
A Level 预科课程有什么好?佛山霍利斯学生这样说 LEHF Pre-A Level Student Voice



在佛山霍利斯,我们相信每个学生都有潜力实现自己的远大目标,而我们的 A Level 预科课程(PAL)就是帮助他们实现目标而设。这是一个为期一年的强化课程项目,帮助非IGCSE学生们为 A Level 课程和未来升学做好充分的准备。

为了让大家更全面了解PAL课程,我们专访了三位学生——Esther、Simon 和 Ye,邀请他们分享在佛山霍利斯学习PAL课程的经历。Esther与Simon正处于PAL课程的学习中,而Ye则凭借在PAL课程奠定的扎实基础,顺利升读12年级。PAL课程协调员Ms Forrest对称赞了 Esther在英语水平上的巨大进步,以及 Simon 积极融入校园生活的态度。同时,12-13年级主任 Mrs Kirk也对Ye在学业上取得的长足进步表示肯定。

PAL 课程亮点一览

  • 提升学术英语水平

  • 为A Level课程打下坚实学术基础

  • 探索多样化学科,发现自己的兴趣与优势

  • 参与丰富校园生活,全面发展













PAL 课程学习经历

PAL课程的一个重要特点是强化英语语言学习,通过帮助学生掌握 A Level课程所需要的学术词汇。


我经常向老师提问,他们耐心详尽的解答极大地帮助了我提高英语水平。通过学习不同的科目,PAL 课程扩展了我的词汇和语法知识,让我更加自信和流利地运用英语上。我会将新学习的单词加到我的‘词库’中,并使用字典或笔记本电脑来查阅它们的含义。此外,我也会用自己的话总结课程内容,这加深了我对课程的理解。

在PAL期间,我们提供多样化的科目选择,鼓励学生探索自己的兴趣爱好,识别自己的学术优势,这有助于他们的 A Level 选科。







给 PAL 学生们的建议

对于提高英语能力,Esther 建议在日常生活中更多地使用英语,并保持自信:


Simon 则推荐了两门课外活动:


Ye 也给 PAL 学生提出了自己的建议:

PAL是帮助你顺利过渡到 A Level 的重要阶段。根据我的经验,安排好学习任务时间,以及设立目标很重要。目标不妨设得高一些,然后努力奋斗,这样即使最终没有完全达到目标,你仍然会在过程中取得显著进步。记住,罗马并不是一天就建成的。继续学习,提问,保持自信,努力付出,你就会成功!

感谢 Esther、Simon 和 Ye 三位同学的分享,并祝愿他们以及所有PAL学生在学术上取得更多的、更大的成功。也希望他们的经历和建议能够给大家带来参考和启发。

在佛山霍利斯国际学校,我们致力于帮助学生发掘他们的潜力。PAL 课程提供强化式英语学习、多样化的课程、高水平教学以及全面发展的机会,帮助来自不同学术背景的学生打下扎实基础,在未来实现他们的学术目标和个人梦想。


4月27日 9:00 - 12:00

如果您还想深入了解我们的 A Level 预科课程,以及佛山霍利斯提供的出色英式教育,欢迎参加我们接下来即将举行的中学部开放日活动!

At LEH International School Foshan, we believe that every student has the potential to achieve greatness, and our Pre-A Level Programme (PAL) is designed to help them do just that. This one-year intensive programme is a challenging and rewarding learning experience that is designed to prepare non-IGCSE students for the demands of the rigorous A Level Programme and beyond.

To provide more insights, we sat down with three students, Esther, Simon, and Ye, to explore their experiences and aspirations during their time studying PAL at LEH Foshan. Both Esther and Simon are currently navigating the PAL programme, while Ye has successfully transitioned to Year 12, thanks to the solid foundation built in the PAL. Ms Forrest, the PAL Coordinator, praised Esther for her remarkable improvement in English proficiency and Simon for his active engagement in school life. Meanwhile, Mrs Kirk, Head of Sixth Form, commended the academic strides Ye has made.

Benefits of Pre-A Level Programme 

  • Enhance Academic English Proficiency

  • Solid Preparation for the A Level Curriculum

  • Diverse Subject Exploration to Discover Passions and Strengths

  • Vibrant School Life and Holistic Education


Why Choose LEH Foshan?


PAL Student

I chose LEH for its authentic British education and the immersive English-speaking environment. The professional English-speaking teachers here have significantly enhanced my ability to communicate, read at a higher level, and understand and express complex ideas.


PAL Student

My decision for LEH Foshan was driven by my aspirations to study abroad. The diverse curriculum and innovative teaching methods here align perfectly with my learning style, offering a more suitable preparation than my previous school.


Previous PAL Student

I was drawn to LEH Foshan's unique learning atmosphere and spirit - everyone in our school is trying to do their best. The focus on British education aligns with my goal of pursuing further studies in the UK.


The PAL Journey PAL

The PAL programme is designed to be English language intensive, blending classroom teaching with specialist one-to-one language learning to allow students to develop the academic vocabulary required for the A Level programme.

Esther shared her experience:

I always ask my teachers questions, and their patient, detailed responses have significantly helped improve my English. The programme has expanded my vocabulary and grammar through learning different subjects and made me more confident and fluent in English. I keep a 'word bank' for new vocabulary, using a dictionary or my laptop to learn their meanings. Summarising lessons in my own words deepens my understanding of the material.

At PAL, we provide a diverse selection of subjects, encouraging students to discover their passions, identify their strengths, and choose areas they may wish to pursue at A Level.

Ye reflected on his experience with a new subject:

I had never studied business before, and initially, it was challenging due to the unfamiliar vocabulary and concepts. However, I found the subject very interesting. Despite initial difficulties and less-than-ideal grades, the patience and expertise of my teachers have greatly helped me improve. Under their guidance, I have made significant progress in business studies.

Our PAL programme emphasises not only academic success but also the development of life skills and personal qualities crucial for university and beyond. Through extracurricular activities like music, sports, drama, leadership, and community service, students enhance their teamwork, communication, and problem-solving skills.

Simon's active participation in ECAs has enriched his school experience. He shared,

LEH Foshan's ECAs cater to diverse interests, allowing students to do what they enjoy the most. My involvement in the rock band and Model United Nations has deepened my interest in music and international relations. Additionally, participating in basketball and football improved my teamwork and resilience, while debate enhanced my oral expression and argumentation skills. I believe that I have improved my ability to express my opinions in a cohesive and convincing argument.


Suggestions for PAL Students

To improve English skills, Esther advises using English more in daily life and remaining confident: 

It doesn't matter if your grammar or expression isn't perfect. Speaking is an essential part of learning English. Learning from your mistakes is a beneficial way to improve.

Simon recommends two ECAs:

The Chinese Debate ECA will help develop your communication skills and logical reasoning. It helped me become more confident. If you need more practice, the English Support ECA can enhance your English – an essential skill for life here at LEH Foshan.

Ye added his suggestions for PAL students: 

PAL is an important stage for getting into A Level. In my experience, making a good schedule is always helpful. Setting goals is also very important. Aim high and put in the effort, so that even if you don't fully achieve your goals in the end, you still make significant progress along the way. Remember, Rome was not built in a day. Keep studying, asking questions, being confident, and working hard, and you will succeed!

We extend our gratitude to Esther, Simon, and Ye for their insights and wish them, along with all PAL students, ongoing success in their academic endeavours. May their stories serve as both a guide and inspiration to others.

At LEH International School Foshan, our commitment lies in enabling students to unlock their potential. Through our intensive language support, engaging curriculum, expert faculty, and focus on holistic development, the Pre-A Level Programme is designed to prepare students from varied academic backgrounds to achieve their academic goals and personal dreams.

Secondary School Open Day 

09:00 – 12:00, 27th April

If you are interested in learning more about our PAL programme and our educational offerings, welcome to join our upcoming Secondary School Open Day!









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