
IGCSE 和 A Level 课程有什么优势?Choosing the Wise Path: IGCSE & A Level

02-26 08:28发布于广东


佛山霍利斯致力于提供高标准的学术教育和个性化的学习计划,帮助学生们发挥最大的潜能。我们采用英国课程体系,其中包括 IGCSE 和 A Level 国际课程,这两套课程体系能够为他们提供选科学习的机会。欢迎阅读本文,一起了解和探讨 IGCSE 和 A Level 课程的特色,以及学校如何根据学生们的个人兴趣、优势能力和学术目标帮助制定合适的学习计划

为何选择IGCSE和A Level?

英国课程体系因其严格的学术框架和全面的教育方法而著称。IGCSE 和 A Level 课程是该体系的重要组成部分,具备广泛性和深入性,以及能够让学生按照个人优势和兴趣自选学科进行学习的灵活性。

IGCSE 和 A Level 课程的学术标准严谨、含金量高,被世界各地的顶尖大学广泛认可。对于国际学生而言,持有IGCSE 和 A Level 课程考试成绩证书开启了通往全球高等教育机会的大门。

佛山霍利斯的IGCSE和A Level课程


当学生进入A Level课程学习时,他们只需要选择3-4门感兴趣的学科继续更加深入地学习。

与其他国际课程相比,A Level 课程的一大特点是允许学生们在他们真正擅长和热衷的领域进行专业化学习,更深入地探索这些领域的知识,同时为他们提供更多的时间来探索课程之外的内容,这需要更高水平的自律性和主动性。



IGCSE 和 A Level 选科学习赋予学习旅程灵活性和独特性。佛山霍利斯为学生们的 IGCSE 和 A Level 选科提供支持和指导,我们的教学团队通过一对一咨询、研讨会和PSHE课程等,分享学科相关内容、潜在职业道路,以及与其他学科的兼容性方面的见解。此外,我们全方位的升学指导服务也能帮助学生了解他们所选学科在申请大学和日后就业的影响和作用。

同时,我们也很重视学生家长们在这一过程的参与。通过公开的沟通平台和分享会等方式,我们鼓励家长参与并支持孩子的学术决策。例如,我们每年定时开展专门的 IGCSE 和 A Level 选科分享会,让学生和家长可以对课程整体和学科有较为全面的认识,从而有助于形成最终决策。

IGCSE 和 A Level 课程的灵活性、深度和国际认可度不仅能够让学生掌握扎实的学术知识,更为他们升读世界一流大学铺平道路。在佛山霍利斯,我们致力于提供个性化的教学和鼓励型学习环境,在经验丰富的教师团队的帮助下,确保每位学生都能发挥他们的天赋潜能!

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At LEH International School Foshan, our commitment lies in delivering education that not only adheres to the highest academic benchmarks but also offers tailored learning experiences, enabling students to reach their full potential. Our adoption of the British curriculum, with a focus on IGCSE and international A Level programmes, reflects our dedication to this goal. This article delves into the significance of IGCSE and A Level for international students and our approach to customising their educational journey according to their interests, strengths and academic goals.

Why Choose IGCSE and A Level?

The British curriculum is renowned for its rigorous academic framework and holistic approach to education. The IGCSE and A Level programmes, integral components of this curriculum, stand out for their breadth and depth, offering students the flexibility to tailor their education to their strengths and passions.

For international students, the IGCSE and A Level qualifications serve as a gateway to higher education opportunities worldwide. These qualifications are renowned for their academic rigour and are widely accepted by top universities across the globe.

IGCSE and A Level at LEH Foshan

Our British curriculum journey starts from a broad foundation laid in Prep School to Key Stage 3 with all subjects being compulsory, gradually moving towards specialisation. As students transition to the IGCSE level, the curriculum evolves to offer more autonomy in subject selection, allowing students to align their studies with their personal interests, strengths, and future aspirations.

As students progress onto A Level courses, they are offered a more specialised, in-depth study of 3 or 4 subjects of interest.

What makes A Levels stand out from other international programmes is that they allows students to specialise in the areas where they have real strengths and passions and want to explore in more depth and provide more time for them to explore outside the curriculum and this requires a higher level of self-discipline and initiative.

For example, students interested in medicine, engineering or pure science have a distinct advantage: they can focus exclusively on mathematics and the sciences. Equally creative students can choose to spend more time on creativity in drama, art and English and are not forced to continue with maths or sciences.

Personalised Approach to Subject Choices

Recognising the uniqueness of each student's journey, LEH Foshan offers personalised support in subject selection for their IGCSE and A Level learning. Our teaching staff, through individual consultations, workshops, and PSHE lessons, share insights on subject content, potential career paths, and compatibility with other subjects. Furthermore, our comprehensive university guidance services assist students in understanding the implications of their subject choices in the context of university applications and career opportunities.

Parental involvement and engagement are integral to our educational approach. Through transparent communication and informative sessions, we ensure parents are engaged and supportive of their child's  academic decisions. For example, to facilitate this, we organise dedicated IGCSE and A Level Information Sessions which are designed to provide comprehensive insights into the curriculum and the decision-making process regarding subject selection.

In conclusion, the flexibility, depth, and international recognition of the IGCSE and A Level programmes not only prepare students for academic excellence but also pave the way for them to access the best universities around the globe. At LEH Foshan, our commitment to a personalised educational journey, supported by experienced teaching faculty and a nurturing environment, ensures that every student can achieve their full potential.









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