05-10 08:43发布于广东
AI (Artificial Intelligence)
It has become increasingly important for ASJ students to learn about Artificial Intelligence (AI) as the technology continues to shape the world we live in.
By learning about AI, students can not only understand how it works but also explore its applications for learning and its impact on the world.
Some AI tools such as ‘Google Experiments’ offer students practical experience in developing AI models, creating interactive visualisations, and exploring AI concepts in a fun and engaging manner.
一些AI工具,如“Google Experiments”,为学生提供了实践经验,使他们能够开发AI模型、创建交互式可视化图表,并以有趣且吸引人的方式探索AI概念。
These experiments allow students to see real-world applications of AI technology and understand its impact on various industries and fields.
Moreover, students can use their AI knowledge to tackle global challenges, drive innovation in various industries, and contribute to the development of AI technologies that benefit society.
Future Innovators
& Change-Makers
By understanding how AI works and its potential applications, students can become future innovators and change-makers in the field of artificial intelligence.
Overall, by learning about AI and its applications, students can develop essential skills, enhance their learning experience, and contribute to a more technologically advanced and socially responsible world.
AI plays a crucial role in preparing students for the opportunities and challenges of the future. It empowers them to harness the potential of AI for their learning and the betterment of society.
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