On the 26th of February, 2024, the LEH Foshan campus was abuzz with the spirit of scientific exploration as it hosted its inaugural Science Fair event. This event marked a significant milestone, offering students from Prep to Secondary School a platform to showcase their scientific inquiries and experiments.
A Showcase of
Emerging Scientists
The Prep School corridors were alive with the vibrant energy of young learners presenting projects that ranged from the curious transformation of milk into plastic to the simple yet fascinating cleaning coins experiment. Each project, including the exploration of magnets and the creation of an infinity mirror, was a glimpse into the students' initial steps towards understanding scientific concepts through hands-on experiments.
The Secondary School students delved deeper into the scientific process, tackling complex issues with maturity and precision. Their projects, including the study of colour effects on plant growth, the intriguing kinetics of the iodine clock reaction, the exploration of epigenetics in cancer, the effect of light refraction and the 5-second rule's validity reflected a rigorous application of scientific principles. Their work not only demonstrated their technical skills but also their ability to critically engage with and contribute to real-world scientific conversations.
Each project tells a story of exploration and perseverance, reflecting our school's commitment to nurturing a passion for science. This fair is not just about today's discoveries but about inspiring the innovators of tomorrow.
Special thanks go to our dedicated faculty, including Mr Wilton, Head of Biology, and the Prep School team, and our Admin, Marketing and Procurement teams for their support in making this event a reality.
The Science Fair allowed our students to stretch themselves beyond the curriculum, while still following the 'rules' that govern the Scientific Method. My favourite moments involved listening to our scientists explain their work eloquently and passionately to their audience, whether that be an interested parent or an excited Year 2 student. I look forward to an even bigger and better event next year.
The Science Fair showcased the student’s engagement with their learning and allowed children right across the school to show their love for learning. I was so impressed with the level of detail, time and thought that had gone into the projects.
The event was further enriched by the contributions of Professor Jianshan Ye from South China University of Technology, and Dr Quanjian Huang from Midea Corporate Research Centre, who shared their knowledge on New Energy and AI. Their presentations provided students with a broader perspective on how scientific principles are applied in cutting-edge research and real-world innovations, offering a dose of inspiration for our young learners.
As we look back on this year's Science Fair, we are reminded of the importance of fostering a love for science from a young age. This event has laid the groundwork for what we hope will become a long-standing tradition at LEH Foshan, inspiring students to continue exploring the wonders of science in the years to come.
Special thanks to our sponsors for their great support!
During the Science Fair, we invited our audience and science teachers to cast their votes for their favourite projects. We extend our heartfelt congratulations to the following students for their exceptional work!
Audience’s Choice Gold Awards:
What makes ice melt fastest? - Y3 Lauren, Daniel and Angel
Extracting DNA from a Strawberry - Y6AT Quincy, Livia, Cici, Alina
Scientists’ Choice Gold Awards:
Rainbow Vegetables - Y2GL Kyrah, Polaris, Anna and Jacob
Testing a Solar Powered Car - Y6AT Andrew, Ray and Dylan
Audience’s Choice Gold Award:
Scientists’ Choice Gold Award: