

Happy Chinese New Year! | 华外CEP双语学部小学外籍教师送上新春祝福

02-08 08:24发布于广东



Mr. Derek

As the 2023 semester hops away with the grace and tranquility of the Year of the Rabbit, we eagerly welcome the auspicious Year of the Wood Dragon. Let the dragon's majestic roar uplift our spirits and aspirations for the second semester.

In the first semester, like the Rabbit, you embraced learning with calmness and thoughtfulness. Now, as the Wood Dragon soars in, may its dynamic energy inspire you to reach new heights of academic excellence and personal growth. May the dragon's legendary wisdom ignite your curiosity and embolden you to conquer challenges with courage and creativity.

As we celebrate this Spring Festival, let the fusion of the Rabbit's serenity and the Dragon's wisdom guide you. May the lanterns light your path to a semester filled with achievements, joy, and unforgettable experiences.

Embrace the Year of the Wood Dragon with open hearts and minds, ready to transform dreams into realities. Happy Spring Festival, and here's to a spectacular second semester! 


随着2023年的学期以兔年的优雅与宁静悄然过去,我们热切迎接吉祥的木龙年。 让龙的雄伟咆哮提升我们的精神和对下学期的期望。

在第一学期,像兔子一样,你们以冷静和深思熟虑的态度拥抱学习。 现在,随着木龙腾飞,愿它的动感能量激励你们达到学术卓越和个人成长的新高度。 愿龙的传奇智慧点燃你们的好奇心,并赋予你们以勇气和创造力克服挑战。

在我们庆祝这个春节之际,让兔子的平静与龙的智能融合指引你们。 愿灯笼照亮你们的道路,通往一个充满成就、喜悦和难忘经历的学期。

以开放的心态和思想拥抱木龙之年,准备将梦想化为现实。 春节快乐,祝你们下一学期精彩绝伦!

Mr. Alfredo

To all of my dear students , I would like to wish you a wonderful Chinese mew year. Take this opportunity to reflect and celebrate with your beloved family and friends. May the year of the dragon bring you joy, learning, health and growth. Do not forget to strive for the best. Strive to be better than yesterday. Each little step will lead to a bright future, so do not give up, and in case you feel like giving up, remember that those of us who appreciate you are here to listen to you and support you. See you soon in the year of the dragon. From Mr Alfredo to you.



Mr. Dusan

Dear Students,

As we approach the New Year, I want to extend my warmest wishes to you and your families. May the coming year be filled with joy, prosperity, and wonderful moments shared together.

Looking forward to the next semester, let's collectively set some goals for continued success. We aim to further enhance language proficiency, foster effective communication, and explore diverse cultural .

I am excited about the learning journey ahead, and I am confident that with our shared commitment, the next semester will bring even more achievements and milestones.

Thank you for your trust and partnership. Wishing you a joyful holiday season and a Happy New Year!

Best regards,

Mr. Dusan


随着新年的临近,我想向你和你的家人致以最温暖的祝福。愿新的一年欢乐如泉涌,繁荣如春花,每一个瞬间都充满美好。 展望下学期,让我们共同设定一些目标,以取得持续的成功。我们的目标是进一步提高语言水平,培养有效的沟通,并探索不同的文化。 我对未来的学习旅程充满期待,我相信在我们共同的承诺下,下学期将带来更多的成就和里程碑。 感谢你们的信任和合作。祝你们度过一个愉快的假期和快乐的新年! 

最好的问候, 来自Mr.Dusan

Mr. Malton

Dear amazing students,

Happy Year of the Dragon! As we dive into this exciting year, I wish you lots of fun, learning, and magical moments. Just like the mighty dragon, let's be brave and strong in everything we do!

Imagine the dragon's powerful wings helping you soar high in your studies and adventures. Be like the dragon—curious, smart, and ready to face challenges with a big, friendly roar! 

During this special time, celebrate with your family, enjoy yummy treats, and learn about the cool traditions that make this year extra special.

May your year be filled with awesome surprises, laughter, and many gold-star moments. Here's to a fantastic Year of the Dragon – full of learning, friendship, and loads of happiness!

Roaring cheers,

Malton Pietersen 



龙年快乐!随着我们迈入这令人兴奋的一年,我祝愿你们拥有许多乐趣、学到许多知识,以及创造神奇的时刻。就像强大的龙一样,让我们在所做的一切事情中都表现出勇敢和坚强! 想象一下,龙的强大翅膀帮助你在学习和冒险中翱翔。像龙一样——充满好奇心、聪明才智,准备好以友好而响亮的咆哮面对挑战!在这个特殊的时刻,与家人一起庆祝,享受美味的零食,了解使这一年更加特别的酷炫传统。 愿你的这一年充满绝妙的惊喜、欢笑和许多金星级的时刻。祝愿你龙年——充满学习、友谊和满满的幸福! 欢呼声震天响!

Ms. Uté

Happy Lunar New Year, 2nd-grade friends! May the Year of the Dragon bring you lots of fun and exciting adventures in your school journey! Just like dragons, be brave when facing challenges and use your creativity to soar high in all your activities. May you discover new things and make wonderful friends. Remember, every day is a chance to learn and grow, just like a dragon spreading its wings! Wishing you a year filled with joy, laughter, and success in all your studies. Happy New Year, little dragons! 



Miss Milica

Wishing all my students a fantastic Year of the Dragon! May this year bring you joy, success, and exciting adventures! If you face challenges, embrace them with the spirit of the dragon, and let each day be filled with laughter, learning and growth.  Happy New Year! 新年快乐!恭喜发财!Love, Mili!



Mr. Sean

I want to congratulate all the students at Huawai-Tongman for their hard work and effort in this semester. You have all grown so much in a short time. I’d also like to thank all the family members for supporting the students. It makes a big difference when they can learn from your experience. I hope you all have a happy and festive holiday. Enjoy you time with your family and friends, eat good food, play many games, and all the many fun things that come with holidays. You’ve earned it. I can wait to see you all again and hear your stories.



Ms. Vivi

Dear children. I wish you a lot of fun and joy during the winter holidays and in the coming New Year. Spend this time with your family and feel their warmth and care. Family is the people who will always support you in difficult times. Love and help each other. Use this time to recharge and begin your studies next semester with renewed vigor. Your teacher Vivi, with love.



Mr. Adam

Hello awesome students,

Another semester has flown by and we’re about to celebrate the New Year. Spring Festival is a time to celebrate with family, travel, eat delicious food, play games and collect lucky money. I hope you get to do all of that and more!

I hope the coming year of the Dragon brings you good health, happiness and perfect exam results. Even though the semester has ended, I hope you keep practicing the English we’ve learned together and build on that. A little bit pf practice each day goes a long way and If it gets difficult, remember this: those who believe they can and those who believe they can’t will both be proven right. Stay positive, never give up and enjoy your learning journey.  

Have fun and I’ll see you next semester!

Teacher Adam







Mr. Michael

As we step into the auspicious Year of the Wood Dragon, may its vigor and wisdom infuse your lives with prosperity and joy. Let the dragon's courageous spirit inspire bold dreams and steadfast resilience. Embrace each day with the harmony and grace of the dragon, finding strength in challenges and peace in achievements. May the festive lanterns illuminate a path of health, happiness, and success, guiding you through a year filled with wonder and fulfillment. Happy Chinese New Year! May this year bring you an abundance of blessings, laughter, and cherished moments with loved ones.



Mr. Cristian

Dear Precious Students,

As the vibrant hues of the Chinese New Year illuminate our lives, may your journey through the Year of the Dragon be filled with joy, prosperity, and boundless opportunities. May this festive season bring you the warmth of family, the laughter of friends, and the sweet melody of shared moments.

May the holidays be a tapestry of cherished memories, weaving tales of happiness and togetherness. Embrace the traditions, savor the delicacies, and relish the company of loved ones.

As you return to your studies with renewed energy, may the Year of the Dragon inspire you to approach each lesson with the strength and determination it symbolizes. May your efforts be met with success, your curiosity be rewarded with knowledge, and your dreams unfold like the blossoming flowers of spring.

May the coming year be a chapter of growth, discovery, and accomplishment. Wishing you a spectacular Chinese New Year, joyous holidays, and a school year filled with the excitement of learning. 
















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