
2024 Acamis Track &Field |2024中蒙田径赛  荣誉之战!




Our QISS Sharks came to compete during this year’s track ACAMIS meet. This year, we faced some of the titans of the international schools of China. Schools like ISB, WAB, and Shanghai Concordia. All of which brought over 40 athletes, when compared to our 7. Even with this stacked competitive pool, our sharks showed serious grit and tenacity. We were viewed as true competitors and as athletes to watch on the track. Most of the success came from our boys’ team, especially this year’s seniors. As a collective, we medaled in 7 events. Earning a total of 13 medals.  

QISS Sharks 参加了今年ACAMIS田径比赛。今年,我们面对的是一些顶尖的中国国际学校,如ISB、WAB 和上海协和。所有这些学校带来了超过40名运动员,而我们只有7人。面对如此强大的竞争阵容,鲨鱼们还是表现出了顽强的斗志。今年,我们共在7个项目上累计获得了13枚奖牌。

QISS Sharks는 올해 ACAMIS 육상 대회에 참가했습니다. 올해 우리는 ISB, WAB 및 상하이 콩코드와 같은 일부 최고의 중국 국제 학교를 상대했습니다. 이 모든 학교는 40명이 넘는 선수를 데려왔는데 우리는 7명뿐입니다. 이렇게 막강한 경쟁진에도 불구하고 상어들은 끈질긴 투혼을 보였습니다. 올해, 우리는 7개 종목에서 모두 13개의 메달을 땄습니다.


2024 Acamis Track &Field

Individually, our girls’ team consisting of only G9 Olivia and Estera ran their hearts out in the 100m, 200m, and long jump only to come up a bit short of the top placements. This was largely due to the incredibly large pool of competition they had to face. But they represented QISS well. I can be proud of how they competed, considering both ran personal records for both races! For the boys, G11 Rooney Lu got 3rd in the 800m race, getting beat for 2nd by less than a second in what was one of the tightest finishes outside of the sprinting events. He also finished well in the 3000m, 1500m race, and the 4x400m relay. G12 Joseph Liu got 2nd in both the 3000m and 1500m races.

Joseph ran his heart out, leading the pack the whole time, only to get passed during the final stretch of each race. Joseph also finished well in the 4x200m relay and long jump. G12 Kevin Cui had one of the more impressive performances. He placed 3rd in both the long jump and the open 100m race. He came close to medaling in the triple jump but was knocked out of medal placements by the last jump of two other jumpers. As for the 100m, he received a personal record of over a second, which in this race is unheard of. The open 100m was the only race where you had to place well in the prelim race and again the next day during the finals. In the prelims he ran 11.9 seconds only to run an 11.66 in the finals the next day. Very impressive. G12 Frank Wan and G12 Jerry Wang also ran great individual races, but didn’t make it into medal contention.  

We did well individually, but it was the relays where we showed our teamwork, communication, and speed. The 4x200m relay team consisting of seniors Kevin, Frank, Joseph, and Jerry had an uphill climb, considering half of their team are distance runners and not sprinters. Each ran a fantastic race and as a team came in 3rd place! Then, at the end of the meet, being extremely exhausted, Kevin, Rooney, Frank, and Jerry stepped up for one of the hardest races, the 4x400m relay. This was so much fun to watch because for our seniors, this was the last time they would compete as a shark, and they felt it. Each of them ran their hearts out and left everything on the track. Each of them ran their best 400m time and finished in 3rd place as a team!  

由 G9 Olivia和Estera组成的女子组在 100 米、200 米和跳远比赛中全力以赴,但最终与奖牌失之交臂,因为她们要面对的竞争对手太多了。但她们在比赛中都刷新了个人最好记录,这值得我们骄傲!男子组方面,G11 Rooney Lu在 800 米比赛中以不到一秒的差距获得了第三名,这是本次大会除短跑项目之外竞争最激烈的比赛之一。此外,他还在 3000 米、1500 米和 4x400 米接力赛中取得了好成绩。G12 Jospeh Liu 在 3000 米和 1500 米比赛中均获得第二名。Jospeh全力以赴,一直领先于其他选手,但遗憾的是在每场比赛的最后阶段被超越。Jospeh 还在 4x200m 接力赛和跳远比赛中取得了好成绩。G12 Kevin Cui的表现令人印象深刻。他在跳远和100米比赛中均获得第三名,在三级跳远比赛中,在最后阶段被另外两名跳远选手淘汰出局,遗憾与奖牌错过,在100米比赛中,他以一秒多的优势重新刷新了个人记录。在预赛中,他跑出了 11.9 秒的好成绩,而在第二天的决赛中,他又跑出了 11.66 秒的个人更好成绩。G12 Frank Wan 和 G12 Jerry Wang 也在个人赛中表现出色,但未能进入奖牌争夺战。

在接力比赛中,我们展现了真正的团队合作、沟通和速度。4x200米接力队由高中部毕业班Kevin, Frank, Joseph和Jerry组成。考虑到队伍中有一半人是长跑运动员,而不是短跑运动员,因此他们的任务十分艰巨。但他们每个人都表现出色,最终获得了团体第三名!比赛结束时,Kevin, Rooney, Frank,和Jerry筋疲力尽,但还是坚持参加了最难的比赛之一--4x400米接力赛。对于我们的高中部毕业班的学生来说,这是他们最后一次代表QISS参加比赛,每个人都全力以赴,把精彩的表现留在了赛道上。每个人都跑出了个人最好成绩,获得了团体第三名的好成绩!

G9 Olivia와 Estera로 구성된 여자팀은 100m와 200m, 멀리뛰기에서 최선을 다했지만 아쉽게도 메달을 따지 못했습니다. 경쟁 상대가 너무 많기 때문입니다. 그래도 경기에서 모두 개인 최고 기록을 갈아치웠으니 자랑스럽습니다! 남자부에서는 G11 Rooney Lu가 800m에서 단 1초 차이로 3위를 차지했습니다. 이번 대회에서 단거리 종목을 제외하면 가장 경쟁이 치열한 대회 중 하나입니다. 또한 3,000m, 1,500m, 4x400m 계주에서 좋은 성적을 거두었습니다. G12 Jospeh Liu는 3000m와 1500m에서 모두 2위를 차지했습니다. 4x200m 계주와 멀리뛰기에서도 좋은 성적을 거두었습니다. G12 Kevin Cui의 활약이 인상적입니다. 그는 멀리뛰기와 100미터 경기에서 모두 3등을 했습니다. 세단뛰기에서 마지막 단계에서 다른 두 명의 멀리뛰기 선수에게 탈락하여 아쉽게 메달을 놓쳤습니다. 100m 경기에서 1초 남짓 차이로 개인 기록을 다시 세웠습니다. 예선에서 11.9초의 좋은 기록을 세웠고, 다음날 결승전에서 11.66초의 더 좋은 개인 기록을 세웠습니다. G12 Frank Wan과 G12 Jerry Wang도 개인전에서 좋은 성적을 냈지만, 매달 레이스에는 들어가지 못했습니다.

계주에서는 진정한 팀워크와 소통, 스피드를 보여주었습니다. 4x200m 계주팀은 고등부 졸업반 Kevin, Frank, Joseph, Jerry로 구성되어 있습니다. 팀의 절반이 단거리 선수가 아닌 장거리 선수라는 점을 감안하면 이들의 임무는 막중합니다. 하지만 그들은 각자 뛰어난 활약을 펼쳤고, 결국 단체 3위를 차지했습니다! 경기가 끝났을 때 Kevin, Rooney, Frank, Jerry는 녹초가 됐지만 가장 힘든 레이스 중 하나인 4x400m 계주에 출전했습니다. 우리 고등부 졸업반 학생들에게는 이번이 QISS를 대표하여 대회에 참가하는 마지막 대회이며, 모두 최선을 다해 멋진 플레이를 트랙에 남겼습니다. 각자 개인 최고점수를 기록해서 단체 3등까지 했습니다!

Cashman - Track and Field Coach 


We are incredibly proud of each athlete and could not be more excited to share our success with the community. These athletes have worked incredibly hard to train for this event and can be proud of themselves even if they did not earn a medal. It is bittersweet to say goodbye to our seniors, who have been a cornerstone of our athletic teams this year, but we are happy that they finished on such a high note. Next time you pass by the trophy case, look for the actual batons used in the relays!  


우리는 모든 운동선수가 자랑스럽고 우리의 성공을 여러분과 공유할 수 있어서 매우 기쁩니다. 이번 대회를 위해 선수들은 엄청난 노력을 했고, 비록 메달을 따지 못했지만, 우리는 그들이 자랑스럽습니다. 우리 고등부 졸업반 학생들과 작별하는 것은 씁쓸하지만, 그들이 이번 대회를 높은 성적으로 마무리한 것은 매우 기쁩니다. 트로피 케이스를 지나갈 때 그들이 릴레이에서 사용하는 바통을 유심히 보세요!






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