
CISH Team Excel as Delegates in Model United Nations Conference!




"Germany Shines at BEIMUN: Oskar Opfer, Bella Wang, and Jackson Shi all from CISH Excel as Delegates in Model United Nations Conference"

From Friday, March 15th, to Sunday, March 17th, Oskar Opfer, Bella Wang, and Jackson Shi attended BEIMUN (Model United Nations at the International School of Beijing). All three represented Germany within their own individual committee.

As the delegate of Germany for the Human Rights Council (HRC), Oskar was required to:

•Address challenges faced by people with disabilities, including issues related to accessibility, discrimination, and social exclusion.

•Address reformation of international policies regarding racism-motivated crimes and terrors given recent rise in hate speech and racially motivated discriminatory policies in MEDCs.

In his role, Oskar spoke with confidence, asked and answered numerous Points of Interest (POIs), and was the main submitter on a resolution to address the aforementioned aspects.

As the delegate of Germany for the General Assembly (GA 2), Bella was required to:

•Combat discrimination at workplaces in LEDCs.

•Address the impact of the pandemic on education and ensure equitable access to education in the post pandemic world.

In her role, Bella provided an inspiring opening speech, asked and answered Points of Interest (POIs), and put forth meaningful amendments that were accepted by her committee.

As the delegate of Germany for the General Assembly (GA 3), Jackson was required to:

•Develop policies to address the impact of corruption on global development and promote transparency and accountability in South East Asia.

•Examine the role of corporations in promoting or violating human rights and explore ways to hold corporations accountable for their actions in Africa.

In his role, Jackson spoke with passion, and asked and answered Points of Interest (POIs).

Overall, the students demonstrated great knowledge and dedication, acted with integrity, and represented the country they were appointed and CISH with respect and honour. We at CISH are incredibly proud of Oskar, Bella, and Jackson.  

Special thanks to teachers Ryan Steinberg and Issak MacMullin for being teacher supervisors. 


来自CISH 的 Oskar Opfer、Bella Wang 和 Jackson Shi 作为代表在模拟联合国活动上表现出色

3 月 15 日星期五至 3 月 17 日星期日,Oskar Opfer,Bella Wang 和 Jackson Shi 参加了在北京国际学校开展的模拟联合国活动,三人代表德国参加了各自的委员会。


- 如何解决残疾人士所面临的挑战,包括与无障碍环境、歧视和社会排斥有关的问题。

- 鉴于近来中东和北非地区仇恨言论和出于种族动机的歧视性政策的增加,讨论出于种族主义动机的犯罪和恐怖行为背景下,国际政策可进行哪些改革。

Oskar 同学充满自信,在活动上提出并回答了许多兴趣点 (POIs),是解决上述问题的决议主要提交者。

作为德国出席大会(GA 2)的代表,Bella同学需要解决的问题点有:

- 处理发展中国家工作场所的歧视现象。

- 应对大流行病对教育的影响,确保大流行病后世界的公平教育机会。


作为德国出席大会第三届会议(GA 3)的代表,Jackson需要解决的问题点如下:

- 制定政策,解决腐败对全球发展的影响,促进东南亚的透明度和问责制。

- 审查公司在促进或侵犯人权方面的作用,并探讨如何让公司对其在非洲的行为负责。


总的来说,学生们表现出了渊博的知识和十足的投入,充分代表了他们被任命的国家,也代表着 CISH,赢得了尊重和荣誉。CISH为 Oskar, Bella, Jackson三位同学感到无比自豪。 

特别感谢教师 Ryan Steinberg 和 Issak MacMullin 担任指导教师。



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