
持续更新 l 在学术中不断探索,我校再添香港大学新录取!

04-19 08:22发布于天津



Our school has received a letter of admission 

from the University of Hong Kong for our classmate Vicky!



This is not only an affirmation of hard work, 

but also a sign that she is about to 

enter a new phase full of opportunities!



May she continuously progress in academic exploration

and reap abundant rewards in personal growth!

香港大学(The University of Hong Kong,简称“港大”或HKU)是香港历史最悠久的高等教育机构,也是亚洲顶尖的综合性国际化公立研究型大学之一。香港大学在多个国际大学排名中名列前茅,位列2024年QS世界大学排名第26位。

The University of Hong Kong (abbreviated as 'HKU') is the oldest higher education institution in Hong Kong and one of the top comprehensive international public research universities in Asia. The University of Hong Kong ranks among the top in several international university rankings, ranking 26th in the QS World University Rankings for 2024.

香港大学成立于1911年,其前身为1887年成立的香港西医书院。港大是中国香港第一所大学,由当时的港督卢押主持奠基仪式,并于1912年正式开学。校训是“明德格物”,拉丁文为Sapientia Et Virtus,意在强调德行与智慧的并重。

Established in 1911, HKU traces its roots back to the Hong Kong College of Medicine, founded in 1887. It is the first university in Hong Kong, with its foundation laid by the then Governor, Sir Frederick Lugard, and officially commenced classes in 1912. The university's motto, 'Sapientia Et Virtus,' translates to 'Wisdom and Virtue' in Latin, emphasizing the importance of both morality and wisdom.


The University of Hong Kong is renowned for its outstanding academic research and teaching quality, with seamless integration and positive interaction with the academic communities of Europe and America. The university has demonstrated strong research capabilities in fields such as medicine, business, humanities, and political science, aligning its academic research with international standards. The university comprises several faculties, including Architecture, Arts, Business and Economics, Education, Engineering, Law, the LKS Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry, Science, and Social Sciences, offering a diverse range of undergraduate and postgraduate programs. The campus is located on the western side of Hong Kong Island, with rich teaching facilities and cultural and entertainment centers, and has modern sports halls and sports fields to provide students with a good learning and living environment.


As a globally renowned higher education institution, HKU actively participates in international cooperation and exchanges, being a member of several international university alliances and establishing partnerships with numerous top universities worldwide. HKU was the first institution worldwide to isolate the pathogen responsible for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), affirming its leading position in medical research.


With international acclaim as a prestigious research university, HKU provides students with high-quality educational resources and extensive developmental opportunities, making it a highly sought-after academic institution for many students.



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