


03-18 08:28发布于江苏





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Chinese students, who have been wrapped up in the "punch-card application", have rolled themselves into hexagonal warriors on the way to the Ivy League, and the A grades are a strong proof of their strong academic ability. But do the Ivy League schools only favour the academically gifted? Can those individuals with a passion for what they do stand out?


Ms Karen Tang, director of Dipont Education Group's college counseling programme and advisor of the school's student development system, gives an apt analogy: "The photo you take out [when applying] doesn't need to be uniform, it's not an application photo, it's a picture of your life. Do you think it has a standard answer?"


12月15日,狄邦华曜创校生Sara W.斩获美国康奈尔大学动物科学专业Offer。对她本人而言,爬藤成功实属意外之喜,康奈尔是经过唐老师的极力推荐在最后一刻才成为ED首选的旁人同样疑惑,她不卷标化、AP和竞赛的“极简式申请”究竟是如何在一众学霸里大杀四方的?

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On 15 December, Dipont Huayao Collegiate School Kunshan founding student Sara W. was awarded an offer to major in Animal Science at Cornell University in the U.S. For herself, the success of her journey to the Top was an unexpected blessing, as Cornell was a last-minute ED first choice after Ms Tang's strong recommendation; Onlookers also wondered how her "minimalist application" without papers, APs and competitions managed to make it through the crowd of top students.



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However, in the eyes of several college counsellors, over the past three years, Sara at Dipont Huayao Collegiate School Kunshan has transformed into a sincere, determined, tough and confident girl. Under the American education atmosphere that values students' autonomy, she has successfully found her love and inspired her self-drive, and Dipoont Education Group's professional college counseling system and dynamic career planning have helped her to show a real and unique growth trajectory. When an extremely vivid image is presented in front of the admissions officers, everything will come to fruition.



Honesty and sincerity are the key to success


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Sara remembers how she struggled with the paperwork she submitted as part of her application because she was given two contradictory pieces of advice from her  counsellor on-campus and off-campus: the latter changed Sara's PS by piling on all the accomplishments she had received in high school - seemingly in the interest of the Ivy League schools - and the former simply wanted her to tell her story with animals honestly.



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"The stacking of activities doesn't make the applicant stand out, and the information on the list of activities is rather similar." Sara's college counselor, Ms. Zhou, said. Dipoont Education Group conducts a collective expert review of the key students for the graduation season from its four K-12 schools and all of its international curriculum partner schools in August each year, giving the most comprehensive and authoritative advice on all the materials that need to be submitted for the application. After reviewing Sara's essay, the expert reviewers agreed that it needed to be reworked.


▲ Sara和唐珮颖老师


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Ms Karen has a profound view on what makes a good personal statement: "A lot of students just want to say 'I've made it', but that's not usually the story, what's important is that you may have fallen down, but you're able to get back up from that fall and what significance does that have for your next decision? Decision what significance it produces and how real and certain that significance is." Karen calls this the " anti-sacramental PS."





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She recalls a vivid example from her past coaching experience. One student wrote a story about distributing food to homeless people in a San Francisco church in the summer heat and smiling even when they behaved rudely. This kind of reality-defying writing simply doesn't resonate with admissions officers, which should terrify anyone faced with such a situation.


Sara's story is similar: she tried animal protection because of her love for small animals, but the moment she actually stepped into the shelter, the squalid conditions and the thousands of stray animals as far as the eye could see deterred her; in fact, the first two times she came to the shelter, Sara didn't do anything at all.




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She poured out her true emotions as she grew closer to the animals in her writing, which took her only two days to complete compared to the pain of squeezing out the first draft. Not only is it full of memories, but it also presents the real growth trajectory of an adolescent child, from timidity to determination, from entanglement, struggle and doubt to gradual self-confidence, which is sincere and touching. Unsurprisingly, Sara chose to submit this version of the PS to Cornell.

Dynamic career planning supported by the rich resources of the American education system lights up a signpost for students' development.



Dynamic Career Planning 


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Before finding her true love, Sara, who grew up studying art and music, would have liked to make art her first choice.



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"In the beginning, she only said she liked small animals, but was not set on her future profession." Ms Zhou recalled, "Because she grew up learning art and musical instruments, the advice given to her family at the time was to take the art route."







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Dipont Huayao Collegiate School Kunshan's college counsellors have their own preconceptions about the "life pictures" students submit, but the answers Sara gave clearly did not match those preconceptions. How did the school help her find her future direction?


Compared to the mechanical combination of "planning = standardised + summer school + PS + competitions + activities", which most people think is the goal of successful application, HC obviously focuses on a longer time dimension, allowing for possible changes in high school, adjusting the focus in the dynamics, paying attention, accompanying, getting close to the student, understanding the student, giving timely guidance, and providing the necessary guidance, until the most suitable moment arrives. From the initial confusion to the final settlement, its unique dynamic career planning to accompany Sara as a representative of the students all the time, to give the most accurate control:


HC has the luxury of a 1:30 college counselor-to-student ratio that only the top public schools in the U.S. have, and each teacher is responsible for no more than 15 students during the application season. From the 11th grade onwards, there is no change in college counselors, which means that students will be with the same teacher for at least two years. During the day, the teachers are involved in morning meetings, one-on-one counselling, and even large and small campus events, so that they are able to tap into the different facets of the students in multiple ways.


▲ Sara和周稀静老师


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It was during the school's co-operation with the Suzhou Animal Protection Society that Ms. Zhou discovered Sara's true passion;


▲ Sara在苏州动物收容所义务服务




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It was also on Ms. Zhou's advice that Sara looked beyond the superficial basic care work she had been doing at the shelter to more in-depth and academic practice, eventually focusing on the topic of "researching skin diseases in small animals";


In the course of Sara's career in animal protection, she was once discouraged by her own powerlessness, and also fell into self-questioning because of her original intention and motivation to try to " enter college", but in those days, she was guided by Ms. Zhou, who taught her to do some research on animal protection policies, and to look at things from a higher perspective and to open up her eyes. She then slowly got out of the animal cruelty incidents on the Internet, and set the ambition to awaken people's awareness of animal protection with her ideas, and finally decided to change her original major of "Veterinary Medicine" to "Animal Science", with a view to getting involved in the future in the fields of animal law, animal rights and so on.


▲ Sara在校内参加动物保护项目


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As the on-campus counsellors are so close to the students' lives and stay with them for at least two years, it is easy to understand why most off-campus organisations can only see the results of the students' achievements, whereas the on-campus teachers can see the lively, flesh-and-blood, loving, and individualistic people they work with.



Rich Resource Support

狄邦华曜重视学生自主性的美式教育氛围为身处其中的学生追求热爱提供了得天独厚的优秀条件:从学生社团、Life Block延展课到校园里大大小小的一切活动,学生们能够在这些学校特意为其留白的时间内肆意探索兴趣爱好,并在紧密的社群联系中得到充分支持。



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Our American educational environment, which values student autonomy, provides a unique opportunity for students to pursue their passions: from student clubs, Life Block, and all the activities on campus, students are able to explore their interests in the time that the school has set aside for them, and are supported by a close-knit community.


The school is committed to providing a diverse range of social service activities for its students, and it was through the school's partnership with the Animal Protection Society that Sara first got her foot in the door and found her calling;


随着探索越发深入,她希望能在校内扩大影响力,学校的特色之一Life Block延展课成为了契机。这本是由老师发起的课程,以供学生挖掘感兴趣的领域。Sara主动寻求生物老师Mr. McCathy的帮助,提议创立一门动物相关的Life Block延展课。老师欣然接受,以一周理论输出、一周动手实践的有趣形式,吸引了众多学生的目光。比如在老师讲解完骨折后,Sara就和老师设置了一场以玉米棒当动物骨头、以打湿的纸巾模拟石膏的骨折处理体验;


当Life Block积累了一定人气,Sara终于创立了自己的“猫狗百科”学生社团,成立之初共有四位成员,Sara与一位同学进行动物疾病研究,另外两位同学负责提高文本可读性,并通过美工制作成册分发给师生和动物保护机构的志愿者们。校内拥有宠物的师生们都成为了Sara的采访对象,以发生在身边的真实病例警醒读者;

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As she explored more and more, she wanted to expand her reach within the school, and one of the school's specialities, the Life Block, became an opportunity to do so. Originally a teacher-initiated programme for students to explore areas of interest, Sara took the initiative to enlist the help of her Biology teacher, Mr. McCathy, and proposed the creation of an animal-related Life Block. The teacher gladly accepted, and the interesting format of one week of theoretical output and one week of hands-on practice attracted many students. For example, after the teacher explained broken bones, Sara set up a fracture management experience with the teacher using corncobs as animal bones and dampened paper towels to simulate casts;


When Life Block gained some popularity, Sara finally founded her own "Furry Carnival" student club, which began with four members: Sara and one student conducted research on animal diseases, while the other two students were responsible for improving the readability of the text, the booklets are distributed to students, faculty, and volunteers from animal protection organisations through artwork. Students and faculty members who own pets on campus are interviewed by Sara, alerting readers to real-life cases that have happened to them;


▲ Sara创办的“猫狗百科”学生社团




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The club mobilised students to go to animal shelters regularly to help stray dogs to bathe, shave, walk and clean their kennels, and gradually the whole school joined the animal protection team. The Student Development Department has repeatedly publicised the charity sales organised by the club on campus to raise money to donate to animal protection organisations. Many teachers joined in and exchanged their handmade ceramics, hairpins, bracelets and other crafts for donations;


Last semester, the Elementary School's interdisciplinary Project Based Learning (PBL) programme on "Rescuing Stray Animals" also collaborated with the clubs to plan a series of activities that involved teachers, students and parents, such as a leftover food project, a collection of second-hand products, the making of dog kennels and quilts, and the making of dog food and meatballs, etc., the final exhibition and school bazaar brought stray pets for adoption, a mini auction house, a raffle of second-hand goods and other charitable activities, with all the money donated to animal protection organisations.


▲ Sara参与校内小动保慈善集市


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The support of the whole school helped the students, represented by Sara, to explore the field of their passion. Dipont Huayao Collegiate School Kunshan's campus is now home to a variety of student activities, including students who started a photography club because of their love for photography and eventually organised an exhibition with the support of the school; scholars who fell in love with fitness because of weight loss and created a club to lead their classmates to practise a healthy lifestyle; and scholars who initiated a sanitary napkin mutual aid initiative across the school to break down prejudice against the physiological cycle and to express women's power. ......



Ivy League isn't a goal, it's a natural progression


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Despite being a soon-to-be Cornell freshman, "going into Ivy League" has never been Sara's goal.




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Unlike the 10 A's, Sara didn't take APs in a big way. After deciding in 10th grade that she wanted to major in animal science, she focused her exploration of the subject on her own interests, and she got it just right: she stayed committed to lab sciences throughout 10th grade, and completed AP Chemistry and AP Biology in 11th grade, where she did very well on the exams. She also continued with AP Physics in 12th grade. In Maths, Sara completed AP Calculus in grade 11 and took AP Statistics in grade 12, laying an important foundation for further exploration in Biology in the future. At the same time, Sara has chosen Chinese, English, and Spanish as subjects that enhance her liberal arts literacy, and paired them with art and physical education skills to create a well-rounded picture of herself;

"going into Ivy League" has never been the goal of HC.


▲ Sara美术作品


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Teachers with rich experience in college counseling were extremely impressed with Sara's activities in animal-related fields, and when they found that Sara had balanced development in all aspects and had no obvious shortcomings, they strongly recommended that she should apply to Cornell in the ED round. Stepping into the Ivy League was just a happy ending inadvertently facilitated by both parties. From the ninth grade girl who hated science, was not very talkative, and just wanted to be transparent in the crowd, to the Cornell freshman-to-be who is now the head of the student government, the captain of the volleyball team, and continues to work in the field of animal protection, all of this progress is born from love. In the opinion of the college counsellors, the path of adolescent growth is so real that it allows college admissions officers to see the potential of a student's love for what he or she does, as opposed to the academic achievement of an all-A student.







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Sara's success is a testament to the fact that American colleges and universities value more than just academic excellence. Dipont Huayao Collegiate School Kunshan's emphasis on student autonomy nourishes the soil of individuality, and its college counseling system helps it germinate and bear fruit, and Sara is just a microcosm of the many scholars at HC. Many more children are exploring their passions and finding themselves on this vibrant campus. Doria, one of last year's first graduates, also said the following golden words in an interview:


"Writing applications and applying to universities starts from 'me'. If the output doesn't match my opinions or experiences, and there are some romanticised changes, even if they are useful, I can't do them. Such a me is distorted from the university's point of view. So I would rather be rejected for my true self than accepted for my false self." She ultimately adopted the latter of the opinions of her off-campus agencies and her on-campus college counselor.


Ivy League schools have never been HC's educational goal. With an autonomy-oriented, non-utilitarian education, scholars are able to know what they want, dedicate themselves to their preferred field, and outline a clear and definite future. At a time when the majority of people are floating with the tide, this kind of self-awareness and self-confidence without being swayed by the environment is the ultimate goal of us. In the process of advancing towards the dream school, Dipont Huayao Collegiate School Kunshan scholars never forget that the pursuit of excellence is not focused on the result of "excellence", but on the process of "pursuit".









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