In-Person Peer-to-Peer Sharing and Learning Event: AI in the Classroom
March 16 (Saturday), 2024 | 12:00 - 4:00 PM
Western Academy of Beijing
Led by Stephen Taylor & Kevin Crouch
This participant-driven gathering is an opportunity to connect in-person, share practices, and explore common professional inquiries.
Generative AI is taking the education world by storm. How can we possibly keep up? In this participant-led session, we’ll explore and collaborate on some of the potential uses and implications of adapting effectively to these new technologies.
Suggested Topics:
AI Teacher Super-Powers
Using AI with students
Inclusion & Multilingualism and AI
The Unconference Space: Additional topics suggested by attendees.
Stephen Taylor
Director of Innovation in Learning & Teaching at Western Academy of Beijing
Kevin Crouch
Head of EdTech and IT at Western Academy of Beijing
12:00 - 12:15 - Registration and Connecting
12:30 - 12:45 - Welcome Address and Keynote
13:00 - 14:15 - Break-out session (Choose 1 of the topics below to participate in)
-AI Teacher Super-Powers
-Using AI with students
-Inclusion & Multilingualism and AI
The Unconference Space: Additional topics suggested by attendees.
14:15 - 14:45 - Break
14:45 - 15:30 - Demo Slam / Market Place
-Show, share & celebrate: 2-3 minutes demonstrations
15:30 - 16:15 - Panel Discussion: The near and far futures of GenAI in education.
16:15 - 16:30 - Closing Address
Breakout Rooms
AI Teacher Super-Powers
How can GenAI tools enhance teachers’ work lives through efficiency, personalisation and simply getting things done? Join this session to collaborate on AI tools and workflows for teachers.
Using AI with students
How can we use GenAI safely and successfully with our learners? As more tools become ‘student-appropriate’, what are some ways that our students can learn about and with GenAI? Join this session to collaborate on AI tools and ideas for students.
Inclusion & Multilingualism and AI
How can GenAI be used to enhance teaching and learning for the benefit of our diverse learners? Join this session to collaborate on AI tools and workflows for inclusion, student support and multilingualism.
The Unconference Space
How can GenAI do… well just about anything else? Join this session if your needs don’t fit the sessions above, or you have a proposal for a discussion and demonstration topic.
Western Academy of Beijing 北京京西学校
10 Lai Guang Ying Dong Lu,Chao Yang District, Beijing 100102, P.R.C.北京市朝阳区来广营东路 10 号 100102
Michael Iannini
Michael 是 ACAMIS 的签约 PD 协调员,也是 CIS 的隶属顾问,他的专业领域包括考核和专业发展、领导力培训、学校管理及战略规划。
Michael is ACAMIS’s contracted PD Coordinator and an affiliated CIS consultant with these areas of expertise: appraisal and professional development, leadership training, school governance, and strategic planning.
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