
佛山霍利斯学子获IGCSE计算机科学中国分Top 1 in China: Celebrating IGCSE Success

01-29 08:32发布于广东


佛山霍利斯很自豪地跟大家分享,我校12年级在读学生 Jack L 在2023年的IGCSE计算机科学考试中荣获中国区分,这是 Jack 同学对学习的热情和专注,以及他所掌握的丰富学科知识技能的体现。

在我们早前的文章已经分享过 Jack 同学的出色 IGCSE 成绩 ——100% 的 A*- B,包括在计算机科学中获得 9分。这篇文章,我们将会就计算机科学这门学科,邀请 Jack 分享他的学习经历和备考心得。






Jack 的优异成绩也令我校的计算机科学部门感到十分兴奋。计算机科学学科主任 Ms Davy 分享道:

Ms Denise Davy


Jack 的成绩令人瞩目,这充分体现了他对学习的坚持和专注,以及教师在他学习过程中给予的全力支持。Jack 的例子也充分印证了当你对所学学科充满热情,就有机会取得成功。


自佛山霍利斯成立以来的短时间内,我们的计算机科学部门已经取得了显著的发展。计算机科学部门正努力提升其学术和拓展课程,以增强学生参与度,并鼓励更多学生在 IGCSE 和 A Level 阶段选择学习计算机课程。



Ms Davy 进一步分享了她对佛山霍利斯计算机科学部门发展的愿景:“计算机科学部门的愿景是创造一个以融入物理计算为核心的动态学习环境。这一方法旨在提高学生的参与度和热情,让他们意识到计算机科学在各个领域的深远影响。我们的目标是帮助学生为当今世界的挑战做好准备,丰富他们对不断发展的计算机科学的深刻理解。”

我们再次衷心祝贺 Jack 同学取得的杰出成就,这是对佛山霍利斯所提供的高品质教育的证明。对于我们的计算机科学部门而言,这也是一个令人振奋的节点时刻。我们将继续专注培育未来的技术领袖和创新人才,并热切期待见证我们的学生以及计算机科学部门的持续成功和发展。

LEH International School Foshan is delighted to celebrate an extraordinary accomplishment within our student community. Jack L, our Sixth Form student, has achieved the highest mark in the 2023 IGCSE Computer Science exam across China. This significant milestone highlights Jack’s dedication and skill, making us very proud of his exceptional achievement in his learning journey.

Following our previous feature on Jack’s IGCSE results - an impressive 100% A* - B performance, including a stellar grade 9 in Computer Science, we delve deeper into his journey and success in achieving so highly in this challenging subject in this interview.

Prior to enrolling at LEH Foshan, were you already familiar with Computer Science?

I had never studied Computer Science before coming to LEH; however, I had been interested in the theories behind modern Computer Science even before attending this school. This interest led me to achieve a good grade in my IGCSE Computer Science exam. 

Jack's commitment to Computer Science extends beyond the classroom. He was an active participant in our school's Robotics Club, where he applied the concepts learned in lessons to practical scenarios, furthering his skills and cultivating a keen interest in Robotics.

What is your approach to exam preparation? Do you believe this strategy contributed to your success in Computer Science?

Since the Computer Science exam has two parts, I employed different strategies for each. For the theory part, I consistently made notes and flashcards for revision. Regarding the coding part, I practised exam questions daily to understand the logic behind the Edexcel coding question styles. 

Our Computer Science Department is equally excited about Jack’s achievement. Ms Denise Davy, Head of Computer Science at LEH Foshan, commented: 

Ms Denise Davy

Head of Computer Science

Jack's accomplishment is astounding! It is a testament to his unwavering dedication and the efforts made by the staff to support him throughout his journey. It showcases what can be achieved when you have a genuine passion for the subjects studied.

Computer Science, is a core subject in our British Curriculum, is pivotal in the modern, technologically-driven world. Our curriculum not only builds a robust foundation in the subject but also nurtures critical thinking and problem-solving skills - essential in any future career path our students might choose.

In just a short span since LEH Foshan's establishment, our Computer Science Department has experienced remarkable growth. The Computer Science Department is working towards elevating its academic and enrichment offerings to enhance student engagement and encourage greater interest in the subject at IGCSE and A-level.

Our commitment extends beyond the classroom as the department actively contributes towards extracurricular activities and promotes cross-curricular integration with subjects like Art and Design and Technology. Also, we introduced an initiative to encourage Sixth Form Computer Science students to embrace the opportunity to take on leadership roles within the department, fostering collaboration and the sharing of knowledge and experiences.  This not only provides valuable insights for their future endeavours, particularly as they contemplate their future career paths. These exciting developments mark a promising phase for the Computer Science Department.

Year 8 Pixel Artwork

Looking forward, Ms Davy further shares her vision for the future of Computer Science at LEH Foshan, “The vision for the Computer Science Department is to create a dynamic learning environment centred around integrating physical computing into the curriculum. This approach aims to increase student engagement and awareness of the profound impact of computing in various fields. The intention is to prepare students not only for the challenges of today's world but also to instil in them a deeper understanding of Computer Science in our evolving world.

We extend our heartfelt congratulations to Jack once more for his outstanding achievement. His success is a testament to the high-quality education and support provided at LEH Foshan. It’s an exciting time for our Computer Science department as we continue to nurture and develop the next generation of technology leaders and innovators. We eagerly look forward to witnessing the continued success and growth of our students and the department.









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