
师资介绍|有位会说中文的英籍小学老师是种什么体验?Meet Mr Lewis, Y5 Teacher

03-01 08:25发布于广东


我们的预备部教师介绍系列文章上新了!本期,我们很高兴能够给大家介绍预备部五年级的主班老师 Mr Connor Lewis。Mr Lewis 自2022年8月加入我们学校团队,作为预备部的创始教师之一,他的丰富教学经验和独特的教学方法为预备部的奠基和发展作出贡献。

Mr Connor Lewis

Mr Lewis 是位年轻且富有活力的老师,在中国的国际小学教育领域拥有7年的丰富教学经验,他本人持有曼彻斯特都会大学语言学荣誉学位中国人民大学高等教育学硕士学位。他把自己在语言学方面的研究运用于他的教学工作中,成功帮助学生们提升英语语言能力。再加上他本人精通汉语五级,这增强了他跟学生以及本地社区的联系。

这篇文章中,我们邀请 Mr Lewis来分享他的教育理念、在佛山霍利斯的教学工作,以及他对学生的愿景。

Q1: Mr Lewis,请问一开始是什么吸引了您加入佛山霍利斯?


Q2: 加入预备部团队后,您能分享一下您的教学经历吗?有没有让您特别自豪的成就?

我最喜欢的应该是我们举办的第一届地球日活动和环保大使计划,这培养了我们学生的环保意识。此外,去年五年级的班级剧目是表演特里·普拉切特(Terry Pratchett)的《The Wee Free Men》,这为学生们提供了一个发挥创意、展示才华的平台。孩子们在写作技能上取得显著进步,以及他们对写作的信心不断提高,并出版了一些自己的作品,这都令我感到十分骄傲。

Q3: 您对教学和学生行为管理有何独到见解?


Q4: 您对五年级的孩子们有什么寄望?


Q5: 作为预备部环保委员会的负责人,您能分享一下在预备部设立环保委员会的原因,及其对学生发展的影响吗?


Q6: 您的中文技能怎样帮助你提升教学方法以及与家长之间的联系?


我们衷心感谢 Mr Lewis 的分享,以及他对教学工作的专注和敬业。



如果您想跟 Mr Lewis 以及我们的预备部英籍教师见面交流,欢迎参加我们3月16日的预备部开放日活动,深入探索我们的教育理念,了解我们如何帮助学生发挥自己的天赋潜能。

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In our ongoing series of Prep Teacher introductions, we are excited to present Mr Connor Lewis, our Year 5 teacher in this feature. Since joining our community in August 2022 as one of the founding teachers of the Prep School, Mr Lewis has brought a wealth of experience and a unique approach to education that has significantly enriched our learning environment.

Mr Connor Lewis

Mr Lewis, with 7 years of international primary education across China, holds a Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Linguistics from Manchester Metropolitan University and a Master of Education in Advanced Education from the University of the People in China. His expertise in linguistics has been a cornerstone in supporting our students' second language acquisition, complemented by his own achievements in mastering Mandarin (HSK 5), which has greatly enhanced his connection with both students and the wider community.

We sat down with Mr Lewis to delve into his educational philosophy, his role at LEH Foshan, and his vision for the students under his guidance.

Q1: Mr Lewis, what attracted you to LEH Foshan? 

After spending five years teaching in Beijing, I was drawn to LEH Foshan by several factors. The engaging curriculum, outstanding facilities, house system, and the professionalism of the staff all contributed to my decision. These elements create an environment conducive to both teaching and learning, and I saw joining LEH Foshan as an exciting opportunity to continue my career in education within a vibrant and supportive community. An additional factor was the warm climate that we enjoy in Guangdong, which was a refreshing change from the north of China!

Q2: Could you share your experiences since joining the team? Are there any achievements you are most proud of?

Perhaps my favourite was the establishment of the first Earth Day and the Eco Ambassadors programme, fostering environmental awareness among our students. Additionally, last year’s Year Five class play, where we performed Terry Pratchett’s "The Wee Free Men," providing students with a creative outlet to showcase their talents. I've also witnessed significant improvements in students’ writing skills and  pride in their work, including the publishing of their pieces, which is truly inspiring to see. 

Q3: What are your approaches to teaching and student behaviour?

My approach to teaching revolves around setting high expectations for my students. I believe in fostering a growth mindset, and encouraging students to constantly strive for improvement and challenge themselves. For instance, I encourage students with house points not just for correct answers but for demonstrating a willingness to tackle difficult questions and exceed average expectations. This approach cultivates resilience, determination, and a strong work ethic among students, which are essential qualities for their academic and personal development.

Q4: What key achievements do you hope your students will attain by the end of Year 5?

By the end of Year 5, my hope is that students will have acquired foundational UKS2 skills, preparing them for the challenges of Year Six and beyond. Additionally, I aim for them to develop key computing skills and a solid understanding of technology, equipping them with essential tools for the future. Most importantly, I aspire for my students to embrace a growth mindset that will propel them towards success, whether in top universities or any path they choose to pursue.

Q5: As the leader of the Eco Committee in the Prep School, can you share the inspiration behind establishing the Eco Committee at the Prep School and its impact on student development?

At LEH Foshan, we believe in empowering students to make a difference, and the Eco Committee embodies this ethos. By giving students a platform to voice their concerns and actively engage in environmental initiatives, we instil in them a sense of agency and responsibility. Through participating in eco-friendly activities and projects, students not only develop practical skills but also cultivate a deeper understanding of their role in creating a sustainable future. This hands-on experience fosters leadership, teamwork, and a commitment to positive change, which are invaluable qualities for their personal growth and development as global citizens.

Q6: With your proficiency in Mandarin, how does this linguistic ability enhance your teaching approach and relationship with the parents? 

It allows me to connect more effectively with Mandarin-speaking students, facilitating clearer communication and deeper engagement in the classroom. Moreover, being able to converse with parents in Mandarin demonstrates respect for their language and culture, fostering trust and collaboration. This linguistic ability bridges communication barriers and ensures that parents are actively involved in their child's education, ultimately contributing to a more supportive and inclusive learning environment. 

We extend our heartfelt thanks to Mr Lewis for sharing his insights and dedication in shaping the leaders of tomorrow.

Stay tuned for more features on our exceptional Prep School teachers!

Mark your calendar!

If you would like to meet Mr Lewis and our team of British Prep educators in person, we warmly invite you to our Prep School Open Day on 16 March. It's a fantastic opportunity to explore our educational ethos and learn more about how we nurture every student's potential.









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