
喜报l 我校再增北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校和滑铁卢大学录取




Good News for Two Graduates from AFATJ!

北卡罗来纳教堂山分校 录取+1 !

滑铁卢大学录取+1 !

Admission to the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill +1!

Admission to the University of Waterloo +1!


北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校(University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill UNC),创建于1789年,是美国一所公立研究型大学,“公立常春藤”,“新常春藤”,官方吉祥物为“公羊拉美西斯”(Rameses)。

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC), founded in 1789, is a public research university in the United States, considered a "Public Ivy" and a "New Ivy." Its official mascot is "Rameses the Ram."


Ranked 22nd in the 2024 U.S. News Best Colleges ranking. The university has 9 Nobel laureates, 23 Pulitzer Prize winners, and 51 Rhodes Scholars among its faculty and alumni.


The University of North Carolina was chartered by the North Carolina General Assembly on December 11, 1789. Franklin Street in the center of Chapel Hill was named in 1793 to honor Benjamin Franklin and is considered the northern boundary of UNC's main campus.


UNC was the first public university to open and enroll graduate students. While the University of Georgia was chartered earlier in 1785, it did not begin instruction until 1801. Some private schools were founded before UNC, but they did not become public educational institutions until much later. UNC was the only degree-granting institution of higher education in the United States during the 18th century.


UNC offers 71 bachelor's, 110 master's, and 7 doctoral degree programs. It enrolls over 26,000 students from all 100 counties in North Carolina, 49 other states, and 47 other countries. State law requires that at least 82% of each incoming class be from North Carolina.


UNC's library system has over 5.6 million volumes, one of the largest "research" library collections in the Association of Research Libraries. The North Carolina Collection at UNC is the largest "state" collection on any college campus, and the Southern and Rare Book collections at Wilson Library are among the best in the nation. The university is the home of Ibiblio. Ibiblio is the third largest WWW website in the world, and one of the world's largest collections of free software, music, literature, art, history, science, politics, and cultural research materials.


滑铁卢大学University of Waterloo,简称滑大,Waterloo,UWaterloo,UW,位于加拿大安大略省滑铁卢市,是一所公立研究型大学,加拿大U15研究型大学联盟成员。滑铁卢大学拥有加拿大最大的工程学院以及世界最大的学习与实习合作教育(CO-OP),是北美地区最优大学之一,其数学、计算机科学和工程学科教学及研究水平居世界前列,其中优势专业计算机科学稳居加拿大第一 。

The University of Waterloo, also known as Waterloo, U Waterloo, or UW, is a public research university located in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. It is a member of the U15 Group of Canadian Research Universities. Waterloo has the largest engineering school in Canada and the world's largest cooperative education program. It is one of the top universities in North America, with its mathematics, computer science, and engineering programs ranked among the best in the world. Its computer science program is consistently ranked first in Canada.


The University of Waterloo originated from Waterloo College, established to train engineers and technicians for Canada's post-war economic reconstruction. It was officially founded in 1957. In less than seventy years, Waterloo has rapidly developed into one of Canada's top universities, with a reputation for innovation and academic excellence known worldwide. Waterloo alumni in the fields of technology, politics, and economics are found in over 150 countries. In 2018, its physics professor, Donna Strickland, won the Nobel Prize in Physics.


The University of Waterloo ranked 1st as Canada's Most Innovative University by Maclean's in 2022, 2nd in the Comprehensive category in Canada in 2021, and 112th in the 2024 QS World University Rankings.

滑铁卢大学数学院是世界上最大的数学和计算机科学教育及研究中心之一。下设六个学院,分别为健康学院、文学院、数学院、工学院、理学院和环境学院 。其他教学单位包括研究生院、药剂学、眼科视光学和社会工作等研究中心,滑铁卢大学环境学院是加拿大最大的环境学研究学院。

The Faculty of Mathematics at the University of Waterloo is one of the largest centers for mathematics and computer science education and research in the world. It has six faculties: health, arts, mathematics, engineering, science, and environment. Other academic units include the Graduate Studies Office, Schools of Pharmacy, Optometry and Vision Science, and Social Work. The Faculty of Environment is the largest environmental studies research institution in Canada.

大学共授予100多种本科学位专业,28种硕士及博士学位专业。除以上位于滑铁卢市的主校区外,建筑学院位于剑桥市的剑桥(Cambridge)校区,Michael G. DeGroote健康学院位于基奇纳市,与麦克马斯特大学共用。

The university offers over 100 undergraduate degree programs and 28 master's and doctoral programs. In addition to the main campus in Waterloo, the School of Architecture is located on the Cambridge campus, and the Michael G. DeGroote School of Medicine is in Kitchener, shared with McMaster University.



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