03-26 08:48发布于广东
The holiday duration is from April 4 to April 6, a total of 3 days off. April 7 is a school day, it will follow the schedule adjusted by each div accordingly while April 3 runs Friday schedule.
Boarding students return to school on the afternoon of April 6. Non-boarding students return to school on the morning of April 7.
Weekly school buses return to school on the afternoon of April 6. Daily school buses return to school on the morning of April 7.
The holiday duration is from May 1 to May 5, a total of 5 days off. April 28 and May 11 are school days and April 28 and May 10 follow the schedule adjusted by each div accordingly while April 30 and May 11 runs Friday’s schedule.
2. 返校时间:住宿生4月27日、5月5日下午返校;走读生4月28日、5月6日早上返校。4月28日,5月10日的课程安排由各学部按照实际情况自行调整;4月30日、5月11日按照星期五的课表安排上课。
Boarding students return to school on the afternoon of April 27 and May 5. Non-boarding students return to school on the morning of April 28 and May 6.
3. 校车安排:周校车4月27日、5月5日下午照常发车返校;日校车4月28日、5月11日早上照常发车返校。
Weekly buses return to school on the afternoon of April 27 and May 5. Daily buses return to school on the morning of April 28 and May 11.
1. 放假时间:6月10日(星期一)放假,与周末连休。
The Monday, June 10 is the public holiday of Dragon Boat Festival for one day.
2. 返校时间:住宿生6月10日下午返校;走读生6月11日早上返校。
Boarding students return to school on the afternoon of June 10. Non-boarding students return to school on the morning of June 11.
3. 校车安排:周校车6月10日下午照常发车返校;日校车6月11日早上照常发车返校。
Weekly buses return to school on the afternoon of June 10. Daily bus return to school in the morning of June 11.
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