和对音乐教育的深刻见解。他与我校音乐学科创始总监 Mr David Hobourn 密切协作,共同为我们年轻学生打造一个充满前瞻性和鼓励性的音乐课程,激发他们的灵感和对音乐的兴趣。




在 Mr Smale 的指导之下,我们预备部的音乐课程得到提升和丰富。这一发展基于“先声音后符号”的教学理念,将实践表演作为学习的基石。课程经过精心设计,不仅引人入胜、饶有趣味,还有利于点燃学生们对音乐热情。


  • 二年级:柯达伊启发的歌唱、索尔法和木槌打击乐

  • 三年级:桑巴技巧、合奏演奏和节奏即兴创作

  • 四年级:高级歌唱和索尔法水平,加强合奏领导和和声训练

  • 五年级:巴西音乐,涵盖桑巴打击乐和合奏领导

  • 六年级:非洲音乐,重点在于合奏表演和节奏编排



Mr Smale 拥有深厚的音乐教育背景和知识,给学校来带积极影响。

Mr James Smale

Mr Smale 分别从萨里大学获得音乐学士学位、圣三一音乐学院获得硕士学位,并在Teach First获得教育研究生文凭证书(PGDE)。作为专业打击乐手,他曾任奥地利格拉茨歌剧院客席首席打击乐手,目前仍是一位活跃的表演艺术家。他拥有逾二十年的教学经历,曾为阿拉伯联合酋长国教育部设计音乐课程。此外,Mr Smale在伦敦圣三一音乐学院的音乐考官小组服务超过18年,还曾在香港、新加坡、欧洲及印度担任国际评委工作。

在佛山霍利斯国际学校,他与音乐学科创始总监Mr Hobourn、Ms Kitty以及我们的客座音乐教师们(VMTs)紧密协作,共同致力于营造一个包容而充满活力的音乐环境,丰富学生的学习体验。


接下来,我们邀请Mr Smale分享他对预备部音乐学科未来的看法及其愿景。



第一学期可谓是一场充满激情的音乐之旅,其中精彩活动数不胜数。其中亮点包括岭南天地户外音乐会、预备部集会上精彩纷呈的现场音乐演出,以及全校学生参与的合唱比赛,他们共同演绎了披头士乐队的名曲《Come Together》。





与Mr Hobourn 合作,请问您对音乐部门有何共同目标?您计划引入哪些创新的音乐教育和课外活动,以丰富预备部学生的音乐之旅?

Mr Hobourn和我对音乐学科部门的迅速成长感到惊喜。自从举办学院合唱比赛以来,我们很兴奋看到学生们一起即兴演奏和组建乐队的场景。



在Mr Smale 的巧妙指挥下,佛山霍利斯预备部学生们的音乐之旅如交响乐般充满活力,日益进步。这是佛山霍利斯在培育学生才华与热情的新篇章,也与我校追求教育卓越的承诺相得益彰。




2024年1月20日 9:30-12:30


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We are witnessing an exciting era of growth and enrichment in the Prep School Music Programme at LEH International School Foshan. This development represents our commitment to providing a diverse and comprehensive music education at the school. At the heart of this transformation is the recent addition of Mr James Smale, the Head of Prep Music who joined us in August 2023. He is an experienced educator with over two decades of rich teaching experience and a profound understanding of music education. Collaborating closely with Mr David Hobourn, the founding Director of Music, he plays a crucial role in shaping a forward-thinking and inspiring musical curriculum for our youngest students. 

In this article, we are pleased to share details of the enhanced Prep School Music Programme and introduce the vision behind its success. 

The Evolution of 

Prep School Music 

Under the guidance of Mr Smale, the Music curriculum for our Prep School has undergone significant refinement and enrichment. This transformation is rooted in a 'sounds before symbols' philosophy, where practical performance is the cornerstone of learning. Our curriculum is carefully crafted to be not only intriguing and engaging but also instrumental in kindling a deep-rooted interest in music in our students. 

The students are introduced to a diverse array of musical styles and instruments which celebrate the rich tapestry of global music cultures in the following ways- 

  • Year 2 emphasises Kodaly-inspired singing, Sol Fa, and mallet percussion. 

  • Year 3 focuses on Samba skills, ensemble play, and rhythmic improvisation. 

  • Year 4 develops advanced singing and Sol Fa, alongside ensemble leadership and harmony. 

  • Year 5 explores Brazilian Music with Samba percussion and ensemble leadership. 

  • Year 6 centres on African Music, emphasising ensemble performance and rhythmic arrangement. 

Beyond the structured curriculum, Prep School students also benefit from a variety of music extracurricular activities (ECAs), school performances and concerts. In Term 1 alone, we have witnessed remarkable showcases from the Prep Choir, Percussion Ensemble and soloists, which have shone the spotlight on the confidence and skill of our youngest musicians. Their performances are not just displays of talent but testimonies to the vibrant and comprehensive music education at LEH Foshan. 

Meet the Teacher 

With an impressive background and a dynamic approach to music education, Mr Smale is poised to make a significant impact at LEH Foshan. 

Mr James Smale

Mr Smale graduated from the University of Surrey (Bachelor), Trinity College of Music (Masters), and Teach First (PGDE). He has remained active as a professional percussionist in Austria, including playing as guest Principal Percussion in Oper Graz. He has over twenty years of teaching experience and designed the Music curriculum for the Ministry of Education in the UAE. Mr Smale has been on the Music Examiner Panel for Trinity College London for over 18 years, and has worked as an international adjudicator in Hong Kong, Singapore, Europe and India.  

In his role at LEH Foshan, Mr Smale collaborates with Mr Hobourn, the founding Director of Music, Ms Kitty and our Visiting Music Teachers (VMTs). This team works cohesively to cultivate an inclusive and dynamic musical environment which enriches the students' learning experience. 

VMT Sessions

We invite Mr Smale to share some insights into his approach and vision for the future of the Prep School Music programme. 


Could you please share the experience or highlights of your first term at LEH Foshan?

Term 1 has been a truly action-packed musical adventure with too many musical events to list here. Some highlights include the Lingnan Tiandi concert, the diverse live music performances in Prep School assemblies and the House Singing Competition, when every student in the whole school sang the Beatles’ song ‘Come Together’.  


Could you elaborate on your teaching philosophy and how you intend to weave it into the fabric of music education at LEH Foshan? 

I strongly believe that every child is entitled to expert music teaching, where performance is at the very heart of musical learning. I believe in inclusivity, which is why every single Prep School student performed in our 2023 Christmas Concert. My teaching is research-informed, and I think it is crucial to have a growth mindset and keep up to date with the latest pedagogical developments. In my classroom I like students to develop not only their creative skills but also their leadership skills, which is why my students are given the chance to take some control of their own learning.  


In partnership with Mr Hobourn, what shared goals do you have for the Music Department, and what innovative initiatives in music education and extracurricular activities do you foresee introducing to enhance the musical journey of our Prep students? 

Mr Hobourn and I have been taken aback by the level of growth within our department. There is a real buzz in music and, since our House Singing Competition, it has been wonderful to see students jamming together and forming bands. 

We believe that, when it comes to music, informal learning is hugely important so we will continue to provide students with opportunities to make music outside the academic classroom. We are planning a trip to Austria, where our students will learn from members of the Vienna Philharmonic and Oper Graz. They will also have the opportunity to perform in a historic concert hall. 

We have introduced whole-class violin, clarinet, flute and guitar, and we are starting a Year 2/3 Choir from January 2024. We also plan to start a Prep School Rock band as so many of our Prep students have huge potential in the world of Pop and Rock.  

As Mr Smale orchestrates the rhythm of the Prep School Music Programme, we foresee a symphony of progress and vibrancy in our students' musical journeys at LEH Foshan. This marks a new chapter in nurturing talent and passion, resonating with LEH Foshan's commitment to excellence in education. 

Upcoming Open Day 

and Assessment Sessions

Prep School Open Day

9:30-12:30, 20 January 2024

Assessment Sessions









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